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Half-Life (Windows)/Models

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This is a sub-page of Half-Life (Windows).

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Unused Aliens


Hl aflock 1.png

Aflock (Alien Flock) is a flat flying creature, similar to a manta ray. They have a yellow body, a white underbody, and six beady red eyes, three on each side of the critter's "head". These aliens have animations for being hit by something, being wounded, and dying. A similar critter, Boid, is used in the background of the ending sequence, but only has a flying animation.

They make their first canonical appearance in Blue Shift as a decorative prop in the Focal Point chapter.


Hl archer 1.png

The Archers are a small red, eel-like fish. As one would expect, they were meant to be fought underwater. They would be able to attack the player by biting and shooting something at them. These creatures also have animations for swimming faster than usual and being able to surface. There is also a unique death animation that would play if their bodies floated to the surface.

One prerelease screenshot shows the player fighting two Archers in the Apprehension chapter, map c2a3.


Hl chumtoad 1.png

The Chumtoads are Headcrab-sized creatures that look like purple frogs with big red singular eyes. Their animations show them swimming, hopping, and playing dead (which is different from their actual death animation), but they possess no attack animation. They would have served a dual-purpose as a critter and as a weapon used by the player.

The Chumtoads reappear in both of the expansion packs, merely being used as easter eggs.

The SDK has four alternative skins of the Chumtoad, with three small eyes on each side of the head instead of a singular eye.

Flocking Floater

Hl floater 1.png

The Flocking Floaters (also known as the Flocking Bloaters or Stingsails) are odd-looking aliens with a balloon-like object at the top, a claw extruding from the center, and an orifice at the bottom. Their only animation consist of them floating around.

Early sketches show these creatures were going to appear in Xen levels. Map files present in the Half-Life 2 leak of 2003 suggest that fights between the H.E.C.U soldiers and these creatures were to take place during the On A Rail chapter.

The SDK contains placeholder coding for the Flocking Floater in the file named "bloater.cpp", using zombie sounds as placeholders.


Hl kingpin 1.png

The Kingpins are white creatures with tall center bodies, two claws used for locomotion, and worm-like appendages coming from their rear. Their animations give no indication on how they would attack.

They have three animations: an idle animation, a walking animation where they use their claws to move, and a run animation where they slide around like a snake.

It would've made an appearance in the Xen levels. Certain concept art pieces of the Topside Motorpool area also show the Kingpin.

Mr. Friendly

Hl friendly 1.png

Mr. Friendly is a large creature with its rear sticking up in the air and two tentacles as front legs. According to Raising the Bar, it was meant to hump the player as an attack, but the animations show no trace of this. In-game attacks show that it would be able to whack the player with a tentacle once, whack them twice with its tentacles, and spit vomit (complete with the mouth opening).


Hl snapbug 1.png

The Snapbugs are small four-legged green aliens with their eyes bulging out of them. What they were meant to do is unknown, as they only have an idle animation.


Hl sphere 1.png

The Sphere is a device that looks like a solid-colored sphere. However, they feature animations of them opening up, revealing a part that looks somewhat like the eye of an Alien Slave. Their "fire" animation shows the eye part repeatedly thrusting. There is also an animation of it closing up.

According to notes for an Alpha version of the game, Vortigaunts were to have a device called "control sphere". This may be the official name of the sphere.


Hl stukabat 1.png

The Stukabats are bat-like alien creatures with multiple red eyes and a purple body with shades of red on them. Their animations show that they would be able to perch, fly around and could crawl around on the ground. The final game contains two types of navigation nodes that would be used by this creature, but are now useless since they were scrapped. Concept art shows that they were possibly first encountered during Blast Pit, and were to make an appearance during On a Rail as seen during E3 1998 footage.

The closest thing the Stukabat has to an attack is an animation called "dive_cycler", though if this was supposed to be used against the player or simply as decoration is unknown.

The "stuka" in their names, comes from the Junkers JU 87, a WWII-era German bomber known informally as the "Stuka".

Unused Human Characters


Hl construction 1.png

Construction is an earlier version of the Security Guard, but with an orange jumpsuit and a white helmet. While he has most of the Security Guard's basic animations, he has two animations found on the Day One model for the Security Guard; inspect_floor and c1a4_bottom. These are likely leftovers. The name suggests he was a construction worker within Black Mesa.


