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Twitch (PlayStation Vita)

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Developer: Twitch Interactive
Publisher: Twitch Interactive
Platform: PlayStation Vita
Released in JP: July 6, 2016
Released in US: July 5, 2016
Released in EU: July 5, 2016

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

See, this is why game preservation is important.
This game is defunct.
Do note the game no longer works at all without modifications. This is most likely due to the game's servers being shut down. As a result, further official developments with the game are unlikely to happen.

Twitch was probably the only way you could get Super Mario 64 on your Vita. Sort of.

Unused Graphics



A placeholder image named "exampleItem".


Twitch-PSVita-Search-Game-Item.png Twitch-PSVita-Search-People-Item.png

Two default images used for searching games and broadcasters. Their file names are "search_game_item" and "search_people_item" respectively.

Twitch-PSVita-Search-Channel-Item.png Twitch-PSVita-Followed-Game-Item.png

Another two default images, this time featuring actual broadcasters. The first one is for searching channels, and the second is for followed broadcasters. The file names are "search_channel_item" and "followedGameItem" respectively.

Unused Text


A Markdown-formatted readme file was left in the root of the application.

# twitch_playstation

1) Grab the Trilithium binaries for PS4 from the plugin repo
	- The folders of interest will be sce_module, ps4, lithium_ps4.self
2) Use PS4 Neighborhood, select the PS4 that will be deployed to and use Load Executable, select the .self file from the project
	- If PS4 Neighborhood is not installed use the SDK Manager to install it

1) Grab the Trilithium binaries for PSVita from the plugin repo
	- The folders of interest will be module, psp2, sce_module, lithium_psp2.self
2) Use PSVita Neighborhood, select the PS4 that will be deployed to and use Load Executable, select the .self file from the project
	- If PSVita Neighborhood is not installed use the SDK Manager to install it

1) Grab the Trilithium binaries for PS3 from the plugin repo
	- The folders of interest will be ps3, lithium_ps3.self
2) Use Target Manager, select the PS3 that will be deployed to and use Load and Run Executable, select the .self file from the project
	- If Target Manager is not installed use the SDK Manager to install it