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This page is a translated version of the page Undertale and the translation is 16% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
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Title Screen


Developer: Toby Fox
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4
Released internationally: September 15, 2015

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Qu'est-ce que tu est en train de faire?

Tu cherches de secrets?

Ne fourre pas ton nez là où il ne faut pas.

Ou tu pourrait apprendre quelque chose que tu serait LOIN d'aimer...

Hé hé hé.

Message caché dans le code HTML de la page page d'accueil d'Undertale.

UNDERTALE est un RPG indé où personne n'a à mourir. Inspiré notamment par des jeux tels que EarthBound, Yume Nikki, et Cave Story, ce jeu a reçu un accueil extrêmement positif en raison de ses personnages intéressants, de sa bande-son faisant référence à elle-même, et une parodie/perversion de nombreux clichés associés aux RPGs standards.

To do:


Undertale toby dog.gif
Mode de déboguage
Malheureusement, aucun insecte ne se trouve dans ce mode.
Undertale-unused spell sprite 2.png
Graphismes inutilisés
Il y a tellement de chiens dans ce jeu! Il y a en à même qui ne sont même pas UTILISÉS!
Undertale room tundra rollsnow.png
Pièces Inutilisées
De piédestaux à bonbons à PNJs interactifs.

Messages du Développeur

"Ne "rippez" pas les sprites!" Avertissement

Version 1.00

...et ne COMMENCEZ même pas à mettre en ligne les fichiers audios sur BrawlCustomMusic!

S'il vous plait ne mettez pas en ligne ces énormes pages de sprites. 
C'est juste que vu que la majorité des trucs bizarres ici SONT utilisées, j'aimerais mieux qu'ont les voient dans leur contexte en premier. 
attendez genre un an...
si vous prenez les sprites normalement vus pour les mettre sur Spriter's Ressource ou kekchose dans le genre j'men fous si vous prenez ces 2 là stp rendez le plus simple

abc_1111_0.png contient une note grossièrement écrite adressée aux "rippers" de sprite, en particulier ceux du site Spriter's Resource, leur disant d'attendre un an avant de mettre en ligne les pages entières.

Les jeux faits avec Game Maker, comme "Undertale", rangent tous leurs sprites sur de grandes pages de sprite en PNG au lieu d'avoir chaque sprite ou personnage séparé dans des fichiers individuels. De ce fait, si quelqu'un venait à mettre les pages en ligne, la chose la plus facile serait de les laisser comme elles sont... ce qui laisserait ainsi touts les sprites contenant des spoilers sur la même page.

The odd filename was chosen to force it to the top of an alphabetical file listing and make its presence more obvious...which does no good, as the file listing is only visible if the sprites are separated by their internal names. Oops. This was replaced in later versions.

Le nom étrange de ce fichier a été choisi pour le forcer à apparaître au début de la liste des fichiers ( qui est en ordre alphabétique) et de rendre son existence plus évidente... ce qui ne change rien, car la liste des fichiers n'est disponible que si les sprites sont séparés par nom avec un programme externe. Oups. Cette image a été remplacée dans les versions suivantes.

Version 1.001

Moi non plus je n'aime pas le b-bepis!! J-je le jure!

tu sais ce que je

c'est le

 cette odeur
  cette texture


La Version 1.001 remplace la demande de non mise en ligne des pages de sprite par une note vaguement érotique à propos de "bepis", qui est une référence à un habitant de Moonside, du jeu EarthBound, qui déteste la nourriture que le joueur aime. Toby Fox étant un fan de Earthbound, et Undertale s'en inspirant grandement. Bepis est tout simplement une prononciation bébête du mot penis, venant de la vidéo "How To Pronounce Penis" de la chaîne PronunciationManual.

Le manque apparent de sens lié à ce nouveau message et le fait qu'il remplace la demande vue précédemment peut être interprétée comme une autorisation de commencer à poster les pages de sprites, ce qui est supporté par cet email empli de désespoir.

