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Starsky & Hutch (PlayStation 2)

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Title Screen

Starsky & Hutch

Developer: Mind's Eye Productions
Publishers: Gotham Games (US), Empire Interactive (EU)
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in US: September 9, 2003
Released in EU: April 20, 2003

MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
DummyIcon.png This game has unusual dummy files.

To do:
There's likely more debug stuff to document.

Debug Toggles

Applying the below codes will enable a few debug modes.

USA codes:

Use Debug Keys (Press L3 In-game to render a white square)
204C9E08 00000001

Render Test (Limits draw distance)
20549478 00000001

Show Active Particles
2052E054 00000001

Render Info (use with Use Debug Keys)
20508AD0 00000020

Render Center
20508AD0 00000040

Render Bounding Boxes
20508AD0 00000002

Render Bounding Boxes (other version)
20508AD0 00000001
(Source: Punk7890)

Unused Song

On the root of the disc are three "PADDING" files labeled PADDING.1, PADDING.2, PADDING.3 respectively. Oddly enough, these are the intro songs from Burnout with a start-to-end loop.

(Source: Punk7890)