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Sonic Heroes

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Title Screen

Sonic Heroes

Developer: Sonic Team USA[1]
Publishers: Sega (JP/US/EU/AU), YBM Sisa (KR)
Platforms: PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Windows
Released in JP: December 30, 2003[1] (PS2/Xbox/GCN), November 17, 2004 (Windows)
Released in US: January 5, 2004 (GCN), January 27, 2004 (PS2/Xbox), November 26, 2004 (Windows)
Released in EU: February 6, 2004 (PS2/Xbox/GCN), December 9, 2004 (Windows)
Released in AU: February 6, 2004 (PS2/Xbox/GCN)
Released in KR: December 30, 2003 (PS2), December 17, 2004 (Windows)

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
ObjectIcon.png This game has unused objects.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Sonic Heroes lets you play as four teams of three, all consisting of a Speed, Fly, and Power type character, across 14 stages with varying layouts and objectives for each team.

It's the last 3D game in the series to feature the Adventure era's English voice cast before they switched to the 4Kids crew, the first time the rest of Team Chaotix showed up in a game since the mid-90s (minus Mighty), and is generally seen as one of the quirkiest games in the series. Its reception is very divisive, with people either loving or hating it.

Also notable for being the first mainline Sonic game to be released for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox.

To do:
  • Bugs page begging to be made for this game. One note for when that's made is that the Team Blast quick build-up glitch (done by pressing Attack and switching to another teammate while using the Fly character at the same time) doesn't work on the PC version. Also, in the cmn_effect.txd file in the PC version, the blue crescent particle, "ef_solid", is missing and Espio's shuriken explosion would disappear with the particles being invisible as a result.
  • Debug symbols are present in the NTSC-U/J PS2 versions, best for a Notes page.
  • The PAL GameCube version has some files NTSC GameCube doesn't. Document them all.
  • Unused "death" animation for the beaten Frog.
  • Big uses early menu textures on PS2 that matches up with his test render. Check it (and the other versions) for other similar oddities.


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Build Changes

SonicHeroes-Subpage Platform.png
Platform Differences
Big's eyes glow in the dark?!


SonicHeroes-Subpage Audio.png
Unused Voice Clips
Everyone’s got something to say.

Debug Modes

Debug Menu

SonicHeroesPS2-debugmenu1.png SonicHeroesPS2-debugmenu2.png SonicHeroesPS2-debugmenu3.png SonicHeroesPS2-debugmenu4.png

Apply the code below on the US PlayStation 2 version to be greeted by this screen when first starting the game. The second page options do not work properly.

Known controls:

  • X / Circle to change level order. It is unclear what this means or if it works properly.
  • D-Pad Right / Left to move through options.
  • Square to change page.
  • START exits the menu.
Debug Menu At Boot
D0477DEC 00000000
002BA108 000000C8
D051969C 0000FFF7
002BA108 000000C4

For GameCube, apply this code to access the menu after selecting any non-Story mode:

$Level select menu (10.8)
000a1e27 00000003

$Level select menu (NTSC-U):
000a9ebb 00000003

For the PC version, change the value at 0x54E8 (0x2750B if using Story Mode) or 0x2712D (the startup navigation) in Tsonic_win.exe from 02 to 03 (to enter the level debug menu) or 05 (to go to the movie debug menu).

(Source: Punk7890 (PS2 version), Muzzarino (PC port))

Debug Displays

Camera Info

To do:
Codes for other versions.


The Action Replay codes below will enable a debug display during gameplay. The PS2 version of the code will lag the game a lot for unknown reasons.

GameCube US
042B9080 00000001

PlayStation 2 US (Press Select to enable, R3 to disable)
E002FFFE 0051969C
204AD1C0 00000001
204AD1C4 00000001
E002FFFB 0051969C
204AD1C0 00000000
204AD1C4 00000000
(Source: Ferrox, Punk7890)

Object Editor


Apply the code below for the PlayStation 2 US version to enable this. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to work correctly and will lag the game a lot.

Object Editor (D-Pad Down to enable, R3 to disable)
E002FFBF 0051969C
00B11895 00000001
20B817DC 00000001
E002FFFB 0051969C
00B11895 00000000
20B817DC 00000000
(Source: Punk7890)

Geometry Debug

Apply the code below for the PlayStation 2 US version to enable this. With the code on, press and hold D-Pad Up / D-Pad Down to increase/decrease geometry distance.

Geometry Debug (Press L3 to enable, R3 to disable)
D051969C 0000FFFD
00B11898 00000001
D051969C 0000FFFB
00B11898 00000000
(Source: Punk7890)

Extra Splines


Lost Jungle has two un-reachable splines placed in the level, distance away from the mid-point of the level, with one on the upper left, and the other on the bottom right.

