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World of Warcraft/Unused Audio

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This is a sub-page of World of Warcraft.


To do:
  • Runas the Shamed has unused voice lines.
  • Anymore besides that?

Voice files for Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall both still exist in the game's files, despite the fact that these two events were one-time deals. Similarly, voice files for the original Zul'Gurub raid still exist in the files, despite the original raid being removed and redone as a five-player dungeon. In fact, pretty much every removed NPC, event, or dungeon that at one time had voice files - Edwin Vancleef or Cairne, for instance - still has files for it left in the game.

Voice Files

Lorthemar & Rommath

Voice Transcript
Rommath! You stand accused of high treason to Silvermoon, and of being a member of the Twilight Council!
Ah, the long knives come out. Is there proof to these accusations?
This document. It's your handwriting. I'd recognize it anywhere.
...You leave me no choice then. It's a pity really; I had plans for our people.
You of all people should understand. Power is its own reward!
There is a war coming, and I've chosen to be on the winning side!
You disgust me, traitor!
You've forced my hand a little early perhaps. But I think you'll find I'm still playing from a position of strength!
Feel my wrath!

Unused voice clips for Lor'themar Theron and Grand Magister Rommath. These have been in the game since at least the Cataclysm closed beta, but the idea for Rommath to be the twilight traitor was ultimately dropped and never implemented, and the role was instead given to minor NPC Sauranok the Mystic.

Archbishop Benedictus

Voice Transcript
These are but petty accusations without proof.

Like Rommath, Archbishop Benedictus was planned to be the alliance twilight traitor during Cataclysm. Unlike Rommath, it was actually revealed during the expansion's final patch that Benedictus was a traitor; this voice file is likely a leftover from when they planned to reveal his betraying status earlier.


Voice Transcript
Open the gate!
I will not let a single human step past me into Mulgore! My people will not be harmed!
Sound the drums of war! For Taurajo!

"The gate" refers to the Great Gate, a fortification that separates the Northern Barrens and Mulgore. As Camp Taurajo was destroyed by escaped Alliance convicts in Cataclysm, this series of sound files indicate that Baine might have had a larger role in the story of Cataclysm, specifically in the Northern Barrens or Mulgore zones.

Prince Malchezaar

Voice Transcript
Who knows what secrets hide in the dark? Ah, yes... I do.

It's unknown where this would have fit in. Perhaps Malchezaar had more abilities planned?


Voice Transcript
My people should have taken this world long ago, during the First War! But they fell to corruption in their weakness. They asked the pitiful races of Azeroth to join the Horde. I will succeed where they have failed, and no power in this world can stop me!

This was meant to be said by Garrosh Hellscream in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid upon starting the encounter. It's unknown why it was never used.

Alpha Leftovers

The following are leftovers from the original World of Warcraft's Family & Friends Alpha testing. In fact, in the earliest leaked game version, 0.5.3, they are present along with various other old sound files that were removed over time.

Voice Transcript
Preps bow
Preps bow Don't move.
Taste this!
Take it!
Oh yeah...
Hurts, don't it?
Sit down!
Shut up!
What was that? Huh? Did you say something? Hm.
Yeah, yeah, over there. No, wait, right there. Sighs
What? Sighs
Oh, that hurt.
Oh, that stings.
That didn't hurt!
Okay, that hurt.


These are sound files that are not used anywhere in the game.

This is a placeholder sound as its name suggests.
This sound would possibly have been used as an early sound for inviting a player to a party.
This sound seems to be an early readycheck.

Early Vendor Voice

These voices are presumably early vendor sounds. Only Human Voices exist.

Male Female

Player Jumping Sounds

Present in the PlayerExertions folder are sounds for jumping and landing for each of the original 8 races. Presumably these were not used as it got annoying very quickly.

Male Female Race
Night Elf
Male Female Race
Night Elf