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Proto:Totally Spies! 2: Undercover (Game Boy Advance)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Totally Spies! 2: Undercover (Game Boy Advance).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

General Differences

  • The music is lifted directly from the first game. The songs used are as follows:
Level/Menu Totally Spies 1 song used
Menus Cutscene theme
Game Over Game over theme
Find the truck Enter the chemical laboratory
Frazzle the lock Chase on the highway
Destroy the tornado Dance Evaluation
Neutralize Geraldine Cool the chemicals
Capture the flower Defeat Terrence
Dissect the flower Escape from the building
Infiltration Analyse the clues
The pursuit Free the 7 people
The grand seduction Cutscene theme
Explore the museum Menu theme
Find the combination Find the 5 test tubes
Catch Kyle Neutralise the 6 bombs
The cornfield Enter the chemical laboratory
Vegetable cutting Chase on the highway
The barn Dance Evaluation
Like father, like son Cool the chemicals
Back to the craft Defeat Terrence
Unplug it all Escape from the building
The space race Analyse the clues
The tease Free the 7 people
  • The "Licensed by Nintendo" screen can be skipped like the other company logos.
  • The main theme on the title screen starts off in mono and then goes into stereo after a short while, becoming noticeably louder in the process.
  • The music on the main menu is the main theme rather than the cutscene theme. The cutscene theme from the first game is used on all the other menus.
  • Pausing the game doesn't stop the music.
  • Much of the sound effects are missing.
  • The save and load screens are missing.
  • The questionnaires at the end of each episode can be broken by rapidly changing the page, causing a softlock.
  • The credits are not yet implemented and use a placeholder screen. The text is still in the ROM and are mostly identical to final except that the credits are split in two and labeled as GBA and DS version credits. Credits for Atari US are missing.

TotallySpies2-GBA Proto-Credits.png

  • Different Marathon Media logo, it also comes after the Mistic Software logo instead of the other way around in the final.
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto ​(2).png TotallySpies2-GBA Final (2).png
  • The language select mixed up the flags of France and the Netherlands. Nederlands is also missing a letter. Additionally, the prototype defaults to "Nederland" while the final defaults to English.
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto ​(1).png TotallySpies2-GBA Final (1).png
  • Occasional changes to text layout.
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto ​(5).png TotallySpies2-GBA Final (5).png
  • The "skip" button prompt uses a different graphic in the prototype.
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto ​(4).png TotallySpies2-GBA Final (4).png
  • Instead of "stories" within each episode, the prototype has "tables".
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto ​(3).png TotallySpies2-GBA Final (3).png

Level Specific Differences

To do:
There are many more level differences.

Episode 1 - Story 3 - Destroy the tornado

  • After failing and retrying, the game will remember the amount of damage you've done to the tornado. The final game resets it's health to full.
  • When shooting the tornado in the prototype, the game flashes a prompt to press the R button even though you shoot by pressing B.

TotallySpies2-GBA Proto-TornadoPrompt.png

Episode 2 - Story 1 - Catch the Plant

  • Uses Alex's portrait instead of Jerry's for the initial dialogue.
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto2-1.png TotallySpies2-GBA Final2-1.png
  • Alex teeters in the air for a short while when the level starts.
  • If the initial dialogue is skipped with the start button, it will pause the game. This does not happen in other levels in the prototype.
  • Alex can attack on this level in the prototype, even though there is nothing to attack.
    • Performing an air kick notably prevents the player from taking fall damage.
  • The plant is far more aggressive in the prototype, attacking more often and being able to latch onto Alex while she is climbing buildings (which it cannot do in the final).
  • It is possible to wall jump on the invisible walls at the beginning and the end of the level.
  • Sam is standing in mid-air in prototype. She also does not run up to the plant unlike in the final.
  • The plant can still latch onto you even after Sam has caught it at the end of the level.
  • The player can perform their double jump until Alex enters her full falling animation, allowing the player to delay their double jump for much longer. In the final game, the player can only double jump until they stop gaining height in this level.
  • In the final game, the player cannot jump if they are too close to an edge. In the prototype however, you can jump near an edge to the point that you can slip off an edge and jump, functioning like the first game. This is a general change in all the platforming levels.
  • If the player drops off the first large building, the plant will not follow you, forcing the player to backtrack to have the plant follow you. In the final game, the plant will follow you if you perform this skip.
  • If the player game overs in the level and resets, they can control Alex in the beginning section. If they jump over the initial dialogue box, Alex will amusingly float above the ground, moving forwards quickly until the dialogue is skipped.
  • If the player dies via fall damage, the level breaks. Retrying the level will result in Alex not appearing and then dying shortly after the level begins. This will keep happening whenever the level is played until the game is reset.

