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Proto:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest/Audio Editor

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This is a sub-page of Proto:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest.


The Audio Debugger is used for testing the game's audio, such as sound effects and background music.


To turn on the Audio Debugger using the Memory Editor, perform the following steps with Controller 2.

  1. Press L + C-Left to activate RS in the Memory Editor.
  2. Press L + C-Left twice more to reach page 3.
  3. Use D-Down to scroll to RS36.
  4. Use D-Right to set RS36 to 1, displaying the audio debugger.
  5. Press L + C-Left four more times to exit RS, so only the audio debugger is displayed on the screen.

The debugger can also be displayed by using the GameShark code 81210B2F 1111.


The Audio Debugger is controlled with Controller 4.

Button Effect
L Next Page
R Previous Page
Z Change Display Text Color

Page 1 - Non



OoT-Audio Debugger 1.png

Press A on Controller 4 to set BGM CANCEL to ON, which disables the background music.

Press B on Controller 4 to set SE MUTE to ON, which disables the sound effects.


Audio Debug Mode
- Non -

Page 2 - Free Area



OoT-Audio Debugger 2.png

This info page doesn't appear to have any controls.


- Free Area -
Function Range Use
env_fx xxx xxx
code_fx xxx xxx
(FLAG) xxx xxx
ENEMY DIST xxx xxx
VOL xxx xxx
DEMO FLAG xxx xxx
POLI xxx xxx

Page 3 - Scroll Print

This page displays the options for the Audio Scroll Print (abbreviated to Audio ScrPrt) that appears on the right side of the screen. The Scroll Print identifies which audio sequences are currently being played.


OoT-Audio Debugger 3.png
A + B D-Pad C-Buttons
A Reset Audio ScrPrt Position D-Left Scroll Back Through Values C-Left Shift Audio ScrPrt Left
D-Down Next Option C-Down Shift Audio ScrPrt Down
B Clear Audio ScrPrt D-Right Scroll Through Values C-Right Shift Audio ScrPrt Right
D-Up Previous Option C-Up Shift Audio ScrPrt Up


The various options allow you to turn it on or off, set which actions are logged, and set the log length. You can also use the C buttons to move the log around the screen.

- Scroll Print -
Function Range Use
Swicth 00 - 01 Toggle Scroll Print
Lines 01 - 25 Set Lines Displayed by Scroll Print
Color 00 - 07 Set Scroll Print Color
PLAYER 00 - 01 Toggle printing Player sound effects
ITEM 00 - 01 Toggle printing Item sound effects
ENVRONM 00 - 01 Toggle printing Environment sound effects
ENEMY 00 - 01 Toggle printing Enemy sound effects
SYSTEM 00 - 01 Toggle printing System sound effects
OCARINA 00 - 01 Toggle printing Ocarina sound effects
VOICE 00 - 01 Toggle printing Voice sound effects
SEQ ENT 00 - 01 Toggle printing music sequences

Page 4 - SE Parameter Change

This page serves as a sound test, and an editor for sound effects.


OoT-Audio Debugger 4.png
A + B D-Pad C-Buttons
A Play Selected Sound Effect D-Left Scroll Back Through Values C-Left Changes SE No. and SE PR by 0x08 when held
D-Down Next Option C-Down Flip bit in SE SW
B - D-Right Scroll Through Values C-Right -
D-Up Previous Option C-Up Reset Selection to 0


There are 7 sound banks to choose from: PLAYER, ITEM, ENVIROMENT, ENEMY, SYSTEM, OCARINA, and VOICE.

- SE Parameter Change -
Function Range Use
SE HD 00 - 06 Select Sound Bank
SE No. 00 - 1ff Select Sound Effect
SE SW 0000 - ffff xxx
SE PR 00 - ff xxx

While the Sound Effect No. goes up to 1ff, not all of these values are used. Setting SE No. to an unused value may cause the game to crash.

One Sound Effect No. may contain several sounds. For example, SE No. 00 in the VOICE bank contains several sword slashing sound effects.

SE SW is changed by flipping the bits in a 16 digit binary number. A hexadecimal representation of the number appears to the right of the option.

Page 5 - Ocarina Test

Ocarina Test records some Ocarina data. PLAY INFO displays what note you are playing, and how many notes you have already played.


OoT-Audio Debugger 5.png

This page doesn't appear to have any controls.


- Ocarina Test -
Function Range Use
SEQ INFO 00-04 00-04 are for the note being played back (left at 01 if not playing any notes)
00-01 01 if playing back tune, otherwise 00
00-08 01-08 are for the note position being played, 00 for not playing
PLAY INFO 00-04, 63 00-04 are for the note being entered, 63 if no note being entered
fe-ff fe if player is entering notes, ff otherwise.
00-08 01-08 are for the last note position entered, 00 if no notes entered
8note REC POINTER xxx xxx
OCA 00-01 01 if player is using the Ocarina, 00 otherwise
SEQ xxx xxx
PLAY 00-01 01 if playing back tune, 00 otherwise
REC 00, 02 02 if recording tune with scarecrow, 00 otherwise

Page 6 - Natural Sound Control

OoT-Audio Debugger 6.png

This page displays no information. It may no longer be used.