(Source: Muzzarino)

Unused Enemy

To do:
There's more to document, including its projectile.
Unidas Heroes render.png

Unidus, which had appeared in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2, is present in "en_element.one" of the E3 builds.

(Source: Sonic Retro, Ralphael)

Unused Techniques

SH Amy Original Tornado.png SH Espio Green Tornado.png
Amy and Espio originally shared Sonic and Shadow's Tornado Jump techniques before they were given their own unique moves. These Tornado Jumps were far enough into development to have unique colors (pink for Amy, green for Espio) and corresponding voice lines.

SH E3 Espio Original Tornado.png
In the E3 prototype version, leaves still float around Espio when using the original Tornado Jump.

File Sound Character Transcript Language
Amy Take this! English
Amy そーれー! Japanese
Espio Summoning Ninja Power! English
Espio 忍法木の葉隠れ!(The ninja art of hiding in the leaves of trees!) Japanese

To re-enable the original Tornado Jump, change the following hex values in the PC version's "Tsonic_win.exe", then simply test their Tornado Jumps in-game:

  • 0xDF6B5 - 00
  • 0xDF912 - 00
  • 0x17909C - 00
  • 0x179B3E - 00
  • 0x184587 - EB
  • 0x1B007A - 00
  • 0x1D29EE - 8B CE
  • 0x1D324B - E9 9E F7 FF FF
  • 0x1D356B - E9 7E F4 FF FF
  • 0x1D40F6 - F7 C1 00 00 40 00 75 12 81 C9 00 00 40 00 C7 85 30 03 00 00 00 00 80 3F EB 06 81 E1 FF FF BF FF 3C 0F 0F 85 37 01 00 00
  • 0x1D4256 - 0F
  • 0x1E2F6D - 00
  • 0x248B1C - EB (Fixes alpha blending issues for proper invisibility rendering)
  • 0x382A44 - F0 29 5D 00

For GameCube, apply this region-free Gecko code:

$Original Tornado Jump techniques for Amy and Espio
F6000001 80008180
7C840774 2C040009
D2000004 00000009
2C040009 41820028
38000001 2C000000
4182001C 881C06A0
7C000774 68000001
981C06A0 3C003F80
901C069C 38000000
2C000000 40820008
3880FFFF 2C040009
60000000 00000000
E2000001 80008000
F6000001 80008180
2C000009 40820108
D2000000 00000009
2C000009 41820028
38800001 2C040000
4182001C 889C06A0
7C840774 68840001
989C06A0 3C803F80
909C069C 38800000
2C040000 40820008
3800FFFF 2C000009
60000000 00000000
E2000001 80008000
F6000001 80008180
2C000009 40820084
D2000000 00000009
2C000009 41820028
38800001 2C040000
4182001C 889C06B0
7C840774 68840001
989C06B0 3C803F80
909C06AC 38800000
2C040000 40820008
3800FFFF 2C000009
60000000 00000000
E2000001 80008000
F6000001 80008180
2C000009 4182000C
38600000 4E800020
12000004 00004800
E2000001 80008000
Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: How do you enable this for other teams, and can Sonic/Shadow do this too?

SH Invisible Amy.png
Additionally, Chroma Camo can be enabled for other characters besides Espio.

(Source: Muzzarino (sound effects and codes for GameCube version))

Unused Textures

The textures can be accessed similarly to Grand Theft Auto III. By using the Magic.TXD editor one can view, edit, and create textures for all platforms Sonic Heroes was released on.


SonicHeroes-Tikan 01.png
This tile texture was used to test the indirect shader before applying it to an object or a part of the level geometry.


Textures meant for fireworks in the casino levels. However, no firework models were placed in those levels, leaving them unused.


SonicHeroes-D pow64.png
A texture meant for objects that emit powder particles, such as the mushrooms in the jungle levels. They use "ef_p00" from "cmn_effect.txd" instead.


Used (from the stage effect txd archives) Unused (from s12.txd)
SonicHeroes-M11 ef01.png SonicHeroes-M11 ef01 s12.txd.png

A smoother, more smudgy looking version of Mystic Mansion's teleportation particles.


GameCube/Xbox/PC PlayStation 2 Xbox (unused)
SH d frogc2 stg10.png SH d frogc2 stg10 ps2.png SH d frogc2 stg73 xb.png

Stored only in the Xbox build for 2 Player Frog Forest, is a color variation of the black poison frog with less green in RGB value compared to the one found on Lost Jungle, normally used for the PlayStation builds, except in higher quality 256x256 resolution.


Included in the textures for Stage 14, Final Fortress, is a 512×512 version of the sky texture. Only the 256×256 version is used in the stage and subsequent boss fight. The TXD file also includes the contents of "indirect_test.txd", "e3Adv.txd", and "play_ground.txd".

