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Spybot: The Nightfall Incident

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Title Screen

Spybot: The Nightfall Incident

Also known as: Spybotics: The Nightfall Incident
Developer: gameLab[1]
Publisher: LEGO
Platform: Adobe Shockwave
Released internationally: 2002

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Add more unused content such as graphics, objects, text & early maps as well as the Debug Menu

Spybot: The Nightfall Incident is a turn based strategy game made by gameLab for Lego's Spybotics theme, featuring surprisingly little product placement, but lots of original (and some unused) content.

Missing Files

Upon startup, the game attempts to load the following Adobe Director cast files:


Unfortunately those files haven't been preserved, with most reuploads either replacing them with zero byte files or empty casts.
It's unknown if those files were ever present or if they contained any content, as the game runs fine without them and doesn't appear to have any missing music or sound effects.
Note that other gameLAB games also used similarly named casts.

Unused Graphics

Unused Unit Icons

The game uses two sets of nearly identical unit icons, both are located in tiles, with the first being player_10 to player_136 and the second being com_10 to com_138.
As one would expect, the first set is used for the player's units whereas the second is used for the computer's.
Since any unit can be used by both sides, the corresponding icons exist in both sets, however, since most of the units are only available to either side, only a few icons had their color adjusted to match their corresponding side.
This section will only list otherwise unused icons or icons with differences between the two sets.

Duplicate Icons

Besides the icons listed above, computer colored variants of the MandelBug and Sumo units exist in player_119/com_119 & player_120/com_120.
Those seem to be leftovers from an earlier point in development where units weren't shared between the player and computer, as the used ones are found in com_29 & com_30.

The Watchman X icon is present at player_128 & 148, only the former is used though.
Oddly, a duplicate of the Watchman icon (com_118) is also present in com_138.


Player Computer
SBTNI SentinelPlayerIcons.png SBTNI SentinelComputerIcons.png
SBTNI WatchmanPlayerIcons.png SBTNI WatchmanComputerIcons.png

Graphics used for the player variants of the Sentinel/Watchman series, which are normally unobtainable. Compared to their computer counterparts, they use purple and gold instead of orange and magenta.
Note that the icon for the Watchman SP has magenta in the bottom right corner, hinting at the SP part having been copied over at a later point.

While one might think that those are leftovers of the convert mod (allowing you to control computer units) they actually seem to be earlier computer units as magenta and gold tiles are present in the computer trail colors.
This is further supported by early maps using the icon IDs 110 (Sentinel) & 113 (Watchman) instead of 114/118 respectively.
(The last number of a icon ID defines the trail color, with 0 being magenta and 3 being gold)

There's also a small but barely noticeable difference in the shades of white:
The player variants use #FFFFFF (clear white) for all parts of the graphic, whereas the computer variants use it only for the outside, using a slightly tinted shade (#FFFBF0) for any details.
The reason for this might be due to how transparency in Adobe Director is handled:
By default, graphics have no transparency, however, there's various ink modes to add that.
A commonly used mode turns #FFFFFF (clear white) into transparency, which would also make parts of the graphic transparent, explaining why the shade was adjusted.
The player icons show up fine in the final game however, due to the corresponding cast members using the matte ink mode, which only turns white pixels adjacent to the edge transparent.
This further supports the theory that those icons were earlier versions of the computer units.

Turbo Icon

SBTNI EarlyTurboIcon.png
Found in player_43/com_43 is a early turbo icon, using a lighter shade of blue and having an electric effect compared to its used counterpart.
SBTNI new turbo.png
Also present is the file new_turbo which appears to have been a worksheet for the final Turbo icons.

Icon Template

SBTNI 148Icon.png
tiles/48 is this strange icon, which seems to have been a template for creating new icons.

(Source: r543)



To do:
Add a slowed down recording of the effect

SBTNI cool credit1.png
Found under visual/cool_credit1 is the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States, which appears to have been taken from a one dollar bill.
While this may seem unused, and given its large size, like it was intended for the credits page rather than the in game currency of the same name, it is used in-game, briefly appearing when you collect a credit. The effect is quite fast, most of the time only looking like a white flash, making it difficult to see.

