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Super Chicken Jumper

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Title Screen

Super Chicken Jumper

Developers: Sewer Cat, Heavy Sheep
Publisher: Sewer Cat
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: September 24, 2021

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Super Chicken Jumper is an auto-runner game where you play as a chicken trying to save the world from doom.

PostFx Bundle Leftover

In the game files, there is a leftover HTML file named 'how to use.html' from a tool used for the game's development.

Unused Enemies

Angel Eye

The Angel Eye was an enemy intended to be part of the Real Moon Demon Boss fight. He would go up and down repeatedly while shooting projectiles, after seven seconds it despawns and the game crashes.


The actual name of this enemy is unknown, its referred as sprite235 in the game files, judging by the appearance, probably this enemy is related to the Moon stage in some way. Also, it strongly resembles the All-Seeing Eye symbol.

Early Snowman Sprite

Seems to be an early version of the snowman enemy seen on the North Pole stage. This sprite has three frames, showing the snowman damaged. Supposedly this was a feature that when the snowman was damaged, it would have one snowball lost, so, the snowman would die with three hits. Probably was removed because it would make the stage way too hard.

Alternative Skeleton Sprite

An alternative sprite of the Cannon Skeleton enemy seen on the Cemetery, this sprite has a visible more black coloration, and less detail.

Unused Used
SuperChickenJumper skeletonalt.png SuperChickenJumper skeletonused.png

Old Fish Sprite

An old version of the fish sprite seen on the Farm Level.

Unused Used
SuperChickenJumper fishold.png SuperChickenJumper fishused.png

Early Forest Witch

An early low-detail version of the Forest Witch boss with a purple outline. This sprite can be seen on the Official Super Chicken Jumper Trailer.

SuperChickenJumper sprite298.png

Early Crystal Wolf

An lesser detailed version of the Crystal Wolf seen on the North Pole stage. Supposedly used in early versions of the game.

SuperChickenJumper sprite222.png

Early Death Sprite

An early sprite for the Death Boss fight seen on Cemetery, it has less detail and a completely different silhouette.

SuperChickenJumper AlternativeDEath.png

White Crystal Wolf

An scrapped version of the Crystal Wolf sprite that has the crystals of the wolf colored white, which is normally seen as red, this sprite also lacks some detailing.

Unused Weapons And Items


The glasses has no major effect at the player, it's just a 'style item'



The drill, just like the Uzi, has a cooldown mechanic, i.e, it overheats if you use it for too much time without stopping.


A parachute, it would slow down the player's fall, as seen on the Official Super Chicken Jumper Trailer '

Unused Icons

Nuclear Weapon Icon

An icon for the Nuclear Weapon, which is currently obtainable through a password, but this icon indicates that the Nuclear Weapon was once planned to be a weapon that could be unlocked with no cheats. As it can be seen on the Official Super Chicken Jumper Trailer, it was planned to be a single-use weapon, but this idea was scrapped, and now this weapon is only obtainable via cheat codes.

SuperChickenJumper NuclearWeaponIcon.png

Bottle Icon

An icon for a item that resembles a potion or a bottle with a liquid.

Super Chicken Jumper PotionIcon.png

Unused Graphics


A crude drawing of the word "GO", most likely just used as a placeholder.

SuperChickenJumper spr go.png

Mobile Leftovers

There are several mobile leftovers which were never used on the Windows PC version.

Early Controls Menu

Seems to be an earlier version of the menu, as it lacks some detailing and some keys.

SuperChickenJumper earlycontrolsmenu.png

Alternative Forest Background

An alternative version of the Forest background, it has crosses on the ground and what seems to be a lantern on a tree, while the used background, not.

SuperChickenJumper ForestBGAlt.png


A background that was used when the game was a "Google T-Rex Game Copy", as said by the GEMAPLYS, the developer of the game in the Nivram interview. (Portuguese)

SuperChickenJumper background0.png


There are four unused sprites for a supposedly unused attack of the Real Moon Demon boss, this sprites most likely have something to do with the unused Angel Eye enemy.


A crudely drawn low-quality sprite of what seems to be the Bloodthirsty Vampire Dragon The Size of A Mountain, This is likely some sort of placeholder used to test the boss in early stages.

SuperChickenJumper dragonplaceholderlol.png

Unused Animations

Unused Explosion Animation

An unused explosion animation, it was probably scrapped because it didn't fit very well with the game's style. Oddly enough, there is a duplicate of this animation in the game files called spr_explosion_backup

SuperChickenJumper unusedexplosion.gif

Debug Mode

SuperChickenJumper DebugMode.png

A very simple debug mode exists in the game's files. It can be re-enabled by placing obj_debug in any map of the game, and playing that map, by doing that, the debug mode is activated.

When activated this debug mode shows the FPS Count, the Object Count, and also makes the player invulnerable to any type of damage. Also, it creates a weird black rectangle that seems to reflect stuff on the screen.