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Rally-X (Arcade)

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Title Screen


Developer: Namco
Publishers: Namco (JP), Midway Manufacturing (US)
Platform: Arcade (Namco Pac-Man)
Released in JP: January 1981[1]
Released in US: February 1981[1]
Released in EU: 1981

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Take Pac-Man, spread out the collectibles, make the mazes bigger, add some obstacles, and make the player and enemies into cars (with the player even having a smokescreen ability). Then you get Rally-X.

While it initially didn’t catch on as much as Pac-Man did (even despite marketing experts deeming that Rally-X would be more successful than it), and even being overshadowed by its revision, New Rally-X, it would be included in several Namco arcade compilations in the following years.

It is notable, however, for being the first game to feature both a bonus round and background music.

Easter Egg

  • Enter Service Mode.
  • Keep BUTTON 1 pressed and enter the following sequence: Up (×2), Down (×7), Right, Left (×6).
  • If entered correctly, this message will appear at the bottom:
© NAMCO LTD. 1980

New Rally-X retains this Easter egg, with the same text.

(Source: Arcade History: Rally-X)

Version Differences

New Rally-X

In 1981, the game was reprogrammed to fix some bugs and renamed New Rally-X. This version was published by Namco worldwide. This also featured the new theme song that everyone knows and love today.

Rally-X New Rally-X
Rally-xtitle.png Newrally-xtitlescreen2.png

The title screen was edited slightly, removing the introduction in favor of the game's title.

Rally-X New Rally-X
Rallyxbluecar.png Newrallyxbluecar.png
Rally-X New Rally-X
Rallyxredcar.png Newrallyxredcar.png

The cars were given a different look. Note that the red car's palette is altered.

Rally-X New Rally-X
Rallyxrock.png Newrallyxrock.png

The rocks were given a different palette.

To do:
There may be more map differences. Perhaps split this into a subsection.
Rally-X New Rally-X
Rally-XFirstMapClosedSection.png NewRally-XFirstMapOpenSection.png

In the first three rounds of both games is an 'o' shaped section near the upper-right corner. In Rally-X, this section is only open from the bottom portion. New Rally-X adds another opening through the left side.