(GameBoyTM101: r543, Additional Info)

Development Text

Development Log

visual/72 contains a development log. While the year isn't specified, it's likely 2001, as the game, and Spybotics theme, launched in early 2002:

Agent state change does not work. It's stuck on #MOVE.
Otherwise, it seems smooth.

- 'Play_Manger' does nothing
- #action: body doesnot hilite

Editting Each Program
	- Program Type: A,B,C,D,E
	- Movement
	- MaxSize
	- commands
		- ID

Units/Programs named Agent_A to Agent_D with identical statistics can be found in the unused maps in data_good.


Found in misc/swSetting is a template for units (software):

	#NAME		:"text here"

	#Movement	:3, 
	#MoveCount	:3, 

	#MaxSize	:5, 

	#actions	:["name of action","name of action"]

Present in visual/cmd__template is a overview of command attributes:

#type			: @type ,
#name			: @name ,
#nameText		: @nameText ,

#requiredSize		: @requiredSize ,		
#cost			: @cost ,
#range			: @range ,
#areaOfEffect		: @areaOfEffect ,
#targetLimit		: @targetLimit ,
#numOfUse		: @numOfUse ,
#global			: @global ,

#damage			: @damage ,
#grow			: @grow ,

#speedMod		: @speedMod ,

#sizeMod		: @sizeMod ,	

#damageMod		: @damageMod ,
#shieldMod		: @shieldMod ,	

#virusMod		: @virusMod ,

#stealthMod		: @stealthMod ,	

#scrambleMod		: @scrambleMod ,

#freezeMod		: @freezeMod ,

#convertMod		: @convertMod ,

#clearMod		: @clearMod ,

#reboot			: @reboot ,

#clone			: @clone ,
#duplicate		: @duplicate ,
#emulate		: @emulate ,

#defreg			: @defreg ,
#frag			: @frag ,

#description   	: @description


A template for commands is present in visual/cmd_default:

#type         : "attack",
#nameText     : "text",
#name         : "text",

#requiredSize : 0,		
#cost         : 0,
#range        : 1,
#areaOfEffect : 0,
#targetLimit  : 0,
#numOfUse     : #infinity,
#global       : [#state: #off, #sizeOver: 0, #sizeUnder: 0, #enemyOnly: #on] ,

#damage       : 0,
#grow         : 0,

#speedMod     : [#speedChange   : 0      ,#duration: #infinity] ,

#sizeMod      : [#maxSizeChange : 0      ,#duration: #infinity] ,	

#damageMod    : [#damageBoost   : 0      ,#duration: #infinity] ,
#shieldMod    : [#damageBoost   : 0      ,#duration: #infinity] ,	

#virusMod     : [#virusDamage   : 0      ,#duration: #infinity] ,

#stealthMod   : [#stealth       : #off   ,#duration: #infinity] ,	
#scrambleMod  : [#scramble      : #off   ,#duration: #infinity] ,

#freezeMod    : [#freeze        : #off   ,#duration: #infinity] ,

#convertMod   : [#convert       : #off   ,#duration: #infinity] ,

#clearMod     : #off ,

#reboot       : #off ,

#clone        : #off ,
#duplicate    : #off ,
#emulate      : #off ,

#defreg       : #off ,
#frag         : #off ,

#description  : "This is action"


A detailed description for command attributes is present in visual/cmd_settings_ins:

Command Attributes
(type is just a handle for the game designer to organize)

(the name of the command)
REQUIRED SIZE: integer (0,1,2,...) or #infinity
(the program must be this size to activate this command)

COST:  integer (0,1,2,...) or #infinity
(the program will take this much damage when the command is activated)

RANGE:  integer (0,1,2,...) or #infinity
(determines location of legal targets for this command, 0 = self-target only)

AREA OF EFFECT: integer (0,1,2,...) or #infinity or #bodyaura
 (the command affects all sectors within a range centered on the target sector, body-aura means every sector that is touching this program will be affected)

TARGET LIMIT:  0 or #head_only
(limits which sectors can be legal targets)