Page 7 - Block Change BGM

This page allows you to play any music in the game. The first option selects the music, and the second option selects the part for soundtracks with multiple parts (like Hyrule Field).


OoT-Audio Debugger 7.png
A + B D-Pad C-Buttons
A Play Selected BGM Track D-Left Scroll Back Through Values C-Left -
D-Down Next Option C-Down -
B Stop Selected BGM Track D-Right Scroll Through Values C-Right -
D-Up Previous Option C-Up -


- Block Change BGM -
Function Range Use
BGM No. 00 - FF Select BGM Track
SCENE SET 00 A - FF Select Scene
NEXT SCENE xxx xxx
NOW SCENE xxx xxx
NOW BLOCK xxx xxx
PORT xxx xxx

Page 8 - SE Flag Swap

SE Flag Swap's purpose is unknown. You can edit the various fields using the A button and the D-Pad, but it appears to have no effect.


OoT-Audio Debugger 8.png
A + B D-Pad C-Buttons
A Select Line D-Left Scroll Back Through Values C-Left Toggle presence of SWAP OFF text under page title
D-Down Next Option
Scroll Through Values
C-Down Toggle between SWAP and ADD for current field
B Reset values in current field D-Right Scroll Through Values C-Right -
D-Up Previous Option
Scroll BackThrough Values
C-Up -


There are 10 fields that let you enter in two 4-digit hex numbers, and decide between SWAP and ADD for that field.

Page 9 - Interface Info

This page displays various information about the sound effects currently being played. Be aware that this page will make the console lag quite a lot. The last column of numbers for each sound effect appears to match what appears in the Audio ScrPrt.


OoT-Audio Debugger 9.png
A + B D-Pad C-Buttons
A Select Line D-Left Scroll Back Through Values C-Left Shift Interface Info Left
D-Down Next Option
Scroll Through Values
C-Down Shift Interface Info Down
B Reset Interface Position D-Right Scroll Through Values C-Right Shift Interface Info Right
D-Up Previous Option
Scroll BackThrough Values
C-Up Shift Interface Info Down


- Interface Info -
Function Range Use
PLAYER xxx xxx
ITEM xxx xxx
ENEMY xxx xxx
SYSTEM xxx xxx
OCARINA xxx xxx
VOICE xxx xxx

Page 10 - Channel Info

OoT-Audio Debugger 10.png

This page displays no information. It may no longer be used.

Page 11 - Sub Track Info

This page displays various information about the current background music. Ocarina playing can be found in group track 2, subtrack D.


OoT-Audio Debugger 11.png
A + B D-Pad C-Buttons
A - D-Left Previous Sub Track C-Left -
D-Down Previous Group Track C-Down -
B - D-Right Next Sub Track C-Right -
D-Up Next Group Track C-Up -


- Sub Track Info -
Function Range Use
Group Track 0 - 3 xxx
Sub Track 0 - 15 Decimal version of highlighted subtrack
TRK NO. 0-F Subtracks
ENTRY O or X If O, highlighting that subtrack displays info underneath (VOL onwards)
MUTE O or X xxx
OPENNOTE xxx xxx
VOL xxx xxx
E VOL xxx xxx
BANK ID xxx xxx
PROG xxx xxx
PAN xxx xxx
PANPOW xxx xxx
FXMIX xxx xxx
PRIO xxx xxx
VIB PIT xxx xxx
VIB DEP 0-15 Amount of vibratto, 0 for none.
TUNE xxx xxx
TUNE xxx xxx

Page 12 - Grp Track Info

OoT-Audio Debugger 12.png

This page displays no information. It may no longer be used.

Page 13 - Heap Info

This page displays unknown information.


OoT-Audio Debugger 13.png

This page doesn't appear to have any controls.


- Heap Info -
Function Range Use
TOTAL xxx xxx
DRIVER xxx xxx
AT-SEQ xxx xxx
AT-BNK xxx xxx
ST-SEQ xxx xxx
ST-BNK xxx xxx
E-MEM xxx xxx

Page 14 - Spec Info

OoT-Audio Debugger 14.png

This page displays no information. It may no longer be used.

Page 15 - Sound Control

Sound Control allows for some advanced audio options. The first two options both allow you to play any soundtrack in the game (you can use both simultaneously if you wish, and will actually work). The next two options allow you to play any sound effect in the game. The third option selects the sound effect type, the fourth one the sound effect number. S-Out sets the sound type (Stereo, Headphones, 3D, Mono). Na Snd allows you to play various nature sounds (like the sandstorm sound FX, etc.).


OoT-Audio Debugger 15.png
A + B D-Pad C-Buttons
A Activate Value (Sounds, Music, S-Out) D-Left Scroll Back Through Values C-Left -
D-Down Next Option C-Down -
B Cancel highlighted sound effect/music D-Right Scroll Through Values C-Right -
D-Up Previous Options C-Up -


- Sound Control -
Function Range Use
Seq 0 0 - 7f xxx
Seq 1 0 - 7f xxx
SE HD 0 - 6 xxx
SE No. 0 - 1ff xxx
S-Out 0 - 3 xxx
BGM Ent: 0 - 1 xxx
Spec 0 - f xxx
Na Snd 0 - 1f xxx
Cam Wt ON/OFF xxx
Lnk Wt ON/OFF xxx
SE Ent 0 - 1 xxx
