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Quake III Team Arena

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Title Screen

Quake III Team Arena

Also known as: Team Arena
Based on: Quake III Arena
Developer: id Software
Publishers: Activision (Original), id Software (Steam, 2007-2009),[1] Bethesda Softworks (Current)
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Classic, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: December 2000

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

Quake III Team Arena is the official $30 mod for Quake III Arena, produced as a hasty answer to the relatively overwhelming teamplay features of Unreal Tournament.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Portal Item


There is a holdable item that is a functional placeable teleporter. The first activation places the exit, and the second activation places the entrance. The only art for it that still exists is an icon and a model with two textures where it is referred to as a porter instead. It even drops the flag if you're the carrier trying to go through it.

The portals can be shot and can be destroyed. Entering a portal with a destroyed exit will kill the player.

It may have been cut due to a lack of development regarding the grief potential of recursively using portals as a ball of death.

Texturegrab Development Map

If you look closely, you can see 3 different skyboxes at once!

The purpose of this map was to gather all textures used by Team Arena's shaders for inclusion within the PAK building process.

Consequently, as part of the process, it grabbed itself and ended up packed.

Unused Voices

There are several unused lines in the voice scripts. The actual audio files remain, but the lines are simply commented out.


//	sound/voices/female1/tt_16.wav	"You talkin' ta ME?"
//	sound/voices/female1/tt_03.wav	"Get a clue moron!"
//	sound/voices/female1/tt_09.wav	"MORON!"
//	sound/voices/female1/tt_02.wav	"You're such a Loser!"
//	sound/voices/female1/tt_08.wav	"LOSER!"
//	sound/voices/female1/tt_10.wav	"No-skill idiot!"
//	sound/voices/female1/tt_12.wav	"Watched that all the way..."
//	sound/voices/female1/tt_04.wav	"What an ass!"
//	sound/voices/female1/tt_24.wav	"Screw you!"
//	sound/voices/female1/tt_29.wav	"That's it"
You're such a loser!
Get a clue moron!
What an ass.
No-skill Idiot!
Watched that all the way...
You talking to me?!
Screw you!
That's it!


//	sound/voices/female2/or_13.wav	"Watch my back"
//	sound/voices/female2/ps_12.wav	"I don't want to lead"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_16.wav	"You talkin' ta ME?"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_30.wav	"Nice try dumbass!"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_33.wav	"Oooh! Smooth one!"	
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_37.wav	"Nice going, dumbass"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_03.wav	"Get a clue moron!"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_09.wav	"MORON!"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_02.wav	"You're such a Loser!"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_08.wav	"LOSER!"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_10.wav	"No-skill idiot!"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_12.wav	"Watched that all the way..."
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_04.wav	"What an ass!"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_29.wav	"Oh, that's it!"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_24.wav	"Screw you!"
//	sound/voices/female2/tt_26.wav	"DOH"
You loser!
Get a clue moron!
What an ass...
You no-skill idiot!
I bet you watched that all the way!
You talkin' to me?
Screw you?
Oh..that's it!
Nice try, dumbass.
Ooooh...SMOOTH one.
Nice going dumbass!


//	sound/voices/female3/or_13.wav	"Watch my back"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_41.wav	"Do you need some help there friend?"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_40.wav	"Can I help you in some way?"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_38.wav	"Tisk tisk"	
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_44.wav	"Pathetic"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_30.wav	"Way to go dumbo!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_16.wav	"You talkin' ta ME?"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_32.wav	"What a schmuck!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_34.wav	"You are such a moron!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_42.wav	"You are so pathetic"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_43.wav	"You know, you are pretty pathetic"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_03.wav	"Get a clue moron!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_09.wav	"MORON!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_02.wav	"You're such a Loser!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_08.wav	"LOSER!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_10.wav	"No-skill idiot!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_12.wav	"Watched that all the way..."
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_24.wav	"Screw you!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_26.wav	"DOH"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_29.wav	"That's it!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_04.wav	"What an ass!"
//	sound/voices/female3/tt_15.wav	"Thank you sir.. may I have another!"
You're such a loser!
Get a clue moron!
What an ass!
No-skill idiot!
Watched that all the way...
Thank you sir. May I have another?
You talkin' to me?
Sthrew you!
That's it!
Way to go, dumbo.
What a schmuck!
You are such a moron!
Tisk tisk.
Can I help you in some way?
Do you need some help there friend?
You are so pathetic.
You know, you're pretty pathetic.


//	sound/voices/male1/tt_16.wav	"You talkin' ta ME?"
//	sound/voices/male1/tt_03.wav	"Get a clue moron!"
//	sound/voices/male1/tt_09.wav	"MORON!"
//	sound/voices/male1/tt_02.wav	"You're such a Loser!"
//	sound/voices/male1/tt_08.wav	"LOSER!"
//	sound/voices/male1/tt_10.wav	"No-skill idiot!"
//	sound/voices/male1/tt_12.wav	"Watched that all the way..."
//	sound/voices/male1/tt_14.wav	"Try hitting that barn over there!"
//	sound/voices/male1/tt_04.wav	"What an ass!"
//	sound/voices/male1/tt_24.wav	"Screw you!"
You're. Such. A loser.
Get a clue moron!
What? An ass!
No skill, idiot!
Watch that all the way.
Try hitting that barn over there.
You talkin' to me?
Screw You.


