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Proto:SegaSonic the Hedgehog

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This page details one or more prototype versions of SegaSonic the Hedgehog.

Revision A of SegaSonic the Hedgehog was paraded around various arcade expos for testing and getting player feedback.

General Differences

  • The title screen has no background and Sonic is the only character shown. Ray and Mighty aren't pictured.
  • The character selection screen is not present either. Instead, each character is assigned to a specific player slot.
  • The tutorial is slightly shorter than the final version.
Proto Final
(Press the button while
turning the trackball!!)
(Press the button while turning
the trackball to spin jump!!)
  • The level order is different and some of the level names lack the alliteration present in the final game.
  • The ring bonus tally at the end of each level is not present, so the game goes back to Eggman after a level ends.
  • The furthest the player can go is Desert Dodge Zone, where upon completion a "To be continued" screen appears and the game will end.
(Source: Sonic Retro)

Sprite Differences

Chase Scene

Sonic, Ray, and Mighty's running animations in the chase scene are more cartoonishly compared to the final version's chase sprites, resembling their in-game medium speed running animations. These sprites did appear in a screenshot on an old version of Sega's official US website, Sonic Central.

SegaSonic-proto run.gif SegaSonic-proto-scared-run.gif SegaSonic-proto-ray-run.gif SegaSonic-proto-mighty-run.gif SegaSonic-proto-mighty-scared-run.gif

Unused Dialogue

Segasonic Proto-Unused-dialogue.gif

Some pieces of dialogue that aren't seen in the final game. What's notable is that Sonic has some dialogue here in a word balloon, which isn't seen in the final.

Japanese Translation

ええい、しつこいやつめ!来るなら来てみろ ソニック!

Eggman! What are you planning this time?!
Grr, you sure are persistent! Come at me, Sonic!
This almighty tower is mine!
Almighty tower?
If you've come this far, this is as far as you go.
This tower can freely control this island.
Realize its power!
How about this!
Now take this!
Don't think you've won!

(Source: Plasma Captain (translations), Ragey, Kallus)

Unused Graphics

The prototype has many unused graphics of its own.

Segasonic Proto-Unused-sonicup1.gifSegasonic Proto-Unused-sonicup2.gifSegasonic Proto-Unused-rayup.gifSegasonic Proto-Unused-mightyup.gif
Unused animations for the characters looking up. Only Sonic has two animations for looking up.

SegaSonic Proto-Unused-fish.gif SegaSonic Proto-Unused-fish2.gif
Some fish badnik that would have been seen at Wild Water Way. The palette here is a placeholder, as its palette is currently unknown.

Segasonic Proto-Unused-orb.gif
An unusual orb with an unknown purpose, possibly for explosions.

SegaSonic Proto-Unused-drillbadnik.gif

SegaSonic Proto-Unused-eyeball.gif
Two more badniks that aren't in the final game. It's unknown where these would have been placed.

Segasonic Proto-Unused-dome.gif
An unused dome, with 足 (leg) written on it. This was the base for an unused boss in Landslide Limbo.

Segasonic Proto-Unused-machinery.gif
This would've been used for the Landslide Limbo boss that's seen in Revision A.

Segasonic Proto-Unused-spikeplatform.gif Segasonic Proto-Unused-spikeplatform2.gif Segasonic Proto-Unused-spikeplatform3.gif
A sort of weird spiky platform with suction cups.

Segasonic Proto-Unused-spikeplatform4.gif
What it would have looked like in-game.

SegaSonic Proto-Unused-gameover.gif
A version of the Game Over graphic with Sonic. Both this build and the final use the standard Eggman one.

(Source: Ragey, Kallus)

Pattern Viewer

To do:
Find out what the SAVE function does.

Within this prototype, there seems to be a graphics viewer that has been completely removed from the final build. You use Player 2's trackball for moving the cursor, and Player 2's jump button for selections.

