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Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final: Makai Saikyou Retsuden (NES)

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Title Screen

Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final: Makai Saikyou Retsuden

Also known as: Yuu Yuu Hakusho 97 V, Mortal Kombat 7, Mortal Kombat 6
Developer: Hummer Team
Publisher: Ka Sheng
Platform: Unlicensed NES
Released in TW: 1996

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final: Makai Saikyou Retsuden is an unlicensed Famicom port of the game with the same name but now in Chinese. Did I forget to mention it has Fatal Fury Special and Street Fighter II music?

Mortal Kombat II Special Characters

YYHFNES Mileena.png

Several Mortal Kombat II Special characters are present in the ROM that were most likely left in by accident. All of them still have their palette data but only a few of them are functional. Both of the dashes for the functional characters don't work properly; the forward dash has them playing the getting up animation and the backwards dash has them fly up into the air similar to when they make contact with Kitana's Fan Lift. They can be accessed under 00B6/00B7 with these values:

  • 08 - Mileena
  • 09 - Baraka
  • 0A - Scorpion (crashes the game; only palette data remains)
  • 0A - Raiden
  • 0B - Goro (crashes the game; only palette data remains)
  • 0C - Shao Kahn (crashes the game; only palette data remains)
  • 0D - Invisible Reptile (crashes the game; only Reptile's palette data remains)

Unused Score

Since the original game doesn't keep track of points, this port doesn't have a score counter at all. However, after every round, there's an unknown sound effect that plays and appears to have no effect on the game. It turns out that sound effect is actually playing because points are being added to the winner's invisible score! Addresses 0400 and 0401 for player 1 and addresses 0403 and 0404 keep track of the respective player's score. (The second address stores every multiple of 256. Addresses 0402 and 0405 are supposed to store every multiple of 65,536 but it's impossible to reach 65,536 through normal means.) This is most likely just a remnant from Mortal Kombat II Special and wasn't planned on being used for this game. Oddly enough, Hummer Team disabled the ability to get points from attacks so the only way to get points is from winning the round.

Unfinished Graphics

YYHFNES TeamGraphic.png

An incomplete "TEAM" graphic can be found near the copyright in the tiles. It's possible that Hummer Team was supposed to be mentioned on the copyright screen but no other tiles for their name exists. Any revisions of this game had this graphic either overwritten or removed.

YYHFNES FontLifebars.png Unused HUD graphics can be found alongside the actual HUD graphics that are used.


Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final: Makai Saikyou Retsuden (English Version)

YYHFNES(ENG) Title.pngYYHFNES(ENG) SelectScreen.png

This revision translates the menus and cutscenes into English. This version is smaller in size (the original was 640 KB while this is 384 KB) and because of this, Kazuma Kuwabara ended up getting removed from the roster. (Using the same addresses from above, you can access him under value 01. Everything is still intact with the exception of his graphics.) This version also displays both NT's Chinese and English names.

Mortal Kombat 7

MK7 Title.png

Title hack of the English version published in 1996 that also removes the intro. This hack does contain graphics from the Hummer's Garou Densetsu Special title hack Mortal Kombat 6 such as the '6' from the title and the menu font:

MK7 6.pngMK7 GDSFont.png

Yuu Yuu Hakusho 97 V

YYHF97V Title.pngYYHF97V SelectScreen.png

Another hack based on the English version published in 1997. This one removes the story mode and duplicates the roster 4 times.

Mortal Kombat 6

MK6 Title.png

A title hack of Yuu Yuu Hakusho 97 V with nothing else significant.

Unofficial Hack

YYHNESUnofficial Title.png

There's a hack of the Chinese version that's much smaller and removes Kazuma Kuwabara but it also removes the intro and the story mode cutscenes.