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UNO & Friends

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Title Screen

UNO & Friends

Developer: Gameloft
Publisher: Gameloft
Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows
Released in US: 2012

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

See, this is why game preservation is important.
This game is defunct.
Do note the game no longer works at all without modifications. This is most likely due to the game's servers being shut down. As a result, further official developments with the game are unlikely to happen.
To do:
Enable the devcheats if possible, also doc them.

Ladies and gentlemen, Garfield UNO & Friends!

Developer Leftovers

Dummy Save File

Present in json/profile.json:

	"level": 1,
	"xp": 0,
	"language": 0,
	"_inventory": {
		"tokens": 0,
		"coins": 0,
		"scratches": 0,
	"MusicVolume" : [],
	"SFXVolume" : [],
	"version": 397,
	"clan": {
        "id": "This_is_such_a_bad_idea",
        "name": "Fake clan"
		"version": 395,
		"partialXP": 0,
		"trackingPrevName": "BAD_PROFILE",
		"playerName": "BAD_PROFILE",
		"playerGender": 0,
		"welcomeScreenLaunchCounter": 0,
		"store": [
		"cardIndex": 0,
		"inventoryCards": [
		"lastSubmittedWeeklyLBScore": 0,
		"nextLBResetTime": 0,
		"pendingXP": 0,
		"pendingCoins": 0,
		"loggedIn": 8,
		"scratchlastplayed": [
		"LastFreeScratch": 0,
		"KeepFreeScratchTimer" : 0,
		"InitialAvatarSelected": 0,
		"HasSelectedPlayerName": 1,
		"TotalGamesPlayed" : 0,
		"TotalWon": 0,
		"TotalLoss": 0,
		"TotalPlayPassShown": 0,
		"TotalPassTurn": 0,
		"SpecialCardsPlayed": 0,
		"HasRatedUs" : 0,
		"bShowRateUsPopup" : 0,
		"LastWonGame"	: 0,
		"RateUsCounter" : 0,
		"FirstLaunch" : 0,
		"TimeSessionStarted" : 0,
		"TimeSessionEnded" : 0,
		"MusicVolume" : [],
		"MusicVol" : 50,
		"SFXVolume" : 50,
		"PostFacebookStories" : 1,
		"Tutorials" :
			"FirstTimeInsideMainMenu" : 0,
			"FirstLevelUpShown" : 0,
			"FirstGameOfUnoFinished" : 0,
			"BonusPointTutorialShown" : 0,
			"ProfileViewCounter" : 0,
			"PurchasedBoost" : 0,
			"BoostTutorialShown" : 0,
			"GiftsTutorialShown" : 0,
			"TutorialPopupShown" : 0,
			"FreeTournamentPlayed" : 0
		"EffectPack": "",
		"gamebackground":{"bg":"RedBG_InGame.swf", "orb":"RedBGorbOnly.swf"},
		"SS UIDs": {
			"which SS": -1,
			"UID": "",
			"URL": ""
		"giftRecipients" : {
		"friendInviteList": {
		"FirstTimeScratch": 1,
		"PlayerTurnedOffAds": 0,
		"TotalPlaytimeSeconds" : 0,
		"IAP_TokenPacksBought" : 0,
		"IAP_CoinPacksBought" : 0,
		"IAP_ScratchPacksBought" : 0,
		"PurchaseCount" : 1,
		"PlayedPlatforms" : 0,
		"PlatformReward" : 0,
		"SocialLikesReward" : 0,
		"CurrentWinStreak" : 0,
		"TopWinStreak" : 0,
		"RecentlyPlacedSecond" : 0,
		"LastWinTime" : 0,
		"RechargeTokenPopupSeen" : 1,
		"LeaderboardEntered" : 0,
		"ProgressEntered" : 0,
		"TournamentsEntered" : 0,
		"TLTTournamentsEntered" : 0,
		"PromosEntered" : 0,
		"MegaCompanionEntered" : 0,
		"CompanionEntered" : 0,
		"StreakExperationTime" : 0,
		"LastSetVisVersion" : 0,
		"CurrentGameType" : 0,
		"NumAddedFriends" : 0,
			"TotalTimePlayed": 0,
			"LastWeekTime": 0,
			"CurrentWeekTime": 0,
			"DropPercent": 0,
			"CurrentWeekNumber": 0
	"ContentUnlocked": 0


To do:
More comment tags in json files.

Present in readme.txt in json.

Each json tells what the section it is used for

ui element:
name: name of the element
ID: id using in the ui system. Must be unique
Position: the location we place ui.
	positioning:	0,0 is top left of screen
			1024,768 is bottom right of screen

DrawLayer: layer in which we draw the ui. High amount = on top everything else
SpriteID: the sprite id in the DATA.hpp
AnimID: the animation number in the sprite file
UIType: type of ui. ie: window, button, etc
Framerate: the rate in which the animation will play
AnimLoop: animation loop whenever it finishes animating
ButtonDownState: for buttons only, the animation when the button is pressed
soundFile: optional, the sound file it plays when the button was pressed

tab items
name: name of the item
ID: id using in the ui system. Must be unique
SpriteID: the sprite id in the DATA.hpp
AnimID: the animation number in the sprite file
Framerate: the rate in which the animation will play
AnimLoop: animation loop whenever it finishes animating

Present in json/textDesignTest.json:

At the moment, please note that alpha on the gradiant color doesn't work,

PlayWithText		- show the text so that you can see the changes. This text should be shown in main menu,

FontSize 			- the size of our text,
BoxSize			- size of the box. First value is X and Y for the second,
SingleFontColor	- the color of our text when we want to be a single color (format : RGBA),

UseGradiantColor	- use gradiant color, 1 = yes, 0 = no,
GradiantFontColor	- color of our text using gradiant stuff,
					 values : ,
					 0 = top left,
					 1 = bottom left,
					 2 = bottom right,
					 3 = top right,
					 format : ARGB,

BorderSize			- size of the text border,
FontBGColor		- color of the border,
SpaceWidth			- the size of space,

UseShadow			- activate shadow, 1 = yes and 0 = no,
ShadowOffset		- the space between the text and it's shadow. First value is X and second is Y,
ShadowColor 		- Color of the shadow by RGBA format

Present in basically every file in /json that has Tutorials at the end:

Visible					- show pop up,
PopupAnimation 			- animation based in the sprite file (use the aurora sprite file for reference),
PopupPosition 				- position of the popup,

	TextId 				- text id set to display in the popup (see dev if you need to change this),
	TextTabId 				- text tab (instruction/in-game/etc) (see dev if you need to change this),
	StartingTextPosition 	- text position relative to the popup position,
	TextBox	 			- text box width and height (for multi-line purposes),
	TextSize				- text size,
	Position 				- button position relative to the popup position,
	Enabled				- Show this button for the step,
	Enabled				- show an arrow if needed for the step,
	Position				- position of this arrow,
	Rotation				- angle of the arrow

Batch Scripts

To do:
Do they exist on iOS too?

In the root of the game's assets, there are a few batch scripts from an internal SVN.


@echo off

..\..\lib\fml\tools\Python27\python.exe ListLockOwner.py



set FLASH_DIR=.\
set TOOL_DIR=..\..\Tools\FlashTools\

for /r %FLASH_DIR% %%I in (*.swf) do (
	%TOOL_DIR%SWFParser\Release\SWFParser.exe "%%I" > %%~nI.xml

Developer Text

To do:
Find more if possible.
I have no clue to what to do here

Watch your language.