"Ne spoilez pas le jeu!" attention


Bonjour. A-a-a-a-ayez un peu de respect et ne spoilez pas le jeu. Il est impossible d'avoir du mystère de nos jours, à cause des sale fouineurs dans ton genre. S'il vous plaît gardons tout ça entre nous. Si mettez ça en ligne, je ne ferai plus aucun secrets. Personne ne sera impressionné. Ce sera de votre faute! He-he-he-he-ha-he-he-ha-he-he.

Un fichier son de huit voix "text-to-speech" incitant aux gens de ne pas publier les secrets du jeu en ligne. Quelle personne avec toute sa tête ferai une chose par— attendez une minute...

Le nom étrange de ce fichier a été choisi pour le forcer à apparaître au dessus d'une liste alphabétique de fichiers et de rendre son existence plus connue. Tous les autres fichiers de musique et d'effets sonnores en OGG présents dans le fichier du jeu débutent avec soit "mus_" ou "snd_".x

Ce fichier a été mis à jour dans la patch 1/20/2016. La version à jour enlève presque tout ce qu'il y avait dans le fichier original.

Le message de Toby Fox

Une partie du charme de ce jeu est le mystère du nombre d'option où de secrets il y a. Si tu lis ceci, s'il te plaît ne publie ce message ou cette information nulle part. Sinon fabriquer des secrets deviendrait inutile.
À propos, la plupart du texte/fichiers semblant être inutilisés  sont utilisés.
Si tu peux trouver le contexte en jeu pour un élément, tu peux le montrer. Mais si tu ne peux pas, cela veut probablement dire que tu n'as pas regardé assez bien. Tout ce qui est vraiment inutilisé je le publiai moi-même, plus tard.
Vivant dans un monde comme ça, où les gens peuvent simplement tricher pour obtenir les réponses du code... ton impatience t'as VRAIMENT endommagé, n'est-il pas?

Cette notification est placée au début du segment de texte (STRG). Elle est utilisée dans le script gml_Script_attention_hackerz_no_2. Elle applique ces 4 lignes aux variables demonx, demony, demonz et demond respectivement (ces noms peuvent être trouvés entre les lignes du message). Ce script est, évidement, utilisé pour avertir les craqueurs. Elle est la première entrée dans le bloc CODE et SCPT du fichier data.win, pour augmenter la chance d'être lue encore plus.

Dans la version 1.001, cependant, elle a été changée à ceci:

Vous vous êtes fait absolument clair.
Moi, votre humble serviteur, vous suivrai au plus loin...

Les variables ont été renommées à demona, demonb, demonc et demond, aussi. Curieusement, la première ligne du message de la version 1.00 et toujours présent avec sa variable associée, mais elle a été bougée à la ligne 2436 (au milieu des messages utilisés pour les choix de personnages spéciaux).

Musique Inutilisée


Selon Toby Fox, King Description est une ancienne version de la chanson "Small Shock." Il l'a supprimée car il trouvait qu'elle ne "correspondait pas à l'ambiance de la scène."


Ce morceau fraîchement funky joue exclusivement dans la salle d'erreur du chien "dansant". La salle d'erreur est accédé de la manière la plus simple en bidouillant votre fichier de sauvegarde.


Ce morceau fraîchement pas funky joue exclusivement dans la salle d'erreur du chien dormant. La salle d'erreur est accédé de la manière la plus simple en bidouillant votre sauvegarde.


Musique qui utilise les instruments de Star Fox. D'autres pistes dans le jeu utilisent des instruments venant de jeux comme Mario Paint, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Mega Man X, et EarthBound, donc ceci ne serait pas trop bizarre.

According to Toby Fox, this song was intended to play when Madjick's magic orbs turn into healing hearts. However, this proved too difficult to implement because the Core's background music continues into monster battles, so it was scrapped.

