Super Mario World (NES)
Super Mario World |
Developer: Hummer Team
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The Famicom Super Mario World is probably the most accurate unlicensed port of the 16-bit original out there. It's certainly not perfect (several bugs, poorly redone music, lousy controls in relation to running and jumping physics), has just 28 levels of the original's 78 (with the Switch Palaces and secret worlds being completely absent), and is missing a number of enemies, obstacles, and other elements (some of which is due to the differences in hardware such as the Famicom's lack of Mode 7), but it's generally pretty good at sticking to the source material.
It's also notable for having a fully-functional Yoshi, something Nintendo said was impossible to do on Famicom hardware. Oops.
To do: Several things:
Prototype Info |
Bugs |
Unused Enemies and Objects
All the enemies in the section below can be found in this video. They can be spawned in with cheat code 0500:??, where "??" is one of the IDs below.
ID: 0x9A
Could have appeared in Forest of Illusion 4 (Chocolate Island 1 in this port).
Diggin' Chuck
ID: 0xD4
A miscolored Diggin' Chuck. The original game had them in just one level, Valley of Bowser 4, which is not present in this port.
Bouncing Rock
ID: 0xB4
Similarly miscolored rocks that Diggin' Chucks throw at the player.
Bullet Bill
ID: 0x80
None of the areas they were found in the original game are present in this port, so they go unused.
ID: 0x8A
Similar to the Diggin' Chuck, the areas where Fishbone was encountered in the original are not in this port.
Unused Graphics
Unused Big Mario Sprites
Super Mario and Fire Mario have several sprites that go unused. They even have Luigi variants. Some things of note:
- While Mario can throw fireballs in this version, the second unused sprite uses tiles from Super Mario's graphic banks, hence why this is unused.
- The last sprite seems to depict a different head for Mario, but it's found with the Fire Mario sprites and no other tiles exist for this variation.
- Mario can kick shells, but it has no animation in-game.
- A possible reason why the sliding and kicking sprites are unused is due to a lack of similar sprites for Small Mario.
Unused Small Mario Tiles
Miscellaneous tiles for Small Mario. These were likely meant for an earlier design with a different palette.
Continue Sprite
Mario with a halo, used in the original game's continue screen. This port has no option to continue after getting a Game Over.
Unused Enemy Graphics
Animated graphics for Muncher. The ones that appear in-game only have one frame and act as a background hazard, whereas these look like they could be used as sprites.
Could have appeared in Forest of Illusion 4 (Chocolate Island 1 in this port). No graphics exist for a cloud that Mario could ride in.
Beach Koopa
A single tile that appears to be part of a sprite of a Beach Koopa kicking a shell.
Diagonal Spike Top
A diagonal sprite for Spike Top, intended for when they move over corners.
Horizontal Podoboo
Although horizontal Podoboos are used in-game, they use a different style and are not animated.
Vertical Bullet Bill
A sprite for a vertical Bullet Bill.
Clappin' Chuck
A sprite for a Clappin' Chuck.
Pitchin' Chuck
An alternate arm for Pitchin' Chuck's throwing animation. It doesn't match either of the throwing animations from the SNES version, unlike the used throwing frames.
Flattened Enemies
Flattened sprites exist for Koopas and Rexes, but aren't seen in-game. This is especially odd given that Dino-Torches do use their flattened sprite.
Dry Bones
An unused portion of Dry Bones' head. It is almost identical to a tile used for its walking frame, however the neck bone is positioned one pixel lower than in the used version.
An unused body sprite for Dry Bones. It is identical to the body for its used standing frame, except it is missing its neck, and the entire sprite is shifted over 5 pixels to the left. Due to this offset, it does not fit with any of its other graphics any more.
Sprites of Morton and Roy turning to start walking up a wall, mimicking one of the original game's Mode 7 effects.
A third animation frame for Morton's and Roy's walking animation. It doesn't seem to fit very well, and might be unfinished, as the frame appears to lack feet.
An unused tile of Lemmy Koopa's hair that no longer fits with any of his sprites. Likely left over from when his sprites may have been arranged differently.
What appears to be a very tiny platform stored alongside Reznor's graphics. Purpose unknown.
