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Sangokushi: Koumeiden (Game Boy Advance)

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Title Screen

Sangokushi: Koumedien

Developer: Koei
Publisher: Koei
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in JP: January 27, 2005

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

Build Information

Stored at x88F00:

ROM VERSION(Dec  1 2004/18:24:47)

Debugging Text

Text for a memory display is stored at x88E74:

TmpMem =
DataMem =
ReplayMem =
MapMem =
PmapMem =
TotalMem =

PATH Environment Variable

Three fragmented versions of the content of a PATH environment variable of a Windows computer named DC-IMANO can found in the ROM. C:\Documents and Settings and C:\WINDOWS directories are mentioned, so in that computer was presumably installed Windows XP/Server 2003. It also mentions Metrowerks' CodeWarrior for PlayStation 2 from the name of the CWFOLDER_PS2 variable.

Version 1

Can be found four times, at offsets 0x61BBEC-0x61BD9B, 0x61FC08-0x61FDB7, 0x634AA4-0x634C53 and 0x63E318-0x63E4C7.

It's shorter than the second version of the fragment as the first line is missing and the ALLUSERSPROFILE variable is truncated:

uments and Settings\All Users

Version 2

Can be found two times, at offsets 0x636BE0-0x636DAF and 0x63C5C8-0x63C797.

It's equal to the third version of the fragment except for the last line that is missing and ES_INCLUDE_PATH is truncated:


Version 3

Can only be found at offsets 0x641830-0x6419FF.

It's the most complete one:

ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\yossy.DC-IMANO\Application Data
COMMONPROGRAMFILES=C:\Program Files\Common Files
CWFOLDER_PS2=C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior
(Discovery: WaluigiBSOD)