(Source: Toby Fox)


Une autre variation du thème de Flower. 0:20 et après est utilisé pour les transitions de scène (par contre, un son qui lui ressemble joue à la place de cette trame), mais le début n'est pas entendu en gameplay normal.


Un début inutilisé de "Finale". Cette tramme n'est jamais jouée, car "mus_f_finale_1_l" joue à la place. C'est simplement une version plus courte de la première partie du boss, probablement supposé jouer quand le joueur redémarre le jeu après être mort dans la 2ème partie du boss Flowey Photoshop.


Joue à la fin de la démo d'Undertale si tu tues Toriel dans un playthrough neutre et apparaît complètement en bas de la soundtrack, mais n'est pas utilisé dans le jeu final.


Une version plus lente et grave du thème des Ruines, avec une variation de la mélodie. Probablement remplacé en faveur de "An Ending".

mus_birdsong's Hidden Loop

"mus_birdsong" est jouée quand l'oiseau te transporte l'autre côté du ravin dans Waterfall. Cependant, la musique dure seulement un tour avant de stopper graduellement. Le fichier EST joué en boucle correctement par contre, et un peu de la musique à la fin est coupée en gameplay normal.

Sons Inutilisés

Une voix (probablement Mettaton) gémissant.


A voice (presumably Mettaton) grunting.


Flowey dit "ahh".


Flowey dit "triple" (triple).


Flowey dit "jafe".

Niveau d'Activité

Attend, on catégorise ça maintenant?

Appuyez sur Shift ou X cinq fois sur l'écran title pour avoir cet écran pratique. Activité Level A s'affiche si tu as une fin neutre Activité Level B s'affiche si tu as une fin pacifique Activité Level C s'affiche si tu bats Sans deux fois ou que tu le tues. Si aucun de ces prérequis sont atteints, "No Information" s'affiche à la place.

Combats Inutilisés

RG03 and RG04

Dans les fichiers du jeu avec les combats ID 76, il y a un combat complet prêt avec deux Gardes Royaux de plus, RG03 et RG04. RG03 et RG04 sont mentionnés par Undyne pendant une conversation au téléphone qui parlent de changer avec RG01 et RG02 sur certains jours. Ils ont probablement été émis du jeu, car leur événements en temps réel ne fonctionnaient pas correctement. Leur combat tourne autour de ceux-ci étant de vieux amis qui ne le sont plus, puis la solution pacifique est de les remettre ensemble. Les gardes eux-mêmes sont un peu incomplets, car les deux utilisent le sprite d'Aaron battu en tant que placeholder.

Their battle revolves around them being old friends who had a falling out, and the Pacifist solution is to get them to make up. The guards themselves are slightly incomplete, both using Aaron's defeated sprite as a placeholder.

Other Unused Encounters

ID Enemy 0 Enemy 1 Enemy 2 Encounter message Notes
1 TestFroggit TestFroggit TestFroggit
* TestMonster and its cohorts draw near!
Appears in TESTROOM.
14 Vegetoid Loox
* Vegetoid and Loox attacked!
31 Chilldrake Chilldrake
* Chilldrakes flutter forth!
33 Icecap Snowdrake
* Icecap and Snowdrake pose like bad guys.
33 Icecap Chilldrake
* Icecap and Chilldrake pose like bad guys.
Alternate version of the previous encounter for if Snowdrake has been killed.
34 Jerry
* Jerry clings to you!
61 Final Froggit
* Final Froggit was already there, waiting for you
The encounter message is incorrectly formatted if spawned in-game, with the comma appearing on its own line.
63 Whimsalot
* Whimsalot rushed in!
69 Bomb
* Defuse the bomb!
This Bomb is a unique unused enemy that lacks a time limit but otherwise behaves like the used dog-Bomb.
79 Vulkin Vulkin
* A strange parade blocks the path.
127 Whimsalot Parsnik
* Whimsalot and Parsnik appeared.
131 Parsnik Astigmatism
* Not only potatoes have eyes.
133 Astigmatism Migospel Moldessa
* Looks like a real party.
134 Whimsalot Parsnik Moldessa
* Party from Hell.