Cave Level
The graphic used to denote cave levels in the original game. While two cave levels are in this port, they instead use the same world map graphics as normal levels.
A tiny Boo. In the original game, this appeared over Ghost Houses on the overworld map.
Star Road Warp
A tile for the Star Road warps from the original game. There are no other elements related to Star Road in this port.
Background Wooden Spike
Background variants of the wooden spikes. The used version is a sprite and has a slightly different design.
The giant crusher, meant for castle levels. It has no collision and is replaced by Thwomps in this port.
Animated Flip Block
An animation for the Flip Block, which goes unused as you can't flip blocks (or break them or P-Switch them into coins, for that matter) in this port. There is in fact an unused spinning Flip Block tile that uses this animation, but it simply acts as a normal solid block. Interestingly, this tile does appear in Roy's Castle in the incomplete version! (It's replaced with the used stationary Flip Block in the completed game.)
Yoshi Eggshell Pieces
Eggshell pieces. Similar graphics were used in the original when Yoshi hatches out of an egg.
Peach reaching the ground and opening her eyes after falling out of the Koopa Clown Car, which is not used here.
Unused sparkling particles, intended for when Peach descends to the ground.
Unused Music
Unused channel data for Donut Plains, presumably meant to be played on the triangle channel.
Partially-Unused Level
The entirety of the level featured on the title screen. Only the first half of it is seen in-game.
Hidden JY Logo
In any level, pause and press Up, Right, A, Down, Right, B, Up, Left to trigger a hidden JY logo screen, using the standard full-screen logo found in most JY-published games. The only way out is to reset.
Versions of the logo appear in-game as the sun in the background of Yoshi's Island 3, Donut Plains 1, and Chocolate Island 1, as well as Yoshi's House during the ending:
Object List
At address 0x090010 in the ROM, a truncated list of objects with associated pointers for their sprite handling code can be found. This is likely from an earlier point in development, as many pointers differ from those used in the final build.
EBoss01 9364H EBoss01X 9389H EBoss02 8CDBH EBoss03 8000H EBulubase 8A81H EBuluchess 8640H EBulufoot 8D59H EBulugball 901AH EBululook 843BH EBulupress 87C8H ECalon_lay 9A87H ECap 99C7H ECap1 9A0BH ECap2 9A62H ECapSt 8008H ECar 8039H ECarNo 96CBH EColli 88E0H EColli_fall 8517H EColli_fly 82C7H EColon_B 9980H EDNock 8AB4H EDisA 8926H EDolap 866BH EDolap1 866FH EEgg 9562H EElve 8544H EEveF 885FH EFan 8911H EFball_45 8F15H EFball_UD 8D95H EFeather 9769H EFire 9D9FH EFire30 96F8H EFire31 96F8H EFire32 96F8H EFireX 96D5H EFireX1 96D5H EFishbon 9519H EFlower 9742H EFootball 8E28H EGndball 90C4H EGrass 99A9H EGreenGu 96B7H EGu 9BEDH EGwaKo 9660H EHPSw 958DH EHone_lay 93B7H EHonmate 9279H EI_telisa 9286H EJump 9630H EKiller 8BF1H EKoopa 8939H ELight 97C3H EMech 935DH EMech1 95C9H EN_ball 9632H ENock 820EH ENock1 820EH ENock2 820EH EPSw 9590H EPada 820EH EPag 9951H EPass 9BF5H EPonch 8CF2H EPonch1 8E2BH ERColli 8897H ERaita 84B5H ERedGu 9724H ERedGu
A list of official names for each object in this list can be found below:
Internal Object Names | |
Internal Name | Object |
EBoss01 | Reznor. |
EBoss01X | Reznor Fireball. |
EBoss02 | Lemmy/Wendy. |
EBoss03 | Morton/Roy. |
EBulubase | Baseball Chuck. Broken Romanization of its Japanese name, Bul/Bull (ブル Buru). |
EBuluchess | Chargin' Chuck, while chasing the player. Likely a misspelling of "chase". |
EBulufoot | Football Chuck. |
EBulugball | Diggin' Chuck. "gball" refers to the rocks, or "ground balls" they dig up. |
