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Proto:Great Deal

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Great Deal.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.


A prototype cartridge of Great Deal under an earlier title of Square Deal. The North American Game Boy version retains the prototype's title.

Proto Final
SquareDealProto Title.png GreatDealNESTitle.png

Aside from the title change and the "Sample" text, the title screen is mostly the same. Some minor changes were made to the purple color on the bottom right of the letters E and L in "DEAL".

Proto Final
SquareDealProto Menu.png GreatDeal Menu.png

Besides the background, the cursor in Square Deal is fully colored in.

Proto Final
SquareDealProto Loss.png GreatDeal Loss.png

The chips on the game over screen are shaded differently.