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Tonka Monster Trucks

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Title Screen

Tonka Monster Trucks

Developer: Data Design Interactive
Publisher: Infogrames
Platform: Windows
Released in US: September 25, 2001

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info

Unused Graphics


Two crudely drawn smiley faces can be found in the data folder.


Another crudely drawn smiley face can be found in several folders.

TonkaMT Alphatest02.png


Yet another crudely drawn smiley face. Found in data\textures.

TonkaMT points.png


A placeholder for a marketing screen.

TonkaMT product doc.png

Development Text


Inside of data\editor\OBJECTS\Ramps2 is a text document that contains a file listing of the same folder.

 Volume in drive D has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 1426-1605
 Directory of D:\TONKA MONSTER TRUCKS\data\editor\OBJECTS\Ramps

HALF-P~1 LWO         4,158  25/04/01  16:41 Half-Pipe_3X10M.lwo
RAMP_1~1 LWO         1,982  24/04/01  14:47 Ramp_10X10M.lwo
RAMP_1~2 LWO         1,982  24/04/01  17:54 Ramp_10X15M.lwo
RAMP_1~3 LWO         1,982  24/04/01  17:54 Ramp_10X20M.lwo
RAMP_1~4 LWO         1,982  24/04/01  17:55 Ramp_10X25M.lwo
RAMP_1~5 LWO         1,982  24/04/01  17:55 Ramp_10X30M.lwo
HALF-P~3 LWO         4,158  24/04/01  17:53 Half-Pipe_3X10MV2.lwo
TUNNEL~1 LWO         3,800  25/04/01  16:09 Tunnel_Ramp.lwo
TUNNEL~2 LWO         1,878  25/04/01  16:09 Tunnel_Ramp_10X20M_DN.lwo
TUNNEL~3 LWO         1,878  25/04/01  16:09 Tunnel_Ramp_10X20M_UP.lwo
HALF-P~2 LWO         4,158  25/04/01  16:44 Half-Pipe_10X30MSteep.lwo
HALF-P~4 LWO         4,158  25/04/01  16:45 Half-Pipe_10X30M.lwo
HALF-P~5 LWO         4,786  25/04/01  16:43 Half-Pipe_10X22MVSteep.lwo
HALF-P~7 LWO         4,158  25/04/01  16:52 Half-Pipe_6X20MSteep.lwo
MINI_H~1 LWO         2,526  25/04/01  17:01 mini_Half-Pipe_4X8M.lwo
RAMP_1~6 LWO         1,982  24/04/01  17:53 Ramp_10X10X10M.lwo
RAMP_1~7 LWO         1,982  24/04/01  17:53 Ramp_10X10X14M.lwo
RAMP_1~8 LWO         1,982  25/04/01  16:07 Ramp_10X10X17M.lwo
RAMP_1~9 LWO         1,982  24/04/01  17:54 Ramp_10X10X20M.lwo
RAMP_~10 LWO         1,982  24/04/01  17:54 Ramp_10X10X27M.lwo
        20 file(s)         55,478 bytes
         0 dir(s)        6,590.30 MB free