EBululook | Chargin' Chuck, idle after being hit the 1st & 2nd times. |
EBulupress | Chargin' Chuck, after being damaged. |
ECalon_lay | Crumbled Dry Bones. Broken Romanization of its Japanese name, Karon (カロン). |
ECap | Buzzy Beetle, uses old pointer. |
ECap1 | Buzzy Beetle shell, uses an old pointer. |
ECap2 | Spinning Buzzy Beetle shell, uses an old pointer. |
ECapSt | Several objects, such as Spike Top, the goal tape, Climbing Koopas, and other enemies. |
ECar | Platforms, ON/OFF switches and Fuzzies. |
ECarNo | Countdown Platform. |
EColli | Galoomba. Derived from a broken Romanization of its Japanese name, Kuribon (クリボン). |
EColli_fall | Parachute Galoomba. |
EColli_fly | Paragaloomba. |
EColon_B | Dry Bones. Oddly enough, it uses a different misspelling of Karon. |
EDNock | Super Koopa, uses old pointer. Derived from a broken Romanization of the Japanese name for Koopa Troopas, Nokonoko (ノコノコ). |
EDisA | Piranha Plant sprite mask? Uses old pointer. |
EDolap | Rex. Incorrect romanization of its Japanese name, Dorabon (ドラボン). Also uses an old pointer. |
EDolap1 | Squashed Rex, uses an old pointer. |
EEgg | Yoshi egg ? block. |
EElve | Galoomba and Fuzzy variant. |
EEveF | Unknown. |
EFan | Clown Car propeller? Pointer is very far from the final game's. |
EFball_45 | Diagonal Podoboo. |
EFball_UD | Vertical Podoboo. |
EFeather | Cape Feather. |
EFire | Horizontal Podoboo, uses an old pointer. |
EFire30 | Yoshi fireball (top). |
EFire31 | Yoshi fireball (middle). |
EFire32 | Yoshi fireball (bottom). |
EFireX | Player fireball 1. |
EFireX1 | Player fireball 2. |
EFishbon | Fish Bone. |
EFlower | Fire Flower. |
EFootball | Football. |
EGndball | Rock. Short for "ground ball". |
EGrass | Vine. |
EGreenGu | 1-Up Mushroom. Romanization of Chinese 菇, which means "mushroom". |
EGu | Bonus Block 1-Up Mushroom. |
EGwaKo | Koopa shell. Romanization of Chinese 龜殼, which means "tortoise shell". |
EHPSw | P-Switch (from block). |
EHone_lay | Crumbled Bony Beetle. Romanization of its Japanese name, Hone Met (ホネメット, Hone Metto). |
EHonmate | Bony Beetle. |
EI_telisa | Boo Buddy generator. Incorrect Romanization of Boo's Japanese name, Teresa (テレサ). |
EJump | Trampoline. |
EKiller | Bullet Bill. Uses its Japanese name (キラー). |
EKoopa | Likely Bowser, uses a different pointer. |
ELight | Enemy "pop" sprite. |
EMech | Mechakoopa. Uses an old pointer. |
EMech1 | Stomped Mechakoopa. Also uses an old pointer. |
EN_ball | Spike ball. |
ENock | All Koopa Troopa variants. Broken Romanization of its Japanese name, Nokonoko (ノコノコ). |
ENock1 | Unknown Koopa Troopa variant. |
ENock2 | Unknown Koopa Troopa variant. |
EPSw | P-Switch. |
EPada | Koopa Paratroopa. An incorrect Romanization of its Japanese name, Patapata (パタパタ). |
EPag | Bonus coins and ? blocks. |
EPass | Checkpoint, uses an old pointer. |
EPonch | Volcano Lotus. Uses an old pointer. An incorrect romanization of its Japanese name, Ponkey (ポンキー Ponkī). |
EPonch1 | Volcano Lotus fireballs. Uses an old pointer. |
ERColli | Upside-down Galoomba. |
ERaita | Dino Rino. Uses an old pointer and its Japanese name (ライタ). |
ERedGu | Super Mushroom. Literally "red mushroom". |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Hummer Team
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by JY Company
- Unlicensed NES games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1995
- Games with hidden developer credits
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused music
- Games with revisional differences
- Pages with a Data Crystal link
- To do
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The Cutting Room Floor > Unimportant Awards > NES games