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AstroPop Deluxe

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Title Screen

AstroPop Deluxe

Also known as: AstroPop, Astro Pop, Astro Pop Deluxe
Developer: PopCap Games
Publisher: PopCap Games
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: April 6, 2004

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

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AstroPop Deluxe is Tetris, but with a new mechanic!


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Funkytown Easter Egg

Psychedelic! LET'S GO!

There is an easter egg referencing Funkytown by Lipps Inc.. The player should hover their mouse over each button on the main menu in this order:

  1. Hall of Fame
  2. Hall of Fame
  3. Classic Game
  4. Hall of Fame
  5. Survival Game
  6. Survival Game
  7. Hall of Fame
  8. Options
  9. More Games (or Help)
  10. Quit Game

The sound each button makes on-hover is in tune with the song's main riff. Then LET'S GO with the four main space ships fly by and the screen flashes in a rainbow sequence for a brief moment.

Copyright Header

In the XCF files, you can find a copyright header, telling the user that modifications are not recommended. Interestingly, most are copyrighted in 2003, despite the game releasing in 2004.


//                 Bonus Level Description File                         //
//                                                                      //
//      Copyright (c) 2003 PopCap Games, Inc. All rights reserved       //
//                                                                      //
//      Modifying this file may result in game instability.             //
//      PopCap Games will not support any modified files.               //


//					Level progression file								//
//                                                                      //
//		Copyright (c) 2003 PopCap Games, Inc. All rights reserved		//
//                                                                      //
//		Modifying this file may result in game instability.				//
//		PopCap Games will not support any modified files.				//


//                         Demo file                                    //
//     Copyright (c) 2004 PopCap Games, Inc. All rights reserved        //
//                                                                      //
//    Modifying this file may result in game instability.	            //
//    PopCap Games will not support any modified files.                 //

Unused Graphics

AstroPop RegisterNormal.jpg

AstroPop RegisterAlpha.gif

Originally, AstroPop Deluxe was protected by a basic name/serial protection.. but in later revisions (including the one currently downloadable on PopCap's site), this was changed, and is now a 60-minute trial of the fully registered version, where the actual game executable is ran by a 'wrapper' executable... which means that the dialog about unregistered versions that still exist in the later revisions end up unused.

AstroPop bomb pink cb.jpg

AstroPop bomb teal cb.jpg

AstroPop bomb red cb.jpg

AstroPop bomb yellow cb.jpg

AstroPop bomb blue cb.jpg

Early graphics for the bricks in color blind mode.

Revision Differences

Normal Alternate
AstroPop gameselector.jpg AstroPop gameselectorX.jpg

In some versions, the More Games button at the main menu is replaced with a help button.