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Sound of Drop - fall into poison -

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Title Screen

Sound of Drop - fall into poison -

Also known as: Shizuku no Oto (JP)
Developer: aiueo Kompany
Publishers: aiueo Kompany (JP), Sekai Project (INT)
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: October 30, 2015
Released in JP: May 5, 2014

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Sound of Drop - fall into poison - is a visual novel about repeatedly dying in a haunted aquarium.

...Who decided that was a good localized title?

Trial Version Code

Leftover code located in script.rpyc (/Sound of Drop - fall into poison - /game) for the end of the trial version of the game. ("つづく" translates to "to be continued.")

label trial_end:

    $ config.skipping = None

    $ disable_keys()

    call clear_scene from _call_clear_scene_1
    scene demo_last
    show expression Text(_("つづく"), style=style.badend_title, size=50) at align(0.05, 0.95)
    $ renpy.transition(Dissolve(3))
    pause 8
    scene bg black
    $ renpy.transition(Dissolve(3))
    pause 5

    $ renpy.movie_cutscene("videos/PV.mkv")
    pause 2

    $ enable_keys()


"demo_last" refers to this image of Mari in /Sound of Drop - fall into poison - /game/images/over. The video file referenced in this code does not exist in the full version of the game, but it's probably the same as (or at least very similar to) the opening video.

Sound of Drop demo last.png

Code to go to this screen appears in the Japanese script (in 1-09.rpyc in /Sound of Drop - fall into poison - /game/scenario) but was removed in the translations.

    if TRIAL:
        call trial_end from _call_trial_end


Regional Differences

To do:
Comparison screenshots.

The game got a huge overhaul when it was localized. The most visible difference is in the presentation: while the original uses NVL (the text is overlaid across the whole screen, starting at the top), the localized version uses the more conventional ADV (the text is in a box on the bottom of the screen). The graphics were updated, new scenes were added, and there are new "true" endings. Additionally, the game was ported to Ren'Py, which allows people to play it natively on Mac OS X and Linux.