Strangely, the PC version is essentially "padded" with duplicate texture files, such as "event____.txd" files. Also, "comsoon.txd" is empty.

Teleporter switch textures were also in "s71.txd" for Xbox.

Unused Objects

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.

There are several stage objects that go unused (located in the dvdroot folder):

  1. stg06_kw_hanabi_blue.one - Blue Fireworks
  2. stg06_kw_hanabi_green.one - Green Fireworks
  3. stg06_kw_hanabi_purple.one - Purple Fireworks
  4. stg06_kw_hanabi_red.one - Red Fireworks
  5. stg06_kw_hanabi_yellow.one - Yellow Fireworks
  6. OBJ09_POWGREEN.DFF - Green Powder (stg09obj.one)
  7. OBJ09_POWPINK.DFF - Pink Powder (stg09obj.one)
  8. OBJ09_POWYELLOW.DFF - Yellow Powder (stg09obj.one)
  9. OBJ09_FROGGREENBEAT.DFF - Battered Frog (stg09obj.one)
  10. OBJ09_FROGBLACKBEAT.DFF - Battered Black Frog (stg73obj.one, Xbox)
  11. OBJ14_SANDERS_K.DFF - Green Thunder (s14obj.one)
Used Unused
Heroes Frog.gif Heroes Frog Battered.png


Used Unused
SonicHeroes-Adv ef warpa.png SonicHeroes-S11 switch effect.png SonicHeroes-Adv ef warpb.png
Used (In-game) Unused (In-game)
Warp effect commonly used for most teleportations. Orb switch warp effect used for the castle themed levels. Used in-game after hacking the codes in "Tsonic_win.exe" for PC.

An unused silver swirl warp effect found in the "comobj.one" archive of the dvdroot folder. Unlike the two other warp effects, this one rapidly permeates the screen and quickly teleports the player to another position. It can be enabled in the PC version by hex editing the byte at an object offset such as 717FB from 58 to 60 and 71967 from 54 to 5C. For the orb switch, their codes are 68 at 103132 and 64 at 10333D.

For the GameCube version, use this code to replace the gradient warp with the swirl one:

F6000002 80008180
2C000004 40820020
3860000A 38800002
12000004 48000000
E0000000 80000000
F6000003 80008180
818C0040 7D8903A6
4E800421 3800FFFF
901F0030 38000002
10000017 00000003
E0000000 80000000
F6000003 80008180
818c0044 7D8903A6
4E800421 3800FFFF
901f002c 38000002
10000017 00000003
E0000000 80000000

Early Team Sonic Seaside Hill

Present only in the European GameCube version is a file called _s01_P1.bin which is, bizarrely, an early version of Team Sonic's Seaside Hill. It seems to match up with the layout seen in the Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Bonus Disc demo and the 10.8 prototype, but why it is left only in this version is a mystery.

Unused Code

Demo Gameplay

SH Demo Gameplay.png
The gameplay demo that would play after idling long enough on the PlayStation 2 and GameCube versions' prototypes were left out of the PC version. It can be re-enabled by replacing the original array at 5698A with 80 F9 06 0F 4D CB. If done correctly, the gameplay demo will play after the opening movie.

Transparent Magician Effect

To do:
Add codes for other versions.

SH Magician Transparent.png SH Bishop Transparent.png
For the Magician/Bishop Robot that appears in castle-themed levels, there are material opcodes in the PC version starting at 212D5F (612D5F in RAM) which render the robot transparent with additive alpha blending which was never used by any of the enemy's techniques. However, editing the byte array at 210F83 from 00 00 80 3F to a lower float code in little endian may render a transparent version of the robot after it appears on the placed location.

For GameCube, apply the Gecko codes below:

10.8 USA
48000000 800030C8
DE000000 80008180
300815C8 D00302AC
D20815C4 00000004
3821FFFC 3C803F80
3884FFFF 90810000
C0010000 38210004
60000000 00000000
E2000001 80008000
48000000 800030C8
DE000000 80008180
300AEF48 D02302B4
D20AEF44 00000004
3821FFFC 3C803F80
3884FFFF 90810000
C0210000 38210004
60000000 00000000
E2000001 80008000

There are also several material flags that aren't used in the game, of course including ones from unused objects, including the Fireworks object at 0xB4AC3, the hint collision (which is a 72 flag pointer) at 0x75137, the green thunder at 0x48A700 and the three powder objects at 0x468ED4 (Green), 0x468EE4 (Pink), and 0x468EF4 (Yellow) on PC.

Inaccessible Areas

To do:
Many stages have inaccessible areas that have yet to be documented here. This channel has several videos showing Rose where they shouldn't be. Based on the Seaside Hill video, some areas also seem to have unique object placement variations that go unseen since you never go to them. Also, properly investigate unused layouts in 2P Mode, particularly Seaside Hill, Grand Metropolis and Rail Canyon.

