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Proto:Tom vs. Jerry: The Chase is On!

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Tom vs. Jerry: The Chase is On!.

Download.png Download Tom vs. Jerry: The Chase is On! (July 11, 1994 prototype)
File: Tom VS Jerry - The Chase is On! (Jul 11, 1994 prototype).zip (2,96 MB) (info)

The July 11, 1994 build of Tom vs. Jerry: The Chase is On! is the earlier of the two prototypes that were dumped by drx in 2019.


July 11, 1994 April 28, 1995
TvJ CiO 1994-title.png Tom vs. Jerry- The Chase is On!-title.png
  • The title screen simply refers to the game as Tom & Jerry.
  • The title screen has an animation test function for Tom, with on-screen instructions.
  • Oddly enough, the background graphics are more detailed than in the later build.
  • No gameplay demos are present.
  • The score counter is red instead of gray.
  • Levels have no names nor title cards implemented.
  • Pressing Select + Start skips the current level.
  • The heart icons are spaced farther apart.
  • There are fewer levels, partially attributed to them being longer than in the later build.
(Source: Hidden Palace)