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Olympic Summer Games (Game Boy)

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Title Screen

Olympic Summer Games: Atlanta 1996

Developer: Tiertex
Publisher: Black Pearl
Platforms: Game Boy, Super Game Boy
Released in US: June 1996
Released in EU: 1996

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

Black Pearl took over the rights from US Gold for their first and only Olympic video game for 4th-gen consoles before the former's license expired altogether, this time based on the Games of the XXVI Olympiad Atlanta 1996. Run, Sprint, Jog, Jump, It's all in the might!

Unused Game Boy Music

Two Game Boy exclusive songs go unused and may have been planned for the Super Game Boy soundtrack as well, though since there wasn't enough room left inside the sound bank, they were never composed for the Super Game Boy soundtrack. Can be accessed via Game Boy GameShark code 01??30DF.

Unused Game Boy Song 1

This song (albeit reorchestrated) appears in the Genesis version sound test as ID 9. It goes unused there too, so it remains unknown what purpose this song could have been intended for. ID 10

Unused Game Boy Song 2

ID 12 - In the Genesis version, this song is used for the High Jump event, but for the SNES and Gameboy versions, it doesn't feature (sharing with the other jumping events)

Super Game Boy Unused Music

A single test track can be found within the ROM's data. This is the game start music in the other console versions, albeit orchestrated like the SNES version.

Super Game Boy Test Song