Due to how the levels are structured, all four teams can theoretically access every area in a level - including those that are "exclusive" to one team. This is most evident with Team Rose, as their levels are the shortest and either cut out roughly the first third of it (such as Power Plant) or physically block them from proceeding at a certain point (such as Lost Jungle).

However, with the use of glitches and/or hacks, teams are able to go to places they weren't meant to. And oddly enough, several of these areas have remnants of them being able to go there normally, such as unique object placements or otherwise unused lines of dialogue.

Team Sonic

Sonic Heroes MM Inaccessable area.png
Team Sonic in Team Chaotix's final area of Mystic Mansion, accessibly only through using hacks. There doesn't seem to be any way to leave due to the lack of a teleport flower, let alone a way to open it.

Original Rail Canyon Team Chaotix mission

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: It's a bit confusing what the text is even talking about. And are there any other differences aside from this small area? Are there other stages like this?

These codes restore the original Rail Canyon used for other teams aside from Chaotix on the team's stage mission.


  • 0x4B69C: 0x08000000
  • 0x55894: 0x08
  • 0x3C8A24: 0x08
Original Alternative
Rail Canyon (Stage ID: 07) Rail Canyon (Stage ID: 50)

Hidden Setting

In the PC version, adding the line

Charmy_Shutup 1

to "%AppData%\SEGA\SONICHEROES\sonic_h.ini" will disable all voice clips that do not have accompanying subtitles (such as attacks, idling, and scoring).


To do:
Some of this and the next section should probably either go into the Platform Differences sub-page, the Bugs page if it's ever made, or potentially a Regional Differences sub-page if there's enough undocumented differences.

As seen here, there's a self-destruct switch out of the wall in Team Rose's Final Fortress, to the left of where it normally is. If you fly next to the left wall, you'll be able to see it, and you can actually press it if you use glitches.

Voice Clip Oddities

To do:
Rip the clip.

A lot of voice files in the PC version are empty for unknown reasons, most notably Cream's A-rank line. In the versions that don't have this problem, she says "I'm so happy, I want to tell everyone!". The subtitles for most of the other empty voice clips will still appear, however.

There are some clips in-game for when the characters explain the bobsled controls. However, these explain that if the Flight character is thrown off, the bobsled won't be able to jump. The order for character removal is Speed, Power, Flight, so when the Flight (i.e. last remaining) character is thrown off a life is lost. This hints that previously, the order for character removal was different or random.

When fighting Metal Madness, the Hint Orb at the right makes Team Rose say that the boss will shoot fire if you grab his right arm (the flame-shooting arm). Maybe this battle was different earlier in development, because you can't do anything even remotely close to grabbing in it, and the moment he decides to shoot flames appears to be random.

Final Fortress Laser Muzzle Flash

SH FF Laser Front.jpg SH FF Laser Behind.png SH FF Laser Side.png

While it's impossible to see normally, the lasers fired in Final Fortress at the rails actually do have a muzzle flash effect while firing. However, because of backface culling set by the effect's world render pass, the direction of the normals, and how briefly the laser appears before it goes offscreen, the player can never see it.

Regional Differences

Sonic Heroes PS2 - TV Setting Screen.pngSonic Heroes PS2 - TV Setting Test.png

Present only in the European versions of PlayStation 2 and GameCube is a unique screen that allows the user to switch between 50hz and 60hz (with a compatible television), as well as a Test option (for European PlayStation 2 only) previously seen in the Dreamcast versions of Sonic Adventure and its sequel. Interestingly, the artwork for Ocean Palace in the background can be found in the E3 prototype, albeit as an unfiltered PNG file. The North American GameCube and Xbox versions lack this feature, with the latter instead setting the video mode by checking the console's set video output.

  • The American and Japanese PS2 versions are the only versions to have a voice language setting, which lets you choose between the Japanese and English dub as well as being able to change the language for text. The GameCube, Windows, and European PlayStation 2 versions only have a menu to change text language. The Xbox version has both voice languages present, but has no language menu and uses the set console language.
  • The European PlayStation 2 release (when set to 50hz mode) has a glitch where the game sometimes registers two button presses instead of one, which can cause issues during gameplay (e.g. doing an air dash instead of jumping, not selecting the wanted character, etc.); this bug does not occur on emulators.
  • The European GameCube version provides the option to play in 60hz. However, this just takes the 50hz mode (which already plays at the right speed and only skips frames) and forces it to run at 60hz, instead of properly adjusting the gameplay speed, resulting in it running 20% faster.
  • In the PlayStation 2 version, the Cross (X) button was not switched to be confirm for the North American version (In Japan, the Circle (O) button is typically confirm). This was switched for the European release.
  • Team Chaotix's Team Blast lasts 9 seconds in Western versions, but 12 seconds in Japanese versions.
