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Tom and Jerry in What's the Catch? (Adobe Flash)

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Title Screen

Tom and Jerry in What's the Catch?

Developer: Cartoon Network Studios
Publisher: Cartoon Network Studios
Platform: Adobe Flash

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Tom and Jerry in What's the Catch? is a Flash game where you play as either Tom or Jerry in their two minigames.

Unused Graphics

Red Shapes

WhatsTheCatchCircle.png WhatsTheCatchSquare.png

Shape 239 and Shape 482 are both a circle and a square.

Obscured Portions

WhatsTheCatchTomText.png WhatsTheCatchJerryText.png

The "Tom" and "Jerry" words in the logo have portions that are obscured by Tom's head and elbow.

Default Score Values


Two six-digit numbers are used as the default score values. The first one serves as the default value for the in-game score, and the second one serves as the default value for the score in the You Win and Game Over screens.