Proto:Nintendo DSi/SDK 6291
This is a sub-page of Proto:Nintendo DSi.
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: Is it possible to patch the menu to boot? There's some differences compared to the Launcher that actually works. |
To do: Move all Settings stuff to this page, and delete the System Settings page entirely. |
Some prototype Nintendo DSi system software was dumped in May 2019 by a private collector. This software came from an early development unit (dubbed TWL-CPU-X4). This unit is made from glossy plastic all around and lacks many printings on the shell. On the side is an SD card flap that opens from the bottom, and on the back is a giant yellow sticker reading 開発用 ("for development"). These particular units were circulating around several different regional Nintendo headquarters and outsiders working on the project, including NoA, NoE, BroadOn, Atheros, Opera, and Sharp. Many revisions of this prototype exist, with some having disabled various features, such as the System Menu (known here as the Launcher).
The unit on this page came with four pieces of software present in the title folder; Launcher, Machine Settings, and two hidden background applications managing the console's wifi firmware and security for blocking flashcarts. Launcher won't boot at all, as it always displays a SIGN_DECRYPTION_FAILED error on startup. This is probably because the Launcher was disabled completely on this unit, as it always opens up Machine Settings upon booting. Thanks to the September 2020 Nintendo Leaks, the source code to this build is available, and was last modified on March 31st 2008, before being finished up for release on April 2nd 2008. The repository for this prototype can be found in platinum.7z\twl.7z\TWLIPL\tags\20080402_X4boardRelease.
Development Strings
Present at 0x148678 are a bunch of leftover strings. They don't seem to be related to the Nintendo DSi in any way, and were properly removed from later versions.
UNKNOWN LOST_LINK AUTH_FAILED ASSOC_FAILED ILLEGAL_STATE INVALID_PARAM DISCONNECT_CMD INTERNAL_ERROR INVALID_PROFILE NO_NETWORK_AVAIL CSERV_DISCONNECT BSS_DISCONNECTED NO_RESOURCES_AVAIL DRAGONINTERFACE_ADD DRAGON dragon INTERFACE_REMOVE dragondragon driver IE in 3/4 msg does not match with IE in Beacon/ProbeResp (no IE?) IE in 3/4 msg does not match with IE in Beacon/ProbeResp Possible downgrade attack detected - RSN was enabled and RSN IE was in msg 3/4, but not in Beacon/ProbeResp Pairwise key expansion wired OK PING PONG TERMINATE INTERFACES UNKNOWN COMMAND FAIL INTERFACE_ADD INTERFACE_REMOVE \FILE000.CHK CD EBS DIR CAT DIFF STAT QUIT ECHO HELP of READCOPY To SEEK CDCD MKROM WRITE CDDIR EJECT RNDOP CLOSE MKDIR CDCAT HELP: RMDIR CMD> File: RDONLY RENAME DELETE CHKDSK CDREAD FORMAT NORMAL CDCOPY Avail DSKSEL SYSTEM CHSIZE HIDDEN S_IREAD count LSTOPEN SETATTR DEVINFO DELTREE GETATTR ARCHIVE ARDONLY|S_IFREG|ASYSTEM|Fixing 4AHIDDEN|CAT PATHARCHIVE|Fixing 1CDDSKSEL Copied ADIRENT|Fixing 3Fixing 2DIR PATHAVOLUME|S_IFDIR|FILLFILE CDDSKOPEN READ FDNOSTAT PATH\FAILSAFE DSKSEL D: DISK FULLReplaced \/:*?"<>|S_IWRITE|PCMCIAINT File(s) CDCD PATH RMDIR PATH BUFFER STAT Cant open MKHOSTDISK CDCAT PATHBAD_FORMAT CLOSE FDNO DATA ERROR CDDSKCLOSE Volume == CDDIR PATH path error MKDIR PATH CDDSKSEL D: KBytes in DELETE PATH Cant open :Write error MODE BITS : user files CDREAD PATH PWD Failed And File: Kbytes in REGRESSTEST Formatting Recovered VOLUMELABEL Cant creat as Device: Close failed FAILSAFEINIT FSTAT failed FAILSAFETEST directories lost chains and deleted DELTREE PATH Attributes: ECHO: [args] GETATTR FILE Blocks Free hidden files CRERR_NO_CARD Press Return are the same Write failure CDDSKOPEN: D: BUFFERSTAT D: flash disk OK Set cwd failed Device name : deleting --> REGRESSTEST