Unused Attacks

To do:


To do:
Double check these.

Sans' battle has some unused attacks. They, along with used attacks, are handled in the obj_sansb_body object.

Vertical Platforms - The attack is handled by obj_vplatgen. It has bones along the bottom, with platforms randomly placed and scaled scrolling from top to bottom. Some platforms wave from left to right slightly as well. To dodge, you are to stay on the platforms and not fall to the bottom into the bones. There are 3 variantions to this attack, controlled by obj_vplatgen's (0-indexed) type variable, type 1 to type 2 are simply sped up versions of type 0. Type 2 is directly accessible as attack type (variable a_type) 9 in obj_sansb_body. There's also a unused 6th Alarm event to the generator objects, which spawns randomly positioned bones in the middle of the screen to dodge every 50 frames. Because the platforms are randomly generated in size and position, it can be impossible to avoid getting hit.

Vertical and Horizontal Bones - Fixed bullet patterns with bones coming from positions vertically and horizontally. To dodge, you must maneuver around the bones. Accessible as attack type 10 in obj_sansb_body. There also exists a variantion, accessible as attack type 11 in obj_sansb_body, which is faster and has a different pattern. There is also a "hell" variantion of the first kind of the attack, accessible by setting the hell variable in obj_sansb_body to true, which is harder.

Random Gaster Blasters Variant - The sprites for the blasters are squished to be thin, much like one of the final version's variants, although this time the blasters spawn and shoot faster. This can be seen if a obj_gasterbl_gen is spwaned with type 0, which is not utilized by any coded attack in obj_sansb_body.

Final Attacks Variants - There is also "hell" variants of some of the final attacks. The attack where you have to short hop in between a gap in bones (attack type 1) and the one where you hop over a small white bone with a long blue one right after (attack type 3) is faster when the hell variable in obj_sansb_body is set to true. The platforming attack with bones and platforms scrolling across the screen horizontally has a variant where the platforms scroll slower, which is type 0 of obj_3platgen.

Worth to note that there exists an unused pitch for Megalovania in the code, which is also demonstrated in the video in result of the usage of the skip debug variable. Here's the related code, in the Create event of obj_sansb:

if (skip == true)
    con = -1
    with (mypart1)
        bounce = 1
    obj_borderparent.visible = true
    global.msg[0] = scr_gettext("obj_sansb_90") // * Skipped ahead.
    global.mnfight = 3
    global.myfight = 0
    global.faceemotion = 0
    normalfight = 1
    obj_heart.visible = true
    global.flag[271] = 1
    caster_loop(global.batmusic, 0.95, 0.95) // <-- here
(Source: Lil'Alien)

Mettaton EX

The Mettaton EX battle has some unused attacks. These can be seen if obj_mettattackgen is spawned with the respective attack types set in a global variable called global.attacktype.

To do:
Explain better

Attack type 1 - Columns of boxes

Attack type 2 - Columns of boxes waving from left to right

Attack type 3 - Some arms waving from left to right?

Attack type 4 - Literally just legs

Attack type 5 - Activated legs waving from left to right

Attack type 6 - Boxes and bombs scattered everywhere

Attack type 7 - Boxes and bombs scattered everywhere, but faster

Attack type 8 - Tightened bullet board, bombs appear from left and right

Attack type 9 - Less tightened bullet board, bombs appear from left, center and right

Attack type 10 - Columns of boxes and bombs come very fast, the pattern is replayed after a while

Attack type 11 - Columns of blocks that go upwards when shot

Attack type 12 - Columns of blocks that go upwards when shot, plus sparkles that only appeared in the Alphys Lost Soul fight in the final game

Attack type 13 - A lot of mini Mettatons throwing hearts

Attack type 14 - Another lot of mini Mettatons throwing hearts

Attack type 14 - Mini Mettatons throwing sparkles

Attack type 15 - Mini Mettatons throwing sparkles again

Attack type 50 - Some arms with moving yellow block?

