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Safari Kongo

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Title Screen

Safari Kongo

Also known as: 3D Frog Frenzy 2
Developer: Webfoot Technologies
Publishers: Cosmi, eGames
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: 2000

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

A 3D platformer with lots of monkeys. (and Frogs)

Unused Graphics


Safarikongo MAN.png

An early, less detailed texture of the male player.


Safarikongo WOMAN.png

The same, but with the female player.


3DCoyoteHunt QUAKE.png

A crudely drawn rainbow found in GFX\PALETTES.

Debugging Keys

CTRL-Shift-I - Player gets a green tint and is now invincible to all hazards.

Version Differences

3DFrogFrenzyII TITLE.png

The game was later re-released in 2001 as 3D Frog Frenzy 2, a loose sequel to 3D Frog Frenzy. The only difference is that you play as a frog instead of an explorer.