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Proto:Quarth (MSX2)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Quarth (MSX2).

This page covers the demo version of Quarth, which was sent to stores before the game's release.

Menu Differences

  • The game's font is positioned a pixel further to the left. This is specially noticeable in the game's title screen:
Demo Final
QuarthMSX2-titleDEMO.png QuarthMSX2-title.png
  • The menu boxes are black instead of blue.
  • It is not possible to change the background music. This applies to all of the game's modes.
Demo Final
QuarthMSX2-menu1DEMO.png QuarthMSX2-menu1FINAL.png
QuarthMSX2-menu2DEMO.png QuarthMSX2-menu2FINAL.png
QuarthMSX2-menu3DEMO.png QuarthMSX2-menu3FINAL.png

Gameplay Differences


  • Before a game starts, be it during the attract sequence or not, a screen that indicates the game's instructions is shown. Graphical data for this screen can still be found unused in the final game.
QuarthMSX2-howtoplay1.png QuarthMSX2-howtoplay2.png
Basic Rules
Make a square/rectangle
to make blocks disappear.
Basic Rules
Get higher points by
making bigger blocks.
  • Player 1's ship uses a stronger shade of red.
Demo Final
QuarthMSX2-shipDEMO.png QuarthMSX2-shipFINAL.png
  • Pausing the game does not hide the playfield with Konami's logo.
  • It is still possible to shoot squares after clearing a level or when the opponent player loses in 2P MODE 2.
  • During the attract sequence or after finishing Stage 3 in 1P MODE, an advertisement screen shows up:
QuarthMSX2-com1.png QuarthMSX2-com2.png QuarthMSX2-com3.png
Decision Classic software
of the 90s
Price ¥5800


  • The number notations during a level are displayed in hexadecimal values, and seem to top at C (12). The final game tops at 10, and no notations are displayed afterwards.
Demo Final
QuarthMSX2-notation1DEMO.png QuarthMSX2-notation1FINAL.png
  • The walls in Stages 1 and 3 use the same palette as Stages 0 and 2.
Demo Final
QuarthMSX2-stage1DEMO.png QuarthMSX2-stage1FINAL.png
QuarthMSX2-stage3DEMO.png QuarthMSX2-stage3FINAL.png
  • The playfield does not stop moving after the clear message is fully displayed.
  • There is no retry system; losing takes the player back to the title screen.


  • The falling blocks are orange instead of blue.
  • When blocks are being erased, they have a thicker outline.
  • The design of the nuisance blocks is also much less polished, having the same thick outline.
  • The message displayed when a player loses is much less clear.
Demo Final
QuarthMSX2-2pmodeDEMO.png QuarthMSX2-2pmodeFINAL.png