GLOBAL:  #on/#off | integer | integer | #on/#off
(“on”/”off”, 0 — 50, 0 — 50, “on”/”off”)
 (the command affects all programs on the grid that match certain parameters)

NUMBER OF USE:  integer (0,1,2,...) or #infinity
(limit how many turns a command can be used)
DAMAGE:  integer (0,1,2,...) or #max, #bodysize 
(used in attack commands, target program’s size reduced by this amount, max = instantaneous kill, “bodysize” = does the attacking program’s bodysize in damage to the target)

GROW:  integer (0,1,2,...) or #max 
(target program’s size increased by this amount)
SPEED MOD:  integer |  integer or #infinity
(adds mod which increases movement rate by this amount)

SIZE MOD:  integer |  integer or #infinity
(adds mod which increases max size by this amount)

DAMAGE MOD:  integer |  integer or #infinity 
(adds mod which adds this amount to any damage done by the  target)

SHIELD MOD:  integer |  integer or #infinity  
(adds mod which reduces any damage to target program by this amount)

VIRUS MOD:  integer |  integer or #infinity 
(adds mod which does this amount of damage to target program every turn)

STEALTH MOD:  #on/#off |  integer or #infinity 
(adds mod which renders target program invisible — no command may target an invisible program)

SCRAMBLE MOD:  #on/#off |  integer or #infinity 
(adds mod which prevents target program from executing any commands)

FREEZE MOD:  #on/#off |  integer or #infinity 
(adds mod which prevents target program from moving)

CONVERT MOD:  #on/#off |  integer or #infinity 
(adds mod which brings target program under player’s control)

CLEAR MOD:  #on/#off 
(removes all mods from target program)
RE-BOOT:  #on/#off 
(re-sets the entire databattle to initial conditions)
CLONE:  #on/#off 
(the activating program acquires all permanent characteristics of the target program:  i.e.Make me same as Enemy)

DUPLICATE:  #on/#off 
(the activating program acquires all permanent characteristics of the target program  i.e.Make enemy same as I)

EMULATE:  #on/#off 
(the activating program acquires one command of the target program, the command acquired is selected at random)
DE-FRAG:  #on/#off 
(grid sector is repaired)

FRAG:  #on/#off 
(grid sector is damaged)

Note that several of those attributes never have any value set other than their default, effectively making them unused.
The final game only uses the following attributes:

  1. TYPE
  2. NAME
  3. REQUIRED SIZE (integer)
  4. COST (integer & #infinity)
  5. RANGE (integer)
  6. DAMAGE (integer)
  7. GROW (integer)
  8. SPEED MOD (integer | #infinity)
  9. SIZE MOD (integer | #infinity)
  10. DE-FRAG (#on/#off)
  11. FRAG (#on/#off)
(Source: r543)

Unused Spybot Data

It appears that the Spybots from Lego's Spybotics theme were once going to play a bigger role than just being a save file/loading icon:

Present in misc/sbybot_data is the following configuration:


	#ICON		:1,
	#action		:"FLASHGROW", 
	#Target		:#PLAYER , 
	#Required	:[#greater,1],
	#ICON		:2,
	#action		:"DARKSTORM", 
	#Target		:#ALL , 
	#Required	:[#greater,1],
	#ICON		:3,
	#action		:"OVERCLOCK", 
	#Target		:#ALL , 
	#Required	:[#greater,1],
	#ICON		:4,
	#action		:"CRUNCHTIME", 
	#Target		:#COM , 
	#Required	:[#greater,3],


The mentioned attacks are also present in misc/data_cmds:

