Asphalt 3D
Asphalt 3D |
Also known as: Asphalt 3D: Nitro Racing (JP)
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Asphalt 3D is part of Gameloft's attempt to bring their smartphone games to portable consoles, with rather janky results.
Build Date
DateTime.dat is a build date.
JAN 25 2011 16:07:46
Developer Notes
Asphalt5.cfg is a configuration file used to control various aspects of the game. Present in it are a few developer notes. Curiously, the name refers to Asphalt 5, despite most of the game's content originating from Asphalt 6: Adrenaline.
//if any parameter is not here, it will be initialized with a default from the code //the syntax is: PARAMETER_NAME value //anything after the value will be ignored, but it would be nice to add the comment slashes "//" so it's clear //if a parameter is initialized multiple times, the last value is used, the others are discarded PRECOMPUTED_CAMERA_VISIBILITY 1 // 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled VIEW_RES_X 480 // 480 default VIEW_RES_Y 320 // 320 default VIEW_SHOW_IGMINTF 1 MOUSE_CONTROL 0 MOUSE_SEN 0.005 NITRO_CAPACITY 1500 //how big is the nitro tank NITRO_MAX_LEVEL 3 //maximum nitro level NITRO_LV1_USE 200 //nitro to consume for level1 NITRO_LV1_TIME 75 //time to consume (in frames) NITRO_LV1_BOOST_SPD 1.1 //speed multiplier (1.1 means 10%) NITRO_LV1_BOOST_ACC 2 //acceleration multiplier (2 means accelerate twice as fast) NITRO_LV1_FOV 3.0 //fov increase at this level NITRO_LV2_USE 250 NITRO_LV2_TIME 50 NITRO_LV2_BOOST_SPD 1.15 NITRO_LV2_BOOST_ACC 2.5 NITRO_LV2_FOV 5.0 NITRO_LV3_USE 300 NITRO_LV3_TIME 25 NITRO_LV3_BOOST_SPD 1.2 NITRO_LV3_BOOST_ACC 3 NITRO_LV3_FOV 7.0 NITRO_LV4_USE 1500 NITRO_LV4_TIME 80 NITRO_LV4_BOOST_SPD 1.27 NITRO_LV4_BOOST_ACC 6 NITRO_LV4_FOV 9.0 NITRO_BONUS_DRIFT 160 //add to nitro when drifting (per second) NITRO_BONUS_FLY 160 NITRO_BONUS_TAKEDOWN 200.0 MINIM_IMPACT_TO_TAKEDOWN 40 //number of trafic cars; minumum value to have traffic is 2; < 2 means traffic disabled //increasing the value too much will lead to memory-related crashes //Ferrari value was 10 TRAFFIC_CAR_MAX 20 //how fast the HUMAN car turns while in flight IN_FLIGHT_TURN_FACTOR 1024 CAMERA_INGAME_FOV 60.0 CAMERA_INGAME_DISTANCE1 -50.0 CAMERA_INGAME_HEIGHT1_CAR 35.0 CAMERA_INGAME_HEIGHT1_SUV 60.0 CAMERA_INGAME_ADVANCE1 600.0 CAMERA_INGAME_DISTANCE2 25.0 CAMERA_INGAME_HEIGHT2_CAR 35.0 CAMERA_INGAME_HEIGHT2_SUV 65.0 CAMERA_INGAME_ADVANCE2 7000.0 CAMERA_INTERIOR_HEIGHT -10.0 CAMERA_HIGHSPEED_FOVADD 8.5 //fov increase when starting the high-speed effect CAMERA_HIGHSPEED_START 1.0 //percent of the maximum speed when the high-speed effect should start CAMERA_HIGHSPEED_STARTP 90.0 //percent of the maximum speed when the high-speed particles effect should start CAMERA_HIGHSPEED_FOVRATE 0.1 //fov increase or decrease rate per frame CAMERA_HIGHSPEED_DISTADD 0.0 //distance percent to add when highspeeding :) CAMERA_NITRO_FOVRATE 0.5 //fov increase when nitro-ing :) CAMERA_LAUNCH_DISTANCE 0.0 //distance to add when reaching the max launch speed CAMERA_LAUNCH_SPEED 20.0 //max launch speed, after this no more distance will be added CAMERA_BRAKE_SPEED 80.0 //min brake speed, below this the distance will get smaller CAMERA_SHAKE_TOTAL 6.0 //general intensity multiplier CAMERA_SHAKE_V 20.0 //vertical intensity CAMERA_SHAKE_H 10.0 //horizontal intensity CAMERA_SHAKE_HISPEED 0.0 //intensity for max speed CAMERA_SHAKE_NITRO_LV1_I 600.0 //nitro intensity CAMERA_SHAKE_NITRO_LV1_T 30.0 //frames to return to 0 CAMERA_SHAKE_NITRO_LV2_I 600.0 CAMERA_SHAKE_NITRO_LV2_T 30.0 CAMERA_SHAKE_NITRO_LV3_I 600.0 CAMERA_SHAKE_NITRO_LV3_T 30.0 CAMERA_SHAKE_NITRO_LV4_I 600.0 CAMERA_SHAKE_NITRO_LV4_T 60.0 POWERUP_NITRO_1 150.0 POWERUP_NITRO_2 250.0 POWERUP_DAMAGE_1 25.0 //this is a percent, not absolute value POWERUP_DAMAGE_2 50.0 MIN_BRAKE_INTENSITY 24.0 MAX_BRAKE_INTENSITY 48.0 BRAKE_INTENSITY_DELTA 8.0 //how much of car max speed (excluding nitros) and how long (in msec) must the player maintain //to start loosing a chasing cop //both values are ints GOTAWAY_SPEED_PERCENT 85 GOTAWAY_SPEED_DURATION 2000 //0 : disabled //1 : the minimap shows the whole track //2 : only a small zone around the player is seen MINIMAP_STYLE 1 //frames count the menu fade in/out takes; default 10 MENU_FADE_EFFECT_FRAME_DURATION 10 //pixels count the menu bts. slide out per frame during menu fade out; default 20 MENU_BTNS_SLIDE_OUT_PER_FRAME_OFFSET 20 //the menu btn, blinking after selection; default 12 MENU_END_ANIM_TIME 5 //btn icon y offset from the button zone top; default 3 MENU_BTN_ICON_OFFSET_Y 3 //how long to prevent k_nPrettyClose and k_nNearMiss after a collision; in msec. NEAR_COLLISION_EVENT_COOLDOWN_TIME 2000
oglespcviewer.cfg is another configuration file, possibly for some type of viewer. It doesn't appear to ever be loaded.
HW Config Type 0 Gui Show 1 Gui Window X 30 Gui Window Y 40 Start In Pause 0
The Asphalt series
| |
Nintendo DS | Asphalt Urban GT |
Nintendo 3DS | Asphalt 3D (Demo) |
PlayStation Vita | Asphalt: Injection |
Android | Asphalt 5 • Asphalt: Injection • Asphalt 8: Airborne • Asphalt Xtreme • Asphalt Legends Unite (Demos) |
iOS | Asphalt 5 • Asphalt 8: Airborne • Asphalt Xtreme • Asphalt Legends Unite (Demos) |
Windows | Asphalt 8: Airborne • Asphalt Xtreme |
Mac OS X | Asphalt 8: Airborne |
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