Attack type 51 - Fast disco ball

Attack type 52 - Boxes and bombs scattered everywhere, again, and also kinda fast

Attack type 55 - Yet again, literally just legs

(Source: Lil'Alien)

Dog Error Screens

Two screens featuring the annoying dog are present in the game. These are used as "error handlers" in case something goes wrong, such as loading a corrupted save file or entering an invalid or otherwise inaccessible room with an edited save.

The song "mus_dance_of_dog" is used on one of the error handler screens (the left one), at a random pitch. The other song is "mus_sigh_of_dog".

Unused Items

ID Name Short Name Serious Name Description Use Text
2 Croquet Roll CroqtRoll CroqtRoll Heals 15 HP

Fried dough traditionally served with a mallet.


You hit the Croquet Roll into your mouth.

Serious Mode:

You ate the Croquet Roll.

5 Rock Candy RockCandy RockCandy Heals 1 HP

Here is a recipe to make this at home:

1. Find a rock

You ate the Rock Candy.
6 Pumpkin Rings PunkRings PmknRings Heals 8 HP

A small pumpkin cooked like onion rings.

You ate the Pumpkin Rings.
8 Stoic Onion StocOnion Onion Heals 5 HP

Even eating it raw, the tears just won't come.

Note: The use text doesn't have "you didn't cry" in serious mode.

You ate the Stoic Onion. You didn't cry...
9 Ghost Fruit GhostFrut GhstFruit Heals 16 HP

If eaten, it will never pass to the other side.

You ate the Ghost Fruit.
18 Puppydough Icecream PDIceCram Ice Cream "Puppydough Icecream"

Heals 28 HP. Made by young pups.

Note: This item's name is too long to show up properly when using a dimensional box. The use text has no Serious Mode variantion.

Mmm! Tastes like puppies.

(Source: rawr.ws)

Unused Item Drop

In the interal monster setup code, there is mentions of item rewards and the chance for the item to drop, though this never happens within the game, leaving these global variables unused: itemrewardid and itemrewardchance. Below is an example of the variables in the code.

global.monstername[myself] = scr_gettext("monstername_3") // monstername_3 = "Froggit"
global.monstermaxhp[myself] = 20
global.monsterhp[myself] = 20
global.monsteratk[myself] = 4
global.monsterdef[myself] = 1
global.xpreward[myself] = 10
global.goldreward[myself] = 20
global.itemrewardid = 1
global.itemrewardchance = 50

Obscured Assets

Snowdin Building Mockups

Placeholder Snowed Inn Lobby

Hidden under the image for the Snowed Inn lobby is a mockup of the rooms layout made of the Snowdin tiles.

Undertale room tundra inn placeholder.png

Placeholder Snowed Inn Rooms

Like the lobby, there is a placeholder layout for the rooms in Snowed Inn, featuring some not so comfortable beds...

Undertale room tundra inn 2f early.png

Placeholder Librarby Inside

A mockup of the inside of Snowdin's Librarby, being made of snow and bits of trees.

Undertale room tundra library placeholder.png

Early MTT Hotel Outside

Hidden under the MTT Hotel outside image in the respective room (room_fire_hotelfront_2) is an early version of the hotels outside, being made up of tiles instead of being one image. The ground tiles are placeholders, using the ice cave ground, a tile that was used as a placeholder throughout the entirety of Hotland.

Undertale room fire hotelfront 2 early.png

Early CORE Entrance

Undertale room fire precore hidden area.png

Hidden in the right side of the room for CORE's entrance (room_fire_precore) is what seems to be a placeholder version of the entrance, made of Hotland assets. Yes, the background (should) loops like that in the game.