[#type: "ATTACK", #name: "DARKSTORM", #NAMETEXT: "DARKSTORM", #requiredSize: 0, #cost: 0, #range: 1, #areaOfEffect: 0, #targetLimit: 0, #numOfUse: #infinity, #global: [#state: #off, #sizeOver: 0, #sizeUnder: 0, #enemyOnly: #off], #damage: 1, #grow: 0, #speedMod: [#speedChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #sizeMod: [#maxSizeChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #damageMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #shieldMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #virusMod: [#virusDamage: 0, #duration: #infinity], #stealthMod: [#stealth: #off, #duration: #infinity], #scrambleMod: [#scramble: #off, #duration: #infinity], #freezeMod: [#freeze: #off, #duration: #infinity], #convertMod: [#convert: #off, #duration: #infinity], #clearMod: #off, #reboot: #off, #clone: #off, #duplicate: #off, #emulate: #off, #defreg: #off, #frag: #off, #description: "DELETES 1 SECTOR FROM ALL PROGRAMS INCLUDING YOURS"]

[#type: "GROW", #name: "FLASHGROW", #NAMETEXT: "FLASHGROW", #requiredSize: 0, #cost: 0, #range: 1, #areaOfEffect: 0, #targetLimit: 0, #numOfUse: #infinity, #global: [#state: #off, #sizeOver: 0, #sizeUnder: 0, #enemyOnly: #off], #damage: 0, #grow: 1, #speedMod: [#speedChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #sizeMod: [#maxSizeChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #damageMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #shieldMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #virusMod: [#virusDamage: 0, #duration: #infinity], #stealthMod: [#stealth: #off, #duration: #infinity], #scrambleMod: [#scramble: #off, #duration: #infinity], #freezeMod: [#freeze: #off, #duration: #infinity], #convertMod: [#convert: #off, #duration: #infinity], #clearMod: #off, #reboot: #off, #clone: #off, #duplicate: #off, #emulate: #off, #defreg: #off, #frag: #off, #description: "ADDS 1 SECTOR TO ALL OF YOUR PROGRAMS"]

[#type: "SIZEMOD", #name: "OVERCLOCK", #NAMETEXT: "OVERCLOCK", #requiredSize: 0, #cost: 0, #range: 1, #areaOfEffect: 0, #targetLimit: 0, #numOfUse: #infinity, #global: [#state: #off, #sizeOver: 0, #sizeUnder: 0, #enemyOnly: #off], #damage: 0, #grow: 0, #speedMod: [#speedChange: 1, #duration: #infinity], #sizeMod: [#maxSizeChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #damageMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #shieldMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #virusMod: [#virusDamage: 0, #duration: #infinity], #stealthMod: [#stealth: #off, #duration: #infinity], #scrambleMod: [#scramble: #off, #duration: #infinity], #freezeMod: [#freeze: #off, #duration: #infinity], #convertMod: [#convert: #off, #duration: #infinity], #clearMod: #off, #reboot: #off, #clone: #off, #duplicate: #off, #emulate: #off, #defreg: #off, #frag: #off, #description: "ADDS 1 TO MOVEMENT RATE OF ALL PROGRAMS, INCLUDING ENEMIES"]

[#type: "ATTACK", #name: "CRUNCHTIME", #NAMETEXT: "CRUNCHTIME", #requiredSize: 0, #cost: 0, #range: 1, #areaOfEffect: 0, #targetLimit: 0, #numOfUse: #infinity, #global: [#state: #off, #sizeOver: 2, #sizeUnder: 0, #enemyOnly: #on], #damage: 1, #grow: 0, #speedMod: [#speedChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #sizeMod: [#maxSizeChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #damageMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #shieldMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #virusMod: [#virusDamage: 0, #duration: #infinity], #stealthMod: [#stealth: #off, #duration: #infinity], #scrambleMod: [#scramble: #off, #duration: #infinity], #freezeMod: [#freeze: #off, #duration: #infinity], #convertMod: [#convert: #off, #duration: #infinity], #clearMod: #off, #reboot: #off, #clone: #off, #duplicate: #off, #emulate: #off, #defreg: #off, #frag: #off, #description: "DELETES 1 SECTOR FROM ALL ENEMY PROGRAMS THAT ARE CURRENTLY SIZE 3 OR BIGGER"]

While the corresponding icons can be found under tiles/spybot_1 to spybot_4
SBTNI SpybotUnitIcons.png

(Source: r543)

Unobtainable Units

Present in misc/program_data are two unobtainable units:

Ms. Bit-Man

SBTNI Ms.Bit-ManIcon.png

#NAME		:"Ms. Frag-Man",
#NAMETEXT 	:"Ms. Bit-Man",
#icon		:20,
#Movement	:5, 
#MoveCount	:5, 
#MaxSize	:5, 
#actions	:["ZERO","ONE"],
#cost 		:500,
#Description:"A major upgrade in every way"

An upgrade to Bit-Man (+2 movement & size), costing twice as much but otherwise having the same abilities as its predecessor.
The presence of this unit and its description confirms Bit-Man's Pac-Man reference and that the black wavy line is supposed to be a mouth.

While one might think that this unit was cut for being a too obvious reference and was intended for Security Level 3 or 4 (given that Bit-Man only gets relevant again in later nodes and its rather large size) misc/warez_inventory_list confirms that this unit was supposed to be obtainable in the Security Level 2 Warez node:

#Programs    :["Hack 2.0","Golem.mud","Wolf Spider","Seeker","Silo","Medic","Ms.Frag-Man","Turbo"]

It doesn't show up however due to a small typo (lacking space between Ms. & Frag-Man)

Edit Tester

#NAME		:"Edit Tester",
#NAMETEXT 	:"Edit Tester",
#icon		:32,
#Movement	:0, 
#MoveCount	:0, 
#MaxSize	:1, 
#actions	:["HANG"],
#cost 		:300,

A unit using Turbo's icon with Clog 2.0's Hang command, lacking any movement and having a max size of 1.
As stated by its description, it was most likely used during level design, possibly to see how the AI would pathfind its way towards the player as units with no movement only require the player to attack, while Clog 2.0's Hang can be used to immobilize enemies.

Shared Player/Computer Units

Due to the way the game is set up, any unit can be used by the player as well as the computer.
While this is used for the MandelBug & Sumo units, any other unit doesn't use this possibility.
Note that while other units can be edited in, the color of their head and trail tiles will be mismatched as the corresponding head tiles haven't been recolored.

(Source: r543)

Unused Commands

Present among the used comments in misc/data_cmds are two unused commands:

[#type: "attack", #name: "ZAP", #NAMETEXT: "ZAP", #requiredSize: 0, #cost: 0, #range: 0, #areaOfEffect: #bodyaura, #targetLimit: 0, #numOfUse: #infinity, #global: [#state: #off, #sizeOver: 0, #sizeUnder: 0, #enemyOnly: #on], #damage: 2, #grow: 0, #speedMod: [#speedChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #sizeMod: [#maxSizeChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #damageMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #shieldMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #virusMod: [#virusDamage: 0, #duration: #infinity], #stealthMod: [#stealth: #off, #duration: #infinity], #scrambleMod: [#scramble: #off, #duration: #infinity], #freezeMod: [#freeze: #off, #duration: #infinity], #convertMod: [#convert: #off, #duration: #infinity], #clearMod: #off, #reboot: #off, #clone: #off, #duplicate: #off, #emulate: #off, #defreg: #off, #frag: #off, #description: "DELETES 2 SECTORS FROM ALL ADJACENT PROGRAMS"]

[#type: "attack", #name: "FRY", #NAMETEXT: "FRY", #requiredSize: 4, #cost: 3, #range: 0, #areaOfEffect: #bodyaura, #targetLimit: 0, #numOfUse: #infinity, #global: [#state: #off, #sizeOver: 0, #sizeUnder: 0, #enemyOnly: #on], #damage: 3, #grow: 0, #speedMod: [#speedChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #sizeMod: [#maxSizeChange: 0, #duration: #infinity], #damageMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #shieldMod: [#damageBoost: 0, #duration: #infinity], #virusMod: [#virusDamage: 0, #duration: #infinity], #stealthMod: [#stealth: #off, #duration: #infinity], #scrambleMod: [#scramble: #off, #duration: #infinity], #freezeMod: [#freeze: #off, #duration: #infinity], #convertMod: [#convert: #off, #duration: #infinity], #clearMod: #off, #reboot: #off, #clone: #off, #duplicate: #off, #emulate: #off, #defreg: #off, #frag: #off, #description: "DELETES 4 SECTORS FROM ALL TOUCHING PROGRAMS & DELETES 3 SECTORS FROM EEL"]

