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Animal Crossing

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Title Screen

Animal Crossing

Also known as: Doubutsu no Mori+ (JP original), Doubutsu no Mori e+ (JP rerelease)
Developer: Nintendo EAD
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: GameCube
Released in JP: December 14, 2001 (original), June 27, 2003 (e+)
Released in US: September 16, 2002
Released in EU: September 24, 2004
Released in AU: October 17, 2003

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

To do:
  • Upload more screenshots for things missing them.
  • Stuff from the partial source code in the 2020-07-25 Nintendo leak.

Animal Crossing is a game in which you, a newly independent person of unspecified age, move into a new town and immediately become forced into labor to pay off the debt you owe to the one person who almost completely controls the local economy.

While this game was the west's introduction to Nintendo's quirky, then-budding life simulator franchise, Animal Crossing is actually a GameCube port of Doubutsu no Mori for the Nintendo 64, heavily modified in localization to give westerners an experience analogous to what Japanese players got. The localization was apparently so impressive that it got re-localized for Japan with added features, effectively making that version a localization of a localization of a port.

Yeah... it's weird.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Animalisland logo.png
Animal Island
Even unlockable stuff has things unused.
ACGC GLogoFurniture.png
Version Differences
A re-release of a remake of a re-release. We need to go deeper.

Debug Mode

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.
Specifically: Get screenshots, post them, figure out other debug functions, make this not be walls of text.
Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.

The game has a debug mode, called "zuru mode" in the code (meaning 'cheat mode' in Japanese), with two different Modes. Mode 1 enables turning on/off many overlays of read-only technical values related to gameplay. The full debug mode, mode 2, provides the ability to change values and also add items/money to the current game.

When zuru mode is activated, the letter "D" will appear in the top-right corner of the screen. In mode 1 the letter is yellow, and in mode 2 the letter is green.


Mode 1

To activate mode 1 on a regular game disc, enter the following code on Controller 2 on the start screen before a game is loaded:

  1. L + R, then while holding both press Z
  2. D-Up
  3. C-Down
  4. C-Up
  5. D-Down
  6. D-Left
  7. C-Left
  8. C-Right
  9. D-Right
  10. A + B
  11. Start

(If this code looks familiar, it was also used in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for that game's crash debugger.)

Entering the code while already in mode 2 will display a debug output for the button combination, tracking the status of the user's progression through the button code.

Mode 2

Mode 2 can be activated in 2 ways:

  1. All the time (no action required): set the disc ID version field to 0x99.
  2. Enable & disable by inserting removing Controller 2: When the disc ID version field is between 0x90 and 0x98

It works on all versions - the North American, European, Japanese (both versions), and Australian games can all be enabled in this way.

The disc ID version field is byte #7 (0x00000007) of the ISO/GCM file.

  • For use in an emulator modify the ISO file with a hex editor.
  • For Nintendont edit the ISO
  • For use on a console, use the Action Replay code below:

The following Action Replay code sets the disc ID version field:

Action Replay 0x90
Unencrypted 0x90
01521E8B 08000000
00000007 00000090
05E47692 08000000
00000007 00000090
Action Replay 0x99
Unencrypted 0x99
01521E8B 08000000
00000007 00000099
05E47692 08000000
00000007 00000099


  • Shows info about the build date/version/etc. on startup, on the title screen, and during K.K. Slider’s performance.
  • Shows the ID of the current message in the corner of the screen.
  • Shows 3D arrows pointing to various special things (like event NPCs and balloons).
  • Shows a CPU/memory usage meter on the boot screen.
  • Enables button combos on Controllers 2 and 3.
  • Prevents Resetti from showing up.
  • Shows a crash dump if the game crashes.
  • More?

Startup screen on debug. Title screen on debug.

Controller 2 - Mode 1

Most buttons, when pressed once, will show or hide a debug display.

  • A Lots of details related to the current acre and your position inside of it
  • DPad-Left Unknown values on the left, the ... and letters seem to represent the players state,
    • 'T' appears on the title screen, coincidence?
    • 2 unknown values
    • 'D' Data Loading? occurs during acre changes, moving between museum rooms
    • 'P' The most common, seems to be a semi-paused state maybe so that some things don't happen in this state.
      • occurs when item screen is open, pulling weeds, on the boat to the island etc.
    • L observed only on the title screen so far.
  • DPad-Right a few unknown values
  • DPad-Down Famicom File ID?