(Source: Underminers Discord)

"rededge"s in Photoshop Flowey Fight

To do:
Not sure where do I put this thing, so...

Undertale floweyx rededge mockup.png

Photoshop Flowey's fight room has invisible background layers using "rededge" sprites, which would be animated by obj_flowey_bgdraw. The screenshot above is made with a modification of the game, showing how would the fight's background look like in-game if the layers are made visible.

(Source: Original TCRF research)


Annoying Dog's Sale Price

The Annoying Dog can be sold for 999G and haggled up to 1251G (the highest sale price of any item in the game!), but it will disappear if taken out of the room it spawns in, so this can never be seen on a normal playthrough.

Mettaton's House

Mettaton's bed, upper walls, and TV have collision, but it's impossible to get in that section of the room.

Death By Glamour Speed

Mettaton EX's battle theme, Death By Glamour, is played at 0.95x speed after the pre-battle intro cutscene, but is set to play at 0.97x speed in scr_battlegroup, the script that defines all of the encounters in the game. The version in the OST is the same to the in-game version played at 1x speed.

Developer Oversights

Mettaton EX Battle Essay

Mettaton EX has an "essay" question where you can type in text and have him comment on it. Unfortunately, typing "x" or "z" ends the essay unless CTRL is held down, leaving some words (in most playthroughs) untypable. This was corrected in the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Nintendo Switch versions of the game, as they use an on-screen keyboard.

The following words can't be triggered:

  • sexy
  • foxy
  • tantaliz (covers both "tantalizing" and "tantalize")

Naming the Fallen Human

In the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita versions of the game, entering the name "Gaster" will result in a crash, rather than the intended restart of the game.

(Source: Twitter)

Version Differences

To do:
  • Add the updates from the Nintendo Switch editon, and the other updates released on console only. Use this, if needed.
  • It seems that Toby silently patched the game with the PS4 feature (The Dog Shrine) being added, although inaccessible. The latest version is currently at v1.06. Find the rest of the changes on previous versions, as well as adding this to access the shrine in the PC version.
Windows/PS4/Vita/Switch OS X/Linux
Undertale-LabWindows.png Undertale-LabOSX.png

In the Windows and console versions, the monitor in Alphys's lab follows your movements. However, this is only a static image in the OS X and Linux versions. The static image for the monitor is still in the Windows version's files, unused.


Undertale Lab monitor sprite rip 1.png


Undertale Lab monitor sprite rip 2.png

1.001 patch

To do:
Hastily pulled from the Undertale wiki. Add anything that's somehow not on that page, and add detail to this stuff.
  • The loading splash screen from the demo was restored.
  • The Joystick Config menu was graphically updated.
  • A kill sprite was added for "Ice", which is encountered by stealing Ice Cap's hat. Previously, it mistakenly used a placeholder sprite of Aaron.
v1.0 v1.001
UNDERTALE-BlueAttack-Old.png UNDERTALE-BlueAttack-New.png
  • The color of blue attacks was adjusted somewhat for the benefit of colorblind players, as the original, cyanish hue made them almost identical to (for protanopia) or only slightly darker than (for deuteranopia) white attacks.
  • Some dialogue was updated to account for aborted genocide runs, such as the phone call in the invisible maze room, Papyrus's bone box during his date/hangout, and possibly more.
v1.0 v1.001
UNDERTALE-UndyneCutscene-Old.png UNDERTALE-UndyneCutscene-New.png
  • An oversight that would cause Papyrus to appear during the cutscene where Undyne first appears, even on routes where he was killed, was fixed.