Both attacks use the otherwise unused bodyaura area of effect.
ZAP would've dealt 2 damage to any adjacent programs while FRY would've dealt four while requiring the unit to be at 4+ size and dealing 3 damage to itself.
What's possibly the most interesting is the description of FRY, mentioning EEL, a cut unit that doesn't appear anywhere else in the game's files.
It's likely that those two commands were both meant for the EEL unit, similarily to how Seeker 3.0 has two attacks, with the stronger requiring a certain size and dealing self damage.

(Source: r543)

Internal Names

To do:
Are there any official statements about The Lego Group's anti war policy? If so, add a reference.

All Units/Commands have two names each:
#NAME, which is the internal name & #NAMETEXT, used as display name.
This setup seems to be used to easily change text during localization, as such, most of the names in the English version are the same.
There's a small amount that differ though, hinting at earlier names:


Display Name Internal Name
Bit-Man Frag-Man
Ms. Bit-Man Ms. Frag-Man


Display Name Internal Name

TOWER's internal name Silo seems to refer to missile silos, which is further evidenced with its LAUNCH command.
While Mobile Tower refers to the Scud missile, it's more likely that a transporter erector launcher (TEL) was meant as that's what's depicted on the unit's icon rather than the missile itself.

Given The Lego Group's anti war policy (to not create or promote toys that are related to war) it's no surprise that this had to be changed.

Bit-Man/Ms. Bit-Man was possibly changed for a similar reason, as "Frag" can be a slang term for (eliminating an opponent with) a fragmentation hand grenade, even if in the context of this unit, it's referring to their ability to (de)fragment grid tiles.

Note that while the ZERO/ONE commands don't have any different display names, it's likely that they were changed at one point too as the command parameters are named defreg & frag respectively, fitting to the unit's theme of fragmenting prior to being changed to binary (a bit can either be zero or one, hence the command names)
It's possible that this change lead to the implementation of display names in the first place as unused earlier maps show a lack of such.

(Source: r543)

Unused Unit Prices

All units have a credit value assigned to them in misc/program_data, this includes units that can't be purchased, such as enemies or mission rewards. Since most of those have a price of 300, the table below only lists units with a different price:

Unit Price
Warden 2500
Warden+ 3500
Warden++ 5000
Sensor 1750
Sonar 1750
Radar 1750
Clog.01 1000

The Warden series mostly have identical prices to the (player available) Golem series. This makes sense as they have identical statistics and share the same attacks, suggesting that they were created as copies of said units.
The only unit that differs is Warden, as Golem.mud has a price of 1200 credits, suggesting that it was lowered at a later point.

The Sensor series all have a price of 1750 credits, the same as Turbo Deluxe, possibly indicating that Turbo Deluxe's unit definition was used as base.

Unlike it's upgraded brethren, Clog.01 is only available as a one time mission reward, although it's price suggests that it was purchasable at one point, most likely the Security Level 2 Warez store, as the price fits well with the other units.

The price of 300 credits is also otherwise unused, with the closest being Bit-Man at 250 (lowest price in the game) and Hack & Data Doctor at 500.

(Source: r543)

Unused Maps

To do:
Add the unused maps at a later point

Unused Text

Unused Dialogue

The dialogue below is displayed as stored internally.
The capitalization can be quite random, most of the text in-game is displayed only in uppercase, likewise most of the text casts are also set to use a uppercase only font.
~ is used to display garbled characters, with one tilde equaling a two character wide garbled character.
For choices, the second choice gets listed first.


text data/node_1_dialogue contains dialogue which would've played when entering the S.M.A.R.T. HQ.
It appears to be from an earlier point in development, where the Spybots played a bigger role, as you get the choice of obtaining or changing your Spybot, with the store interface not existing yet.

The configuration for this dialogue still exists in text data/nodes_logic and it can be seen in-game by hacking.
Selecting "Let me see that list again" loops one back to #B1, the rest of the dialogue plays out as one would expect, with declining at #A1 or #B1 leading to #B2.