D: Cant find file DIFF PATH PATH Usage: READ fd Write failure Cant open file CDDSKCLOSE: D: CRERR_BAD_CARDCOPY PATH PATH total tracks INTERNAL ERROR Cant open File FAILSAFECOMMIT Get cwd failed Writing Sector Curr > Base hit Usage: CLOSE fd Is mounted on FAILSAFEINIT D: Usage: CAT PATH FAILSAFE RESTORE Volume is dirty Volume is cleanCopyBlock from SEEK FDNO RECORD Can not delete: CDCOPY PATH PATH Cant open file: Media status Usage: READ PATH Failsafe disabled Read Audio Failed RNDOP PATH RECLEN FAILSAFE COMMIT D: Error Accessing: Usage: DSKOPEN D: ERTFS Device List FAILSAFE RESTORE D: Unkown User String Unkown User Prompt Lost Chains CRERR_CHANGED_CARD CRERR_CARD_FAILURE Can not open disk Sector found twice Flash emu hit trap RENAME PATH NEWNAME PIO Mode set failed Get LBA VTOC failed Usage: FSTAT D: PATH Files are different Usage: MKDIR D: PATHUsage: RMDIR D: PATHFailed Scanning Fat Example: CHKDSK A: 0 Example: CHKDSK A: 1 A Lost Chain Usage: DSKCLOSE D: PIO Mode set succeed pc_ertfs_init failed Invalid Drive number Removing Directory Usage: DSKSELECT D: MKHOSTDISK win9xpath USAGE: BUFFERSTAT D: Usage: DELETE D: PATHCalling media format Dma Error FLERR_DMA Name Logging Disabled Failsafe init failed CD Memory init failed Usage: WRITE fd data Usage: DELTREE D: PATH get attributes failed Usage: GETATTR D: PATHDEVICE RESOURCE ERROR Avail count messed up Set attributes failed spare block not found cd_set_default failed flash media too large Invalid Sector status Usage: REGRESSTEST D: Creating Subdirectory: WRITE FDNO QUOTED DATA Seek operation failed Read operation failed is larger than File: KBytes in bad sectors Usage: DIFF PATH PATH that were not deleted Time out FLERR_IO_TMO Can not get attributes MapWindow beyond block Usage: FAILSAFEINIT D: Failsafe commit failed Creating Subdirectory Performing File io test Usage: SEEK fd recordno Write operation failed CHSIZE FILENAME NEWSIZE*** Wareleveling block Creating Subdirectory Set Default Drive Failed lost clusters found in Creating .CHK Files Format failed resid != 0 Unspecified floppy error Usage: FAILSAFECOMMIT D: Usage: FAILSAFERESTORE D: NORMAL FILE (No bits set) Flash: Exception at line new spare block not found Usage: COPY CDPATH OSPATH Autoformatting RAM Devices Autoformatting Drive Id - Spawn of main task failed. No more random file slots Usage: RNDOP D: PATH RECLEN pro_failsafe_status failed FAILSAFE: Restore required Type A to abort R to Retry Usage: CHSIZE PATH NEWSIZE Failed Scanning Disk Files Bytes Per Allocation Unit Failed Scanning This File Usage: RENAME PATH NEWNAME Change size function failed Usage: COPY FROMPATH TOPATH ProgramData: outside Window Unknown ATAPI Command Issued Spawn of timer task failed. FAILSAFE: no journal present Kbytes total disk space Size Adusted, This File: *** adjusting EraseCount by EJECT (Trigger Remove Event) FILLFILE PATH PATTERN NTIMES EraseBlock: block not mapped Failed Allocating Core To Run CD PATH or CD to display PWD Failed Scanning Crossed Files Path too deep, directory == Error during seek FLERR_SEEK Invalid sector value in flash Performing long file name test Failsafe file blocks consumed Failed Creating .CHK Files Crossed Chains Were Found Free sectors available on disk Total Allocation Units On Disk Chains Crossed at Cluster Failed Scanning This Directory This many logical blocks remain Error During Recal FLERR_RECAL attempt to unset bits in flash! Performing buffered file io testFormat: Press Y to format media Usage: CHKDSK DRIVE: WRITECHAINS Failed Scanning This Directory - Sector Not Found FLERR_IO_SECTOR Failed Autoformatting Drive Id - Failsafe enabled with journaling FAILSAFE: IO error during restore bad long file name chains found Error during format FLERR_FORMAT