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Psycastria (BBC Micro)

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Title Screen


Developer: Audiogenic
Publisher: Audiogenic
Platform: BBC Micro
Released in EU: 1986

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.

Developer Message

Gary Partis hid a message intended to be read by hackers inside the game's data. Note that some versions censor the f-bomb.

What on Earth are you doing reading this. I bet you think you are a smart 
arse for breaking the protection this far. But you have achieved nothing, 
as the protection was rather trivial to start with...

Just fuck off and do not come back... By the way, you make make me puke, 
puke, puke, vomit, spew, puke....

By the way, if I ever find out who put a brick through the window of my 3 
day old Talbot Sunbeam 1.3LS and stole my car stereo, I shall personally rip 
them apart and I am not joking...

(Source: Richard Talbot-Watkins)