//	sound/voices/male2/tt_16.wav	"You talkin' ta ME?"
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_03.wav	"Get a clue moron!"
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_09.wav	"MORON!"
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_02.wav	"You're such a Loser!"
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_08.wav	"LOSER!"
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_10.wav	"No-skill idiot!"
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_12.wav	"Watched that all the way..."
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_24.wav	"Screw you!"
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_35.wav	"You think I'm kiddin?"
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_36.wav	"I'm not kiddin' around!"	
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_04.wav	"What an ass!"
//	sound/voices/male2/tt_33.wav	"Ya had it!"
You are such a loser!
HEY! Get a clue, moron!
What an ass.
No skill! Idiot!
Watched THAT all the way!
You talkin' to me?
SCREW you!
Ya had it!
Ya think i'm kiddin'!?
I'm not kiddin' around!


// 	sound/voices/male3/tt_16.wav	"You talkin' ta ME?"
//	sound/voices/male3/tt_03.wav	"Get a clue moron!"
//	sound/voices/male3/tt_09.wav	"MORON!"
//	sound/voices/male3/tt_02.wav	"You're such a Loser!"
//	sound/voices/male3/tt_08.wav	"LOSER!"
//	sound/voices/male3/tt_10.wav	"No-skill idiot!"
// 	sound/voices/male3/tt_12.wav	"Watched that all the way..."
//	sound/voices/male3/tt_29.wav	"That's it!"
//	sound/voices/male3/tt_04.wav	"What an ass!"
//	sound/voices/male3/tt_24.wav	"Screw you!"
You're SUCH a loser.
Get a clue moron!
What an ass!
No skill, idiot!
Watched that all the way...
You talkin' to me?
screw you....
That's it!


// 	sound/voices/male4/tt_16.wav	"You talkin' ta ME?"
//	sound/voices/male4/tt_35.wav	"Put your money where your mouth is!"
//	sound/voices/male4/tt_03.wav	"Get a clue moron!"
//	sound/voices/male4/tt_09.wav	"MORON!"
//	sound/voices/male4/tt_02.wav	"You're such a Loser!"
//	sound/voices/male4/tt_10.wav	"No-skill idiot!"
// 	sound/voices/male4/tt_12.wav	"Watched that all the way..."
//	sound/voices/male4/tt_14.wav	"Try hitting that barn over there!"
//	sound/voices/male4/tt_04.wav	"What an ass!"
//	sound/voices/male4/tt_24.wav	"Screw you!"
You are such a loser!
Get a clue, moron!
What an ass!!!
No skill, idiot!
Watched that all the way...
Try hitting that barn over there!
You talkin' to me?
Screw you!!
Put your money where ya mouth is!


//	sound/voices/male5/tt_16.wav	"You talkin' ta ME?"
//	sound/voices/male5/tt_03.wav	"Get a clue moron!"
//	sound/voices/male5/tt_09.wav	"MORON!"
//	sound/voices/male5/tt_02.wav	"You're such a Loser!"
//	sound/voices/male5/tt_08.wav	"LOSER!"
//	sound/voices/male5/tt_10.wav	"No-skill idiot!"
//	sound/voices/male5/tt_12.wav	"Watched that all the way..."
//	sound/voices/male5/tt_35.wav	"Hey, dumbass"
//	sound/voices/male5/tt_04.wav	"What an ass!"
//	sound/voices/male5/tt_24.wav	"Screw you!"
You're such a loser!
Get a clue, moron!
What an ass!
No skill idiot.
Watched that, all the way...
You talkin' to me?
Screw you!
Hey, dumbass...


The demo which came out shortly before the final doesn't have many interesting differences to warrant a sub-page.


Uncompressed high quality levelshots for Q3DM1 and Q3CTF1 exist despite not appearing in the demo. Quake III Arena only has these in JPEG form.

Unused Voice Clip

Male1 has an "I'm just flying here" clip not referenced by any voice file.

Early Choice of Font

Before it was settled on Impact, they used Kenyan Coffee. These commented lines are removed in the final.

	//hudShader "ui/assets/hudbar.tga"		// 
   	//font "fonts/kenycb__.ttf"				// font
   	//smallFont "fonts/kenyc___.ttf"				// font
    font "fonts/impact.ttf" 16				// font
    smallFont "fonts/impact.ttf" 12				// font
    bigFont "fonts/impact.ttf" 20				// font

This is how the game would have looked with that font.

Mr. Elusive Map Shaders

A whole shader file referencing nonexistent textures attributed to Mr. Elusive (AI programmer) exists. They appear to be testing shaders.