(Source: Suddenデス)
Option Effect
OBJECT Player 2's trackball Y-axis will change the ID of the current object.
CLEAR Removes existing objects and spawns a new one with default settings.
COLOR BANK Player 2's trackball Y-axis will change the palette of the current object.
BASE POINT This changes the relative location of the current sprite.
ZPOS Changes the Z position (the "layer") of the current object.
16-256 Changes the tile color depth.
H-V FLIP Sets or clears horizontal/vertical flip flags on the current object.
ZOOM Player 2's trackball Y-axis resizes the current object.
EXIT Quits the viewer.
END FLAG Sets or clears the end flag on the current object; this will fix graphics on objects that have random horizontal lines.
NEW OBJECT Spawns a new object using the current object's settings.

Level Differences

All levels have less rings overall. Wild Water Way and Eggman's Tower are not present in this version.

Volcanic Vault

The level is significantly shorter, only having two long corridors. The magma boulder, seesaw and falling bridge sections are nowhere to be seen.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicVV1Proto.png SegaSonicVV1.png

The level starts at a corridor with lava pools instead of a sloped down one. There are no breakable spots on the walls compared to its final counterpart.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicVV2Proto.png SegaSonicVV2.png

The treadmill section is only a turn to the right away instead of having to get launched by a seesaw.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicVV3Proto.png SegaSonicVV3.png

The next corridor has flamethrowers instead of the bursting lava pools.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicVV4Proto.png SegaSonicVV4.png

The level ends just after the second corridor. Unlike the final version, the exit is facing the same direction as the corridor. It closes just before lava floods in.

Icy Isle

It appears as the fourth level, under the name "Ice World" in the prototype. The background music is the same as Trap Tower's. The snow mounds have been rearranged and are destroyed by spin jumping instead of bumping into them.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicII1Proto.png SegaSonicII1.png

Eggman's dialogue is different.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicII2Proto.png SegaSonicII2.png

The first stretch of the level doesn't have rings floating around.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicII3Proto.png SegaSonicII3.png

There are twice as many rings between the spears. The spears make no sound when going up.

Desert Dodge

It appears as the fifth and last level, under the name "Desert Zone". The background music is an unfinished version of Eggman's Tower's music. The sand mounds are destroyed by spin jumping instead of bumping into them.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicDD1Proto.png SegaSonicDD1.png

The centipede badnik has a vivid blue and red color palette. Placement of some sand mounds is also different.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicDD2Proto.png SegaSonicDD2.png

Instead of jumping worm badniks there are slow moving, high damage-dealing rectangular centipede badniks. Bumping into them quickly depletes health, as the player characters can get hit several times consecutively.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicDD3Proto.png SegaSonicDD3.png

There are no tiles at this ledge in the prototype.


The game ends after this level.

Trap Tower

It Appears as the second level.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicTT1Proto.png SegaSonicTT1.png

There aren't any glowing breakable spots on the walls at the beginning of the level. Eggman's dialogue is different.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicTT2Proto.png SegaSonicTT2.png

The electric traps section is longer and has way more traps than the final version. The traps explode after being bumped into.


There are also breakable walls with Eggman's face on them that do not appear anywhere in the final.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicTT4Proto.png SegaSonicTT3.png

A stopper temporarily blocks the giant rolling gears. The boxes block the way and have to be pushed out of the way. Unlike the final version, they drop rings after being pushed instead of getting broken.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicTT5Proto.png SegaSonicTT4.png

The final section has the breakable Eggman walls.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicTT6Proto.png SegaSonicTT5.png

In the final, the player characters keep going right until they go offscreen . In the prototype, they are standing on the brown platform until it lifts them to the exit.

Landslide Limbo

It appears as the third level, under the name "Landslide Zone". The background music is an unfinished version of Eggman's Tower's music.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicLL1Proto.png SegaSonicLLi1.png

An electric fence blocks the middle path to the catapults.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicLL2Proto.png SegaSonicLLi2.png

No rings fall out upon colliding with this wall.

Rev. A Final
SegaSonicLL3Proto.png SegaSonicLLi3 .png

There is a glitched graphic in the corner during the boss' explosion animation.