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Tikkabilla: Tamba's Abacus

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Title Screen

Tamba's Abacus

Publisher: BBC
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: 2003

SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

A simple counting game where Tikkabilla presenters Paul and Lorna, as well as Tamba the dragon puppet, sing along to "This Old Man" using an abacus.

Leftover Scratch Track

Present in the help.swf file, which contains the game's instructions, is part of the game's scratch audio track (without a pop filter, no less), which is the result of a slightly earlier version of the game's interface being copied over. Presumably due to a development oversight, Lorna's sprite is fully intact in the early interface with these audio clips defined, while the early 'How to play' dialogue can still be heard by hovering over the corresponding button.

Additionally, whereas the last five lines of dialogue are in MP3 format in the earlier interface, they are embedded as a WAV audio stream in the final.

Early Final Subtitle
Paul: How to play.
Lorna: Click on a number and count out loud with me.
Lorna: Click on number...
Lorna: One.
Lorna: Two.
Lorna: Three.
Lorna: Four.
Lorna: Five.
Lorna: Six.
Lorna: Seven.
Lorna: Eight.
Lorna: Nine.
Lorna: Ten.
Lorna: Press the space bar to count up to number...
Lorna: Choose a colour and draw the number.
Lorna: Click on the print button if you want to colour it in later.
Lorna: Click 'Play number' to hear the song or OK to continue.
Lorna: Click on 'Play number' to hear the song.