Hl97 doctor1.png

"doctor.mdl" is a very early model for what would eventually become Gordon Freeman. This design gives Gordon a buzzcut, a large beard, and a very bulky HEV suit that is a muted mustard color. This design was informally known as "Ivan the Space Biker" and appeared in early media, including the first batch of screenshots ever released for the game.

Interestingly, this model uses the earlier model format required for the 1997 prototype, meaning it cannot be displayed in-game.

This model is only present in certain versions of the game, including the Steam release. A new deathmatch player model based off of it was later added for the multiplayer in the 25th anniversary update.


Hlfinal hassault1.png

Hassault (Human Assault, called Human Sergeant in the concept art) is a dark-skinned man with a cigar and a large minigun. His animations show him walking, running, firing, dying, and seemingly resting his back on a wall. His head was recycled into the forth head variant of the Human Grunts in the final game.

In the 1997 prototype, the Hassault appears to be used as more of an obstacle than an actual enemy, as the player would often need to find an alternate route around him to proceed.

Unused Weapons


Hl v chum.png

The Chumtoad creatures could also apparently be used as a weapon like the Snarks can. The weapon's first person model, "v_chub", can be found in the game's files.

The first person model shows animations for the player holding a Chumtoad, idle animations of them croaking or sticking their tongue out, the player deploying and putting them back into the player's inventory, and an animation of them being thrown. What they would do after being thrown is unknown.

Of note is that the weapon's viewmodel origin is broken by default, making it not appear in the same place as other viewmodels. This can be fixed by changing the Z position by -60.

The viewmodel's name is an alternate name for the Chumtoad, the Chubtoad. This viewmodel also uses earlier textures for the HEV Suit, being red in color.

Suppressed Pistol

Hl pistol suppressed.png

The Pistol would be able to have a suppressor put on it at one point. The weapon's viewmodel has a suppressor attachment that can be seen via model viewers and there is an unused animation of Gordon attaching a suppressor to the Pistol. Additionally, there is a cut worldmodel called "w_silencer.mdl" that features the the playable Pistol worldmodel but with a suppressor attached to it.

A suppressed pistol does appear in the final game, but is only used by the Black Ops enemies and cannot be picked up.

The suppressed Pistol's viewmodel was reused for the Tranquilizer gun in Team Fortress Classic.

Note that neither the add_silencer animation nor the silencer submodel are present in the HD Pack's Pistol.

Unused Items

.357 ammo

Hl w 357ammo 1.png

Inside the game's files an unused model called "w_357ammo.mdl" can be found. When viewed, it shows a speedloader filled with six cartridges for the .357 Magnum Revolver. Most of the cartridges are represented with a bronze chrome texture, but the bottom shows what the rear of each cartridge would look like.


Canisters or Syringes, were to serve as health items in the game. They were to be picked up by the player and stored in one's inventory, automatically being administered by the HEV Suit at the appropriate time. When used, the suit was to provide a voice message notification. Each canister was a single-use item. The Canisters, alongside the inventory system were cut. There were three planned variants.


Hl w adrenaline.png

The adrenaline is a canister with an orange lower half. When picked up, it would automatically revive the player three seconds after the player had died if the player wasn't gibbed.


Hl w antidote.png

The antidote is a canister with a yellow lower half. It was intended to automatically cure the player of poisoning if the player had picked it up. In the final game, few hazards have a lasting harmful effect, and the effects wear away quickly.

Unlike the other bottle items, it is the only one that can be spawned in-game, and has a single appareance in the Datacore multiplayer map. As it was cut, this item has no effect on gameplay.

According to Half-Life 2: Raising The Bar, Poison Headcrabs were to appear in the game and possibly inject the player with their venom, forcing one to find an antidote to counteract the lingering damage effects. The Crossbow's arrows were also poisonous at some point and were to be used by the Black Ops Female Assassins.


Hl w rad.png

The rad item is a canister with a green lower half. It was intended that it would either clear any radiation damage the player was taking or make the player immune to radiation for a certain amount of time. The SDK isn't clear on how it would work.


Hl w chainammo 1.png

Chainammo is an open ammo box showing a lot of ammo in it. It is a usable item and can be placed in levels. It gives 200 rounds for the Pistol and SMG when picked up. The text on the side roughly reads "PROPERTY OF EGEUS ASSAUS", as the bottom text is near-intelligible.


Hl w flare.png

A model for a flare item exists. Its model does not show how it could be used, nor does it appear in the SDK. Flares were later seen in Half-Life 2 and its episodes, where they became a usable item.

