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Shinobi (PlayStation 2)

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Title Screen


Developer: Overworks
Publishers: Sega (JP/US/KR), SCEE (EU)
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: December 5, 2002 (original), September 25, 2003 (PlayStation 2 the Best)
Released in US: November 12, 2002
Released in EU: May 5, 2003
Released in KR: March 14, 2003

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

The PS2 Shinobi is the first 3D entry in the series. It was originally developed for the Dreamcast, being moved to the PS2 after Sega announced it was exiting the console market.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Debug Menu

Shinobi PS2 - Debugmenu1.png Shinobi PS2 - Debugmenu2.png

A decent-sized debug menu can be re-enabled with the below code. This allows you to select any level in the game, as well as toggle debug info and unlock various options. With the below code on, press L3 at the "Press START button" screen. You can also press L3 over the New Game option as well to access a quick start menu.

USA code:

Press L3 At Press Start Screen For Debug Menu
E0020400 01BC93E4
20238B1C 24020001
20238B88 24020001
E0020000 01BC93E4
20238B1C 0000102D
20238B88 0000102D

Japan code (SLPM-65200):
E0020400 01BC93E4
201878F4 24020001
20187968 24020001
E0020000 01BC93E4
201878F4 0000102D
20187968 0000102D

Japan (Demo version) code:
D0499782 0000FFFD
201878E4 24020001
D0499782 0000FFFF
201878E4 0000102D

The game's code indicates that the debug menu would have been accessed with a series of steps, the last part of which involves Controller 2 (the final game doesn't acknowledge Controller 2 at all):

  1. Wait at the "Press START button" screen for the demo movie to play.
  2. Wait until the demo movie ended (or skipped).
  3. Back at the "Press START button" screen, hold R1 on Controller 1 and R2 + L2 + L1 + D-Pad Right + D-Pad Down on Controller 2.
(Source: Original TCRF research)


Shinobi PS2 - Debugmenu3.png

Mostly lets you unlock various items in the game, such as items in the Extras menu.


Shinobi PS2 - Debugmenu4.png Shinobi PS2 - Debuginfo.png

Allows you to toggle various debug information on-screen.


Shinobi PS2 - Debugmenu5.png

Allows you to warp to any map in the game, assuming you know their correct map IDs. This also allows you to toggle various map settings on or off. Setting the "PLAYER" option to Off will allow you to enter a free camera state.

Quick Start

Shinobi PS2 - Debugmenu6.png

Pressing L3 over the New Game option in the main menu will allow you to enter this menu. This allows you to quickly jump into a map based on story progression.

Unused Maps

Using the "AREA SELECT" menu, you can easily warp to these maps. When selecting any of these maps, you will need to turn off the SE and Enemy options. These maps do not contain those files and will fail to load if the game tries to load them.


Shinobi PS2 - Unusedmap - MA10 - 1.png Shinobi PS2 - Unusedmap - MA10 - 2.png Shinobi PS2 - Unusedmap - MA10 - 3.png Shinobi PS2 - Unusedmap - MA10 - 4.png

Stage No. 10, Area No. 0

A test map which contains various colored floors and moving platforms.


Shinobi PS2 - Unusedmap - MA10 01 - 1.png Shinobi PS2 - Unusedmap - MA10 01 - 2.png Shinobi PS2 - Unusedmap - MA10 01 - 3.png Shinobi PS2 - Unusedmap - MA10 01 - 4.png

Stage No. 10, Area No. 1

Another test map which contains various walls which you can traverse.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Regional Differences

The Japanese and European versions have three difficulty settings: Easy, Normal, and Hard. The US version removed Easy, shifted the Normal-level collectables to Hard, and added an extra "Super" difficulty with the old Hard-level collectables (along with being the only difficulty where default character Hotsuma can't kill the later bosses in one hit).