Episode 2 - Story 2 - Dissect the plant

  • Hitting the edges of the plant with the tweezers will result in immediate failure, while in the final game you have four hitpoints.
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto2-2.png TotallySpies2-GBA Final2-2.png

Episode 3 - Story 3 - Find the combination

  • The background was colored in pink for the final.
  • The buttons were rearranged and redesigned. The glasses being replaced with the OK and the backspace with an eraser.
  • The prototype has an extra button to quit the level and cannot be quit the normal way of pressing Start and L.
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto4-3.png TotallySpies2-GBA Final4-3.png

Episode 4 - Story 1 - The cornfields

  • Getting hit by Broccoli-Boy sends you back to the starting point in addition to costing a hitpoint.
  • No health pickups.
  • The exit sign is different.
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto3-1.png TotallySpies2-GBA Final3-1.png

Episode 5 - Story 2 - Unplug it all

  • The way you disable the speakers and lights is different in the prototype. Instead of the same "hacking" mechanic, you have to time a single button press when a bar is filled to a certain point.
  • The big star was removed from the background.
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto5-2.png TotallySpies2-GBA Final5-2.png

Episode 5 - Story 3 - The space race

  • The boss cannot hit you, This means you can run behind the boss, causing him to run backwards.
  • The boss will not break rocks when he runs into them. This means you can have the boss run into the same rock over and over again to beat him easily.

TotallySpies2-GBA Proto5-3.png

Episode 5 - Story 4 - The tease

  • The hint and quit buttons were switched around and the prompts moved below them.
  • The complete picture displayed by the hint button is discolored.
Prototype Final
TotallySpies2-GBA Proto5-4.png TotallySpies2-GBA Final5-4.png

Text Differences

Episode 1 - Arnold the Great

Story 1 - Find the truck

Prototype Final
You can accelerate during the chase by pressing the right arrow or slowing down by pressing the left arrow.
You can accelerate during the chase by using the +Control Pad.

Story 2 - Frazzle the lock

Prototype Final
I thought that... If I could be like Admiral Admirable, people would be impressed. Hey! Maybe I could join up with you girls - "Admiral Admirable and the Super Spies!" Cool eh?
I just thought
 if I could be a bit like Admiral Admirable, people would be impressed. Hey! Maybe I could join up with you guys
 "Admiral Admirable and the Super Spies!" Cool, huh?
Prototype Final
Okay just forget that... Arnold, being a Super Spy is not just about wearing fancy clothes. I'm sorry, we have to go... We're on a case. See you back at school tomorrow.
Cool... No. Forget it, Arnold. Being a super spy is not just about running around in fancy clothes. I'm sorry, we have to go
 we're on a case. See you back at school tomorrow?
Prototype Final
Cookery class at 4 o'clock. You could give me hand making brownies?
We got cookery class at 4 o'clock. You'll help me with my brownies won't you?
Prototype Final
I thought you'd put her behind bars?
I thought you had her locked up somewhere!

Story 3 - Destroy the tornado

Prototype Final
Well done Admiral, we are going to get our revenge on WHOOP by getting rid of the "Spies" and their boss, Jerry.
Well done Admiral, we are going to get our revenge on WOOHP by getting rid of the "Spies" and their boss, Jerry.

Story 4 - Neutralize Geraldine

Prototype Final
And here's Geraldine. And try not to lose her this time!
There she is, Jerry. Try not to let her escape again!

Episode 2 - Booby Blooms

Story 1 - Capture the flower

Prototype Final
He just offered to help me with my extra-credit project.
He just offered to help me with my project to get some extra points.
Prototype Final
Yeah - each other.
Yeah - studying each other.
Prototype Final
And for all, the brand new Plush
Pendants. In an emergency, they
become highly effective gas masks.
And here's, the brand new Plush Pendants. In an emergency, they become highly effective gas masks.
Prototype Final
Get rid of the plant by pressing the right buttons on the screen.
Get rid of the plant by pressing the right buttons that appear on the screen.

Story 2 - Dissect the flower

Prototype Final
Using the stylus, detach the small seeds from the bottom of the flower and work up without touching the edges, if not, the sample will be useless.
Using the tweezers, detach the small seeds from the bottom of the flower and work up without touching the edges, if not, the sample will be useless.

Story 4 - The pursuit

Prototype Final
Time to mow down Miss Vanderfleet's latest crop of mischief. Would you girls care to help?
It's high time to mow down Miss Vanderfleet's latest crop of mischief. Would you girls care to help?


Prototype Final
What button did you press to activate the loudspeaker in the room? 
How many rooms did you sneak through in the factory?
Prototype Final
What color are the henchwomen's jet skis?
What color are the henchwomen's jet skis?

