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Taikyoku Mahjong: Net de Ron!

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Title Screen

Taikyoku Mahjong: Net de Ron!

Developer: Arika
Publisher: Arika
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: December 20, 2001

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

Debug Menu

Taikyoku Mahjong - Debugmenu1.png Taikyoku Mahjong - Debugmenu2.png Taikyoku Mahjong - Debugmenu3.png Taikyoku Mahjong - Debugmenu4.png Taikyoku Mahjong - Debugmenu5.png Taikyoku Mahjong - Debugmenu6.png

Applying the below code then pressing L3 while in the main story mode will change into a debug screen.

Press L3 For Debug Menu
D05F65B2 0000FFFD
006ED4E0 0000000?

? =

2 Game selector?
3 Basic menu - doesn't work?
4 Save / Load menu
6 BGM test
7 SFX test
8 Voice test

The first screen appears to be a game selector which likely isn't executed properly as it will corrupt graphics. Second seems to be a basic Start and Load menu which doesn't seem to start any game. Third is a save and load menu, while the rest of the screens are a BGM, SFX, and voice test screens.

(Source: Original TCRF research)