#A1: [
"S.M.A.R.T.: Welcome back, agent.  Most of our network is still down, but is there aything I can do for you?", 
"Nothing. Thanks.",
"I need a new Spybot." 

#B1: [
"S.M.A.R.T.: Sure thing.  This is where I would give you a choice of Spybots.  Anything else I can do?", 
"No thanks.",
"Let me see that list again." 

#B2: [
"S.M.A.R.T.: Hopefully, we'll be back to normal operation soon.  Good luck out there.", 


SuperPhreak Tutorial

text data/node_49_dialogue contains dialogue which would've played after completing the tutorial, guiding the player to the Warez node as well as the first node, Lucky Monkey: Tech Support, whose description states that S.M.A.R.T. uses this node's security as a test mission.

Interestingly, the dialogue suggests that this used to be a Dr. Donut node at one point.
In the Final game, DisArray introduces the player to Warez nodes after completing Lucky Monkey: Tech Support and Dr Donut nodes only start to show up in security level 2, being introduced by Wintermutant. However, Dr. Donut is the first company in the internal order, as seen in misc/company_names as well as the numbering in visual.

The configuration for this dialogue still exists in text data/nodes_logic, and would've shown the mentioned Lucky Monkey node once finished, but there's no way to trigger it.


#A1: [

#B1: [


PED: Treasury Funds

text data/node_36_dialogue contains the dialogue that plays after clearing PED: Treasury Funds.
While this is used, the dialogue in #C1 gets cut off after "SO BE SURE ~~" making the rest of the text unseen.
This isn't noticeable due to the last characters being garbled and there still being space in the message box (used for dialogues with multiple choices) which might explain how this slipped past testing.
Coincidentally, it mentions Ms. Bit-Man, a unit that was supposed to be available but isn't due to a typo, and doesn't get mentioned here either due to this oversight.

#C1: [
"SuperPhreak:  Disarray's tactics: i know that ~~~~~~~~ ~ COWARD and will USE RANGED PROGRAMs TO KEEP YOU ~~ ~ DISTANCE.  be prepared to see LOTS OF RADAR and SONAR along with ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ fought.  I ALSO KNOW HE DELETES MEMORY CELLS AS A DEFENSE, SO BE SURE ~~ ~~~~ SOMETHING THAT CAN RESTORE THE GRID, LIKE MS. Bit-MAN.", 

Warez Nodes

The Warez nodes contain unique dialogue when accessed for the first time.
During that conversation, the player can choose to not view the store, leading to the response in #C1.
While this can be seen in-game, it's unlikely that many players will, as it would mean selecting the node, entering, and only then deciding to not have a look at the store.
(Due to how the game works, the player would want to access the store as soon as they unlock it to obtain new units)
To make it even less likely, a bug occasionally causes the first visit to be treated as a reoccuring one, skipping this dialogue altogether.

The first two nodes also contain unused lines (#E1, #F1), which would've been used when exiting the shop.
They were likely cut to streamline the dialogue, as shops can be revisited at any time, without any loading screens in-between, with the "Do you really want to leave?" "Alright, bye" conversation just getting in the way.

LEO'S SHOP (node_44_dialogue)


#A1: [
"LEO:  Hey, you must be that new S.M.A.R.T. AGENT I HEARD ABOUT.  Welcome to Leo's Shop.  ", 

#B1: [
"LEO:  We only got the best in wares, but for a up-and-comer like yourself, maybe AN  ex-agent like me can give YOU a break.  You want to do some business?", 
"No thanks.",
"Sure, show me what you've got." 

#C1: [

#D1: [
"LEO:  Anything else I can do you for?", 
"Let me take one last look",
"No thanks, I'm done." 

#E1: [
"LEO:  Sure thing.  Take all the time you need.", 

#F1: [
"LEO:  No problem, kid.  Come back anytime.", 


NETWORK CITY (node_45_dialogue)


#A1: [
"TSUMARA285: Welcome, consumer, to Network City, retailer for New Future Net Technologies, software for the here and beyond.", 

#B1: [
"TSUMARA285: I am your automated host.  Can I be of assistance?", 
"No thanks.",
"I'd like to purchase some software." 

