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User:Catonator/Proto:Super Smash Bros. Crusade

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Yup, the best SSB fangame has a couple of betas. No, the names aren't ripoffs of any famous protos out there. SUPAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH SMAAAASSHHHH BROTHERRRRZZZZZZZ CRUUUUUUUSADEEEEEEEEEE!

"PhantomWai" prototype

May 2009

This one is the first and earliest prototype leaked by Crusade team, and is playable with Game Maker 7 Pro. It includes info for 65 characters, 17 of which are playable (all of them except for Petey are playable now). Oddly, it's icon is nicer than the one used for 0.8.4.

"Field" prototype

August 2009

The second one can't be played too easily, because there are missing external stage files. It was last updated in August 2009, about the time the new engine began development. It's only notable change from PhantomWai (other than external stage files and some cleaning up in the gmk) is the inclusion of a Hyrule Field stage from Ocarina of Time.

"Nick Crusade" Prototype

September 2009

This one was pre-0.1 release. This was the very early stages of the new engine, including only Mario, Link, Ryu, and Sonic and Battlefield and Final Destination as its only stages. Final Smashes are available and matches can even be entered with one player.

"SFMK(SF vs. MK)" prototype

December 2009

It appears to be the basis of a Smash Bros. clone crossover of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. The only character than can be played is Ryu, for he is the only character with external files. A folder exists for Ken, but it is empty. It was last updated December of 2009, meaning that is was before the release of Demo 0.1 in Janurary 2010 and it used that engine. I have not played it myself, but I fear that it cannot be played in the state it was discovered in. Also included is a near empty gmk with a simple "int" script for Ryu.

"Street Fighter Vs Dragon Ball Z" Prototype

June 2009

The fifth gmk was last updated in June of 2009. I'll call it the Street Fighter Vs Dragon Ball Z Prototype. It's a fitting name, because that's exactly what it is. I remember the branching off of Crusade to make this little side game. While a few of the original Crusade fighters can be chosen, Ryu and Goku are the main attraction, followed by two newcomers, Ken and Vegeta (both fully functional). Piccolo has animations within the gmk, so it's safe to assume that he was beginning development just before the project was abandoned.

"PhantomZant" Prototype

To my surprise, there was a sixth gmk. From memory, I remembered it being a clone of the PhantomWai proto, but it's actually three months older. I call it the PhantomZant Prototype, because it includes Zant, who was the first character to ever be programmed for Crusade. This gmk also includes two of every animation, one for facing left and one for facing right. Knuckles and Sonic are also notably different, because they were originally scaled up and sprited by Phantom7. Overall, PhantomZant includes the same amount of characters as PhantomWai, but Zant and Jigglypuff are exclusive to PhantomZant and PhantomWai respectively. PhantomZant, despite being an earlier gmk, features more stages.