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Solitaire (Windows, 1990)

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Title Screen


Developer: Wes Cherry
Publisher: Microsoft
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: May 22, 1990

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Solitaire is very likely the most played game in offices around the world. The original version started out back in 1990 together with Windows 3.0 and was kept all the way to XP until Microsoft replaced it with a reworked version for Vista.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
To do:
  • There's a prototype of Solitaire mentioned by Wes Cherry which he developed for Windows 2.1 in 1988. Grab it and put it in the prototype page.
  • There's a Easter egg revealed by Wes Cherry in which clicking on a key will open up a picture of Bill Gates being attacked by a marine mammal. No graphic or shortcut is found though.

Retail Version

Game Number


A window in the game executable which allows you to type in a game number, like FreeCell...except Solitaire doesn't use game numbers in the retail version.

Assertion Failure


Also hidden in the game executable, but never appears. As above, it asks for the game number to be included with bug reports, which don't exist in the retail.

Unused Text

Unable to load bitmap; do you want to use a green background?

This leftover message, which can been found in all available versions, suggests there could've been an option that allowed you to use a custom bitmap for the background image of the Solitaire window. There doesn't seem to be any way to re-enable this feature for use.

Obscure Settings

Inside the main executable, is this group of strings:


These appear to be used for sol.ini settings, telling the game which names to load from and save to. Back and Options are the normal settings the game reads from and saves to. The Bitmap option is probably linked to the above-mentioned ability to set a bitmap as the background. The Currency options go in an [intl] section to alter the currency format in Vegas mode. iCurrency (valid values are 0, 1, 2, and 3. 1 puts the symbol after the amount. 2 and 3 are the same as 0 and 1 but with a space between the symbol and the amount) sets the position and spacing of the currency symbol. sCurrency sets the currency symbol itself (for example, one can add sCurrency=£ to an [intl] section of sol.ini to play Vegas mode with pound sterling instead of dollars). The Windows XP version does not seem to support the sCurrency setting, but iCurrency works fine (the settings are stored in the registry rather than sol.ini).

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Debug Version

This special debug version was taken from the checked (aka "debug") version of NT4.


The debug menu is "hidden" between the Game and Help dropdown menus, just click there to reveal it.

  • Set Game Number allows you to enter a specific game number to start a game. The debug version of Solitaire does use game numbers, and shows them prominently in the interface.
  • SolCardMenu.png
    Print icrdMacs displays some numbers, as seen at the right. They display the amount of cards in this order:
    • The deck.
    • The revealed cards of the deck.
    • The suit stack.
    • Each of the row stacks.
  • Force Win, well, forces a win. The key combination which is assigned to (Alt + Shift + 2) still works in the retail consumer version.
  • Assert Failure triggers the Assertion Failure window, shown above. While a sol.dbg is in fact generated, the file is completely empty. There is a sol.dbg containing text included with the Windows NT 4.0 source code, see the Notes page for more. Unlike what it says, the Exit Windows button does not induce a shutdown.
  • Marquee Test seems to have no programmed function. Hell, I don’t know?
  • Configure for screen shots hides the game number from the interface. This is probably there to hide this feature from screenshots released to the public.


The high resolution 32 bit icon used in the Windows XP version seems to be using the incorrect icon, where its drop shadow is blocky like the 8/16 bit icon. In the lower resolution variants, the correct smooth drop shadow is present.

8/16 BPP 32 BPP
Sol90-XPFIN 8bppHigh.png SolitaireWinXPIcon.png
Sol90-XPFIN 8bppMed.png Sol90-XPFIN 32bppMed.png
Sol90-XPFIN 8bppLow.png Sol90-XPFIN 32bppLow.png

Version Differences


Windows 3.0 Windows 3.1/95/98/ME/NT/2000 Windows XP
SolitaireWin30Icon.png SolitaireWin31Icon.png SolitaireWinXPIcon.png

It is worth noting that the 16-color icon variant (used from Windows 3.1 onwards) still actually exists in Windows XP version as a low color depth fallback.

Card Decks

Windows 3.x/9x/NT/2000/ME Windows XP
SolitaireWinOldDeck.png SolitaireWinXPDeck.PNG

None of the XP decks ever seem to be animated, unlike some of the classic decks. That said, animation frames from these classic decks can still be found in the Windows XP version under cards.dll.

Other Differences

The Windows 3.0 version saves its settings to a [Solitaire] section in win.ini (for this reason, the currency format in this version is "inherited" from the system, as win.ini includes a [intl] section). Windows 3.1 and above use a separate sol.ini file. The Windows 2000 and XP versions store settings in the registry.