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Star Breaker (TurboGrafx-CD)

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Title Screen

Star Breaker

Developer: Geo Factory
Publisher: Ray Force
Platform: TurboGrafx-CD
Released in JP: February 10, 1994

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.


Star Breaker Debugger.png

Japanese English
モードせってい Mode settings
ステータスひょうじ Status flags
MAPいどう Map select
フラグチェック Flag check
アイテムそうさ Item management
マイキャラ LEVEL ちょうせつ Main character level editor
ペガサスそうびへんこう Pegasus equipment editor
もちもの ぎじMAX Equipment skills MAX (tl. note: Not 100% sure of meaning of 「ぎじ」but assuming it's short for 「技術」).
もちもの ぎじMAXかいじょ Equipment skills MAX cancel (tl. note: Not 100% sure of meaning of 「ぎじ」but assuming it's short for 「技術」).
パーティせってい Party settings
SUB MENU Sub-menu

Apply this patch to enable the game's "debugger" functionality, accessible in-game by holding Select while pressing II.

Sound Test

StarBreaker TGCD-soundtest.png

Opening theme (CD)

At game startup immediately after the screen completes its fade to red, quickly enter the following button sequence: Up, Down, Up, Down, I, II, Run.

Cutscene Test

StarBreaker TGCD-cuttest.png

Lee's introduction

At game startup immediately after the screen completes its fade to red, quickly enter the following button sequence: Up, I, Down, II, Right, Left, Run.