  • A visual solution was added to the piano puzzle for the benefit of hearing-impaired, tone-deaf, or just plain uncertain players.
  • Dialogue relating to the "Clam Girl" NPC in Waterfall was changed and added.
  • The grandpasemi.ogg sound effect was renamed to grandpatemi and repurposed for Temmie, if you refuse to give her Tem Flakes.
  • Various layout changes were made to attempt breaking the "Lab Skip" glitch. This didn't quite work.
v1.0 v1.001
UNDERTALE-AlphysLabBathroomSign-Old.png UNDERTALE-AlphysLabBathroomSign-New.png
  • The bathroom sign in Alphys' Lab was moved from the right side of the door to the left side in order to patch the bug described above.
  • New dialogue was added for Burgerpants involving the Nice Cream Man.
  • The advancement of Sans's pre-fight text was altered slightly. He now says the short version after you survive the opening attack three times, rather than after he is defeated once and the player reloads to fight him again.
(Upon closer examination, the holes in the fabric seem to be growing.)
(Might take a while for the dog to fix all of them.)
(Dogs aren't usually very good at knitting.)
(A crocheting dog is out of the question.)
  • Dialogue was added to the secret Annoying Dog room, elaborating further on the "patch" that is supposedly needed before the Dog can be fought.
  • As detailed above, the "don't spoil the game, dataminers" warnings were changed due to no longer being necessary.
  • The Gaster-related "fun" setting now works without having to manually edit the .ini file first.
  • The Check option in battle no longer shows the actual stats used by the game code, instead displaying arbitrary numbers or silly messages.
  • The original version of the game had a major oversight that would allow the player to achieve a True Pacifist ending while having a non-zero amount of EXP (by reloading after a Neutral route in which no monsters were slain, killing some monsters in the Core, and then going to pick up Undyne's letter).
  • The unusually large space between Asgore and Monster Kid on the final version of the menu screen was shortened.
  • A (presumably) debug feature that would cause Undyne and Alphys's kissing animation in the cutscene leading up to the Asriel fight to start early by pressing the space bar was removed.
  • Various graphical glitches and typos were fixed.

A "1.001v1" patch was later released. This is a Steam compatibility update. Only one thing has changed; entering "Gaster" as the fallen human's name will reset the game, just after typing it. In the previous version, it only does so if you confirm the name.

Linux patch

The Linux version of the game is identical to 1.001, but includes a bugfix where pressing Z while pressing Enter would not register the Z input.

Console Versions

The PS4 version added trophies.

Full-Screen Froggit

In the Ruins, the Froggit that mentioned pressing "F4" to enter full-screen was replaced by a Froggit that mentions that the border can be changed in the settings menu on the main menu.

Tiny Ruins Froggit

PC Console
* (There's an ant-sized frog in a crack in the wall...)
* (It waves at you.)
* (There's a small crack in the wall here.)
* (There's a frog inside...)
* (Wait! There are two!)
* (You had a wonderful, exclusive experience...)
* (... that only someone who saw two frogs could feel.)

As a result of removing the mention of "four frogs in this room" by the previous Froggit, this dialogue was changed.


The ITEMS option appears grayed out on the menu if you do not have any items.

Papyrus's Sink

To do:
Images that aren't from video footage, along with Mad Mew Mew and Slot Machine music.

In the console versions of Undertale, a new area exists underneath Papyrus's sink.

PS4 and Vita

In the PS4 and Vita versions, this area is the Dog Shrine, which is both a reference to a box full of goodies that Toby Fox was given at a Japanese Undertale event (thereby explaining the Japanese theme), and most likely a parody of the Kickstarter campaign. You can donate gold to it to have it decorated with various items. The price gradually increases every time you donate, however. Each time you donate, you get a PlayStation Trophy. This area has two new music tracks, the second being unlocked after donating six times:

A remix of the song that plays in the Annoying Dog's room, played with traditional Japanese instruments...

...and a (somehow) even goofier version of Dogsong, played with instruments from Super Mario World.

If Papyrus isn't befriended, the donation box will appear in the trash area of Waterfall; however, donating here will only give you the trophies.

