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The Fairly OddParents: Breakin' Da Rules (Game Boy Advance)

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Title Screen

The Fairly OddParents: Breakin' Da Rules

Developer: Helixe
Publisher: THQ
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in US: November 5, 2003

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Unused Text

Located at 0x313030:

this is unused

Stage Select

Fairly OddParents Breakin' Da Rules GBA Level Select.pngFairly OddParents Breakin' Da Rules GBA Cheat Menu.png

Enter X3YSV3!P as your password and you'll go to a Stage Select screen. Once you start the game, pause it and you'll also have access to the Cheats menu, which is normally grayed out.