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User:Hiccup/Wii Shop Channel

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[Everything on this page (so far) also applies to the Nintendo DSi Shop.]

Unused Graphics


File:Wii Shop Channel-favicon.png

There is a favicon file, and it is linked in the HTML, but the Wii Shop Channel's browser doesn't have a title bar of any kind, so it isn't displayed.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Text

HTML Comments

<!--  -----------------------------------------------------  -->
<!--  Copyright 2005-2014 Acer Cloud Technology, Inc.        -->
<!--  All Rights Reserved.                                   -->
<!--                                                         -->
<!--  This software contains confidential information and    -->
<!--  trade secrets of Acer Cloud Technology, Inc.           -->
<!--  Use, disclosure or reproduction is prohibited without  -->
<!--  the prior express written permission of Acer Cloud     -->
<!--  Technology, Inc.                                       -->
<!--  -----------------------------------------------------  -->

This comment can be found in the HTML, sometimes multiple times.

<!-- Flush buffer before setting locale to ensure encoding is preserved -->
<!-- Main page -->
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Title Tags

Some pages have a html title tags, but the Wii Shop Channel's browser doesn't have a title bar of any kind, so they aren't displayed. Despite this, they exist in the different languages, and for pages that were made after launch.

(Source: Original TCRF research)