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Road Fighter (NES)

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Title Screen

Road Fighter

Developer: Konami
Publishers: Konami (JP), Palcom Software (EU)
Platform: NES
Released in JP: July 11, 1985
Released in EU: June 18, 1992

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

The NES Road Fighter is a very simple port of the arcade game of the same name.

Unused Graphics

RFNES unused car0.png RFNES unused car1.png RFNES unused car2.png

There are a set of unused cars left among other sprite graphics.

RFNES truck open0.png RFNES truck open1.png

Two frames of animation of the truck doors opened.

RFNES barrel0.png RFNES barrel1.png

Two incomplete sprites of barrel animation for more road obstacles. There are no barrels on the road in the final game.

RFNES smallblob.png

Probably a sewer hatch sprite, but maybe the barrel from the top side as the road obstacle. Both this one and the above obstacles probably appear too small for the game, compared to the used oil puddles and holes.

RFNES blob nice.png RFNES blob 100.png RFNES blob excl.png

Various blobs, probably intended to be used at the checkpoints according to results.

Build Dates

Present at the beginning of the PRG ROM in the Japanese version:


...and at the end of the PRG ROM in the European version:


Similar IDs can be found in many other Konami games.

Regional Differences

Japan Europe
Road Fighter (J) -!--0.png Road Fighter (Europe) 001.png
Road Fighter (Europe) 002.png

The European version's title screen has a much larger logo and much more copyright info. As a result, the options were moved to a separate screen.

Japan Europe
64-in-1 (J) -p1- 001.png Road Fighter (Europe) 003.png

In the Japanese version, the car accelerates to 196 km/h in first gear. The European version upps this to 224 km/h.

Japan Europe
64-in-1 (J) -p1- 002.png Road Fighter (Europe) 004.png

If the fuel is less than 10, it becomes dark red in the Japanese version and cyan in the European one.