Episode 3 - Hot Thief

Story 1 - The grand seduction

Prototype Final
Perhaps a special mission will invigorate you properly.
I have a very special mission for you. I need you to keep a very close eye on Kyle Katz - an extremely talented jewel thief. In fact he's so good that even WOOHP have never managed to get their hands on him.
Prototype Final
And a new Multi Fonction
Charm Bracelet
And a new Multi-function Bracelet

Story 3 - Find the combination

Prototype Final
When you have entered the three symbols, validated using the 
 button to see the result. If you get it wrong, to remove the last symbol, press the 
When you have entered the three symbols, validate by selecting the "OK" icon to see the result. If you get it wrong, to remove the last symbol, select the eraser icon.

Episode 5 - Spies in Space

Story 2 - Unplug it all

Prototype Final
You've made it back on the moon. Now you have to stop Ziggy and above all neutralize the Rock-Bot.
You've made it back on the moon. Now you have to stop Ziggy and, above all neutralize the Rock-Bot.
Prototype Final
Unplug the six speakers and spotlights attached to the structure by pressing the A button when the blue bar is in the yellow zone. For the electric boxes, press the buttons that appear on the screen. This should attract the attention of the Rock-Bot.
Unplug the six speakers and spotlights, attached to the structure by pressing the buttons that appear on screen. This should attract his attention.


Prototype Final
What did you use to pilot our Spy in space? 
What did you use to pilot our Spy in space? 
+Control Pad
R Button
Prototype Final
What color is the switch box that cuts the loudspeaker current? 
What color is the switch box that cuts the loudspeaker current? 


Prototype Final
Special Thanks
 Flavien Bau
Jacques Sarremejeanne
 France Cameron
Special Thanks
 Stephane Yilmaz
Jacques Sarremejeanne
 France Cameron

Unused Text From the DS Version

All of the text specific to the DS version remains in the GBA version and vice-versa, these also include some changes. General

Prototype Final
Game saving. Do not turn off your console.
Game loading. Do not turn off your console.
Copying. Do not turn off your console.
Deleting. Do not turn off your console.
Writing error. Turn off your console, remove the Game Card and reinsert it.
Reading error. Turn off your console, remove the Game Card and reinsert it.
Game saving. Do not turn off your Nintendo DS.
Game saving. Do not turn off your GBA.
Game loading. Do not turn off your Nintendo DS.
Game loading. Do not turn off your GBA.
Copying. Do not turn off your Nintendo DS.
Copying. Do not turn off your GBA.
Deleting. Do not turn off your Nintendo DS.
Deleting. Do not turn off your GBA.
Writing error. Turn off your Nintendo DS, remove the Game Card and reinsert it.
Writing error. Turn off your GBA, remove the GamePak and reinsert it.
Reading error. Turn off your Nintendo DS, remove the Game Card and reinsert it.
Reading error. Turn off your GBA, remove the GamePak and reinsert it.


Prototype Final
Connection error. Press the A Button to return to turn out the console.
Welcome to Wi-Fi mode! Enemy search in progress.
Choose a mini-game and configure it.
Recreate the image by pushing the pieces with your stylus.
Connection error. Press the A Button to turn off your Nintendo DS.
Welcome to DS Wireless Communications mode! Enemy search in progress.
Choose a mini-game.
Reconstruct the image by pushing the pieces with your stylus.

Episode 1 - Story 2 - Frazzle the lock

Prototype Final
And don't touch any of the diodes but the ones displayed. And hurry up! It looks like the truck's heading for a cliff.
Don't touch any of the diodes but the ones displayed. Hurry up! It looks like the truck's heading for a cliff.

Episode 2 - Story 3 - Infiltration

Prototype Final
In each room, divert the attention of the guards by making a noise in the loudspeaker, or by speaking to them on the telephone.
In each room, divert the attention of the guards by making a noise in the loudspeakers, or by speaking to them on the telephone.
Prototype Final
Touch the second telephone icon to make it ring.
Touch the icon of the second telephone to make it ring.

Episode 3 - Story 3 - Find the combination

Prototype Final
Use the stylus to enter the combination of the safe on the touch screen. When you have entered the 3 symbols, touch the OK Button to confirm your combination.
Use the stylus to enter the combination of the safe on the Touch Screen. When you have entered the 3 symbols, touch the "OK" icon to confirm your combination.
Prototype Final
The yellow diode, that the symbol is in the wrong place and the red diode indicates that the symbol is not used in the combination.
The yellow diode indicates that the symbol is in the wrong place and the red diode indicates that the symbol is not used in the combination.

Episode 5 - Story 1 - Back to the craft This change is only in the unused DS version of the instructions.

Prototype Final
You have to go in site. Use the +Control Pad to manoeuvre your character. Accelerate with the right arrow and slow down with the left arrow. Keep an eye on your fuel tank: it will empty as you advance. Blow into the microphone to refill the fuel and avoid the asteroids.
You have to go on site. Use the +Control Pad to manoeuvre your character like accelerate and slow down the speed. Keep an eye on your fuel tank: it will empty as you advance. Blow into the microphone to refill the fuel and avoid the asteroids.