#C1: [
"TSUMARA285: Please search our software inventory for the items you desire.", 

#D1: [
"TSUMARA285: Is there any other business in which I can assist you?", 
"Let me take one last look.",
"No thanks, I'm done." 

#E1: [
"TSUMARA285: Please search our software inventory for the items you desire.", 

#F1: [
"TSUMARA285: Thank you for shopping at Network City, where the New Future is Your Future.", 


C1 incorrectly is a duplicate of E1, as stated above, this can be seen in-game by declining when first visiting the store.

READY TO WARE (node_46_dialogue)


#A1: [
"KIMONI: Hmm, I didn't think you would make it this far.  Only the best agents have the talent to reach my shop. ", 

#B1: [
"KIMONI: I deal exclusively in top-of-the-line software options for the serious Spybot user.  Of course, that kind of quality does not come cheaply.  Are you sure you're ready to shop at this level?", 
"No thanks.",
"Show me what you've got." 

#C1: [
"KIMONI: Remember, Ready to Ware is the premiere software shop on the Net.  Come back when you're ready to do business.",


AGORA (node_47_dialogue)


#A1: [
"MINERVA:  So, you passed the test in getting here, and I checked your trail - no one followed you.  Well done.", 

#B1: [
"MINERVA:  as I'm sure you know, I deal in some of the more - esoteric - software out on the Net.  karmic warez for the enlightened hacker.  It may cost plenty, but what are credits, really, when you think about it?  are you ready for net nirvana?", 
"No thanks.",
"Show me what you've got." 

#C1: [
"MINERVA:  NOW You know where to find me.  Come back when you're ready to transcend.", 


Most of the regular Warez store dialogue also contains unused lines (only #A1 is used), likely also cut for the same streamlining reasons:

NETWORK CITY (node_12_dialogue)


#A1: [
"Tsumara285:  Welcome back, consumer, to Network City, retailer for New Future Net Technologies, software for the here and beyond.  Can I be of assistance?", 
"No thanks.",
"I'd like to purchase some software." 

#B1: [
"Tsumara285:  Thank you for shopping at Network City, where the New Future is Your Future.", 


Dialogue that would've possibly played when exiting the store or entering it, based on the examples below.

READY TO WARE (node_19_dialogue)


#A1: [
"Kimoni:  I see you've returned.  be assured that you will find no better than Kimoni's shop anywhere on the Net.  The question is, do you have the credits to make this worth our while?", 
"No thanks.",
"Show me what you've got." 

#B1: [
"Kimoni:  Of course.  Peruse at your leisure.", 
"Buy Warez" 

#C1: [
"Kimoni:  Are you sure there's nothing further you need?", 
"Let me take one last look.",
"No thanks, I'm done." 

#D1: [
"Kimoni:  Look carefully.  Don't let yourself get caught without a vital piece of software.", 
"Buy Warez"

#E1: [
"Kimoni:  Well, when you have more credits to spend, we'll see you again.", 


Dialogue that would've played when entering the store (#B1) as well as exiting it (#C1, #D1, #E1)

AGORA (node_29_dialogue)


#A1: [
"No thanks.",
"Show me what you've got." 

#B1: [
"mINERVA:All the best of the Net, from the strongest Sumo to the smoothest Guru.  Take your pick.", 
"Buy Warez" 

#B2: [
"mINERVA:Suit yourself.  I'll catch you later.",

#C1: [
"mINERVA:Anything else before you get back to the corporate runs?", 
"Let me take one last look.",
"No thanks, I'm done." 

#D1: [
"mINERVA:Go ahead.  You can never have too many tools.", 
"Buy Warez" 

#E1: [
"mINERVA:Good luck out there.  I'll see you soon.", 


Dialogue that would've played when entering (#B1), declining to enter (#B2) and exiting the store (#C1, #D1, #E1)

(Source: r543)


  1. in-game credits