RTFSYSErrorExit() called at line Not implemented. See ide ioctl... FAILSAFE: bad journal file present FAILSAFETEST D: (must be hostdisk) Size Needs Adusting This File: Error resetting drive FLERR_RESET Error during specify FLERR_SPECIFY Unknown Drive type FLERR_UNK_DRIVE Flash device is formatted already. Call again to override and format. Total Number of Block Buffers Pending writes on Block Buffers Block Buffers available Block Buffer Cache Hits Block Buffer Cache Misses Block Buffer Low Water Block Allocation failures regress_error was called with error Total Number of FAT Buffers FAT Buffers never used Performing Large (4Gig) File io test FAT Buffer Primary Cache Hits FAT Buffer Secondary Cache Hits FAT Buffer Secondary Cache Loads FAT Buffer Secondary Cache Swaps Pending writes on FAT Buffers FAT Buffers available Format: Press Y to partition media Usage: FILL FILE PATH PATTERN NTIMES Failsafe already running on a drive Failsafe enabled with no journaling Runs chkdsk on A: writes lost chains DEVINFO (Display Device Information) Can not determine Media FLERR_MEDIA pc_report_error was called with error FAILSAFE: Restore unknown return code Format: Press Y to format the volume Failsafe file blocks still available Failed Writing This Adusted File: Chkdsk Giving up. Too Many Lost Chains CHKDSK D: <0,1> 1 is write lost chains The drive contains this many cylinders There are this many cylinders remainng Chkdsk gives up, too many crossed Files flash driver: ca not find a free sector Exitting and restoring interrupt vectors Enter the drive to format as A:, B: etc Use -f option to create .CHK files Chkdsk gives up, Too many crossed chains NDRIVES is too small to mount all devices FAILSAFE: journal file has checksum error Format - check media failed. Press return FAILSAFE: Volume was restored sucessfully Format: Media format failed. Press return Abnormal Termination Error FLERR_ABN_TERM flash driver: ca not find sector to write PCMCIAINT (Force a PCMCIA mgmt Interrupt) Format: Format volume failed. Press return FORMAT (routine will prompt for arguments) flash emulator: called with file not openuser files in this many directories LSTOPEN (lists all open file decscriptors) Spawn of main task failed. change priority ? Spawn of timer task failed. change priority Regression Test Error, press any key to exit Format: Media partition failed. Press return Runs chkdsk on A: does not write lost chains Failed Scanning This Directory on LFN Pass -Invalid drive selection to format, press return Format: get media geometry failed. Press return The drive is contains this many logical blocks FAILSAFE: Volume up to date, no restore required Command shell only supports one failsafe session Floppy controller not responding FLERR_CHIP_HUNG SETATTR D: PATH RDONLY|HIDDEN|SYSTEM|ARCHIVE|NORMAL Format: Press Y to USE LBA formatting, N to use CHS Format: Bad input for partition values. Press return Usage: SETATTR D: PATH RDONLY|HIDDEN|SYSTEM|ARCHIVE|NORMAL Invalid Interleave For Media Type FLERR_INVALID_INTERLEAVE Format: Select the number of lbas for the first partition : Format: Select the number of cyls for the first partition : Format: Select the number of lbas for the second partition : Format: Select the number of cyls for the second partition : <return> for next, (P)<return> for Previous, (Q <return> to run demo \/:*?"<>| ,;=+[] CON, PRN, NUL, AUX, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4 con, prn, nul, aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3, lpt4, com1, com2, com3, com4 FAT32 DEVCTL_IO_READ ... block:%x, count:%x -> buf:%x DEVCTL_IO_WRITE ... block:%x, count:%x <- buf:%x DEVCTL_GET_GEOMETRY DEVCTL_FORMAT DEVCTL_CHECKSTATUS DEVCTL_WARMSTART DEVCTL_POWER_RESTORE DEVCTL_POWER_LOSS DEVCTL_unknown FILE