Isotope box

Hl w isobox.png

The isotope box is a medium-sized orange box with the Lambda symbol on it and some warning labels. Possibly a larger version of the Tau Cannon/Gluon Gun ammo.


Hl w oxygen.png

Oxygen is a large tank of oxygen. It would be found underwater and let the player refill their oxygen while taking a swim underwater. It would have a 30 second recharge time in-between uses. It could also be blown up by shooting it. In the base game it is broken normally, but can be easily fixed by minor code changes.

The texture on its back was reused on the back of the Long Jump Module.

Oxygen Long Jump Module
Hl w oxygen.png Hlfinal longjump.png

Security Card

Hl w security.png

A model for a cut security keycard item exists. It would be used in the cut Communications Center chapter, as implied in the 1997 prototype walkthrough. Although it can be spawned in game, it does nothing.

This model was repurposed into an objective the player must take to a location in Team Fortress Classic. The TFC version also has a different texture and four skins, one for each team supported by the game, instead of the single light blue skin Half-Life has for the model.

A Security Card can be seen in a screenshot from September 1998, indicating it was cut late in development.

Unused Half-Life keycard Team Fortress Classic keycard
Hl w security.png Tfc keycard.png

The security keycard as seen in a prerelease screenshot.


Hl w shotshell.png

The model file "w_shotshell.mdl" contains an unused model of three shotgun shells next to each other. Presumably, it would be another ammo pickup for the Shotgun, but the amount of ammo it would give is unknown.

Unused decorative models

Alien Slave gibs

Hl islave gibs1.png

"islave_gibs1.mdl" is an unused model of an Alien Slave's severed hand. The model file has textures for several more body parts, but only the hand model exists.


Hl breather1.png

Breather is an alien device that has several slices. These go up, then down, and then repeats. It matches the style used in Xen.


Hl crystal 1.png

The crystal is a rotating yellow crystal, similar to the one that kicks off the alien invasion at the start of the game and the ones found in Xen late in the game.

Dead Osprey

Hl dead osprey 1.png

A model for an extremely damaged V-22 Osprey with a missing rotor can be found in the model files.

It has two animations, one of it flying, and another one of it crash landing and its remaining rotor falling into pieces. The final frame of the crash-landed Dead Osprey was reused as a prop in Opposing Force.

Dead Osprey Osprey
Hl dead osprey 1.png Hl osprey.png


Hl gasbag.png

The gasbag is a balloon-like object that expands and reduces itself in size. Its texturing suggests it would be seen in Xen.

Grunt gibs

Hl gib hgrunt.png

"gib_hgrunt.mdl" is a severed leg from a Human Grunt.

In teleport

Hl in teleport.png

"in_teleport.mdl" is a lot of blue boxes and flat squares rotating around each other. Presumably, it would have something to do with teleporting, but it goes unused.

Out teleport

Hl out teleport.png

"out_teleport.mdl" is another unused model that is like in_teleport, but this time the textures are a dark red color. The name suggests it would be used for coming out of a teleport.


Hl shrapnel 1.png

"shrapnel.mdl" contains three unused models of silver junk. Darker versions of these models were used in the 1997 prototype, where they were spawned from the point of the impact an SMG grenade blew up at.


Hl skeleton.png

An unused model of a full skeleton can be found in the game's files. In-game, only pieces of a human skeleton are seen. It was later added as a multiplayer model in the Further Data add-on CD. However, the model was given new textures when it was added into the full game proper with the 25th anniversary update, still making it partly unused.

Opposing Force and Counter-Strike reuse this model.


Hl spiggot.png

The spigot is a model that was used in an early map for an in-game intro showing Mr. Valve having a spigot inserted into his head. The model for Mr. Valve can be found in the Day One prototype.


Hl spit.png

At one point, the Bullsquid's projectile was meant to be represented with a model called "spit.mdl". While the projectile was changed into a set of sprites, the model still exists in the game's files, unused.


Hl stealth 1.png

"stealth.mdl" is a cut model showing what appears to be a very primitive representation of the F-117 Nighthawk. It lacks proper textures, using a solid black texture instead. It also has no animations.


Hl stick.png

"stick.mdl" is a cut model of a stick-shaped object. It reuses the exterior texture from the Protozoan model and has only one animation, "orbit", in which it slowly rolls across the map. Its texturing and animation suggests it would have been used in Xen.

Test Sphere

Hl testsphere.png

The test sphere is a sphere with a black and white checker texture, presumably used for some kind of test.