Nintendo Switch

In the Nintendo Switch version of the game, the Dog Shrine is still present, but has fallen into disrepair and no longer functions. Instead, this area is home to a bonus boss fight against the Mad Mew Mew (actually the Mad Dummy haunting a discarded Mew Mew Kissy Cutie doll, whose attacks must be avoided using the Joy-Cons), which is unlocked after encountering the Mad Dummy and returning to Snowdin. This battle uses a unique remix of "Ghost Fight". Successfully completing this boss battle replaces Mad Dummy in the True Pacifist credits with their new identity, Mew Mew.

Xbox One/Series X

In the Xbox version, both the Dog Shrine and the Mad Mew Mew fight are replaced with a slot machine. The player can exchange Gold for Dog Coins, which can then be used on the slot machine to multiply the current amount of Coins. Afterwards, the player can donate the Coins they have to receive prizes, which (like the PS4 and Vita version's Dog Shrine items) are simply static, interactable objects, along with achievements. Once all of the prizes are obtained, the player will instead get the equivalent amount of Gold for every donation they make.

Sans makes an appearance with the poker table prize (referencing an unused concept for the game, where Sans was originally going to run poker at a casino), and has several bits of dialogue that correspond with each prize. After beating Mettaton, like the Switch version, Mew Mew appears in place of Sans. Along with this, she also has different dialogue. A new music track accompanies this room.

If the controller happens to disconnect during gameplay, you will receive a message informing you of this, as well as some story/room dependent text.


In all of the console versions, the player can select a border to surround the game screen during play. At the beginning, the player can only select "Simple", "Sepia", and a "Dynamic" border that changes to match each area the player passes through, with the respective designs being unlocked after achieving an ending. A "Beauty" border is unlocked after beating the hidden Hard Mode.

The Nintendo Switch version adds two more unlockable borders. One of them is a Mew Mew Kissy Cutie-themed border unlocked after fighting Mad Mew Mew, and its title will be "Real" or "Not Real" depending on the player's answer when Undyne asks if anime is real. The other border is a dog-themed border titled "Super Dog, Hoi", which is unlocked by deploying the Annoying Dog in the Artifact Room.

The Xbox version comes with another unlockable border. After visiting the slot machine room, a casino themed border is unlocked. Interestingly, this border features cameos from Deltarune characters, such as Jevil, Lancer and C. Round.


In the PS4 version, your HP is displayed in pink the entire fight, regardless of whether or not you are taking KARMA damage. This visual quirk isn't present in the Switch version.

So Sorry

Normally, the bonus boss fight against So Sorry in the Hotland Art Club requires the player to enter the room on October 10th at 8:00pm. In the Nintendo Switch version, the player can fight So Sorry at any time during October 10th. The sign hasn't been changed to accommodate this, though. Additionally, Samael (So Sorry's creator) is now credited.

Clam Girl

The Clam Girl, one of the possible NPCs who can appear under specific "Fun" values, has received a change in the Nintendo Switch version. When spoken to during the True Pacifist epilogue, she will tell the player that they haven't met Suzy yet, and that the time they will meet is fast approaching. As she almost finishes her dialogue, her face changes and greys out, then mysteriously vanishes in a similar fashion to the Mystery Man and one of the Gaster followers. This may be a tease for the game Deltarune, as a character in that game is named Susie (with different spelling, however). Deltarune would eventually be released on October 31, 2018, just over one month after the release of Undertale's Nintendo Switch version.

Regional Differences

Flowey's Wonderful Idea

English Japanese

In the Japanese version of the game, Flowey's "That's a wonderful idea!" voice clip is redubbed by Toby Fox himself, using a translation of the English line. Flowey's other voice clips remain unaltered (since they consist entirely of wordless grunting), so Japanese players still have the opportunity to hear him spout distorted Ronald McDonald quotes.


In the Japanese version of the game, Papyrus's dialogue is uniquely written in the traditional Japanese style (top-to-bottom, right-to-left).