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Fire Shark (Arcade)

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Title Screen

Fire Shark

Also known as: Same! Same! Same! (JP), Jiao! Jiao! Jiao! (CN)
Developer: Toaplan
Publishers: Toaplan (JP/EU), Romstar (US), Dooyong (KR), Hong Kong Honest Trading (CN)
Platform: Arcade (Toaplan Version 1 Hardware)
Released in JP: 1989
Released in US: 1990
Released in EU: 1989
Released in KR: 1990
Released in CN: 1990

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

The Flying Shark(s) are back! And now they really want to fire!

To do:
  • Find unused graphics and music.
  • Continue with regional differences.

Regional Differences

Title Screen

Japan (Original) Japan (Re-release) Europe (Earlier) US
Samesamesame arc jp1P title.png Samesamesame arc2 jp title.png Fire shark arc eur early title.png FireSharkUSTitle.png
Europe (Later) Korea (Earlier/Set 1) Korea (Later/Set 2) China
Fire shark arc eur title.png Fire shark arc kor title.png Fire shark arc kor late title.png Jiaojiaojiao arc chi title.png

General Differences

The original Japanese release has a number of unique elements that were changed for its second Japanese release, which served as the basis for all the other regional releases.

Japan (Original Release) Subsequent Releases
Respawn Checkpoint Instant
Death Animated Instant
Horizontal Scroll Yes No
2P Game Mode Alternate Simultaneous
Continue Screen Unique In-Game
Shot Limit 4 3
Maxinum Bomb Stock 10 7
Stage End Bonus 500000 350000
Name Entry Limit 6 3
Player collision detection Every 2 Frames Every 4 Frames
Weapon-enemy collision detection Every Frame Every other 2 frames

Respawn System

In the original release, when a life is lost, the player is sent back in the last checkpoint he reached. In the other releases, the player instantly respawns where he died.

Death Animation

In the original release, after colliding with an enemy the plane goes up in flames (but it's still controllable for a pair of seconds), then it self-destructs. In the other releases, the plane explodes instantly.

Horizontal Scrolling

In the original release, the scrolling follows the player. This feature was removed in the other releases.

Continue Screen

Samesamesame continue screen 1P.png

In the original release, there's a unique continue screen with a countdown after getting a Game Over. In the other releases, the option to continue appears during gameplay and there's no countdown. If you take too long to decide, then the game over screen will appear.

Continue Screen Music

In the original release, there's a unique continue theme.

Maxinum Shot Limit

In the original release, the player can shoot four bullets at a time. While in the other releases, it was reduced to three.

Name Entry Limit

In the original release, names have a six-character limit. While in the other release, it's three.

Collision Detection

In the original release, the player collision detection is about every 2 frames and the weapon-enemy is about every frame. In the other versions, the player collision detection is increased to 4 frames and the weapon-enemy is increased to 2 frames.