Controller 2 - Mode 2

  • R changes the game speed rather than displaying something on-screen.

With the Item Screen Open

  • C-Up see Controller 2 - Mode 1 (above)
  • C-Down gives you one Net, Axe, Shovel, and Fishing Rod
  • C-Left increases your money by 1,000 Bells
  • C-Right fills your inventory with 30,000-Bell bags.
    • Also turns on C-Right Mode 1 View, press C-Right again to turn off

Controller 2 also has two-button combinations, all of which involve holding L, R, or Start.

  • Holding R and pressing D-Pad Down, which pauses and unpauses the game.

Other button combinations open Memory editors, Editors are navigated using the D-Pad to scroll up and down between items, and left and right between possible values.

  • holding L and tilting the C-Stick left twice opens the "S(SREG)" editor
  • holding L and tilting the C-Stick left again flips to the next page
  • holding R and pressing Start twice opens the "H(HREG)" editor
  • holding R and tilting the C-Stick left again flips to the next page

The editor closes when there are no more pages or when a different button combo starts (e.g., holding R and pressing Start once).

The "H(HREG)" editor, can be used to activate a debug controller input display by navigating to item 47 and setting its value to nonzero.

Controller 3 - Mode 2

Controller 3 features an item select that can spawn a variety of items into your pockets:

  • Pressing Start toggles the debug item spawner on and off.
    • When enabled, the text ナシ (nothing) appears on screen.
    • D-Pad Up cycles through the categories
      • FTR (furniture),
      • PPR (paper),
      • MNY (money),
      • TOL (tools and umbrellas and junk),
      • FSH (fish),
      • ELS (other junk),
      • CPT (carpet),
      • WLL (wallpaper),
      • FOD (food),
      • MSC (music),
      • DST (calendar/diary things),
      • LOT (raffle tickets),
      • IST (insects),
      • HPY (grab bags)
      • KAB (turnips).
    • D-Pad Left/Right change the number.
      • Holding B while changing the number will increase/decrease the number by 10.
      • Holding A while changing the number will increase/decrease the number by 100.
    • D-Pad Down puts one of the selected item in your pocket.
  • Pressing X will fill in your entire catalogue.
  • In Doubutsu no Mori e+, pressing Y will cycle your Kanji proficiency level between the different modes.

When playing NES games, a few debug controls will be enabled on Controller 1:

  • L + R - Freezes the emulation when held. If a certain debug flag is set, this will display the NES game file menu.
  • L + C-Stick Left/Right - Slows down or speeds up the emulation depending on how much the C-Stick is pressed.
  • L + A/B - Toggles a turbo controller function for the button pressed.
(Source: jamchamb (button code), Little_mac)

Map Select

Debug Map Select screen.

The "forest map select" from Doubutsu no Mori still exists and can be activated using one of the following Action Replay codes and pressing the Reset button once at the title screen or twice in-game:


(Source: Ralf (gc-forever))

Player Select

Debug Player Select screen.
Translated Debug Player Select screen.

The player select debug menu allows the selection of any of the four players, or any players visiting from another town. If the player selected doesn't exist, it will start the new player creation sequence with Rover.

The following Action Replay code will enable it after pressing Start on the title screen:


The following Action Replay code will translate the menu to English:


Save Type Select

Debug Save Type Select screen.
Translated Debug Save Type Select screen.

The save type selection menu allowed the developers to test both saving to a Flash ROM and N64 Controller Pak.

The following Action Replay code will enable the debug save screen after pressing Start on the title screen:


The following Action Replay code will translate the menu to English:


NES Filer Mode

The NES emulator has a "filer mode" that can be used to cycle through the in-game ROMs. When debug mode is enabled, there's also a text display showing the ROM filenames and a demo mode toggle.

The following Action Replay code will enable the NES filer mode:

001F6898 00000001

Unobtainable NES Games

The Forbidden Four

ACGC MarioBros.pngACGC IceClimber.pngACGC SuperMarioBros.pngACGC TheLegendOfZelda.png

In addition to the fifteen available NES games, there are four normally unobtainable games dubbed "The Forbidden Four" by fans: Mario Bros., Ice Climber, Super Mario Bros., and The Legend of Zelda. Certain NES game requirements were shifted around in each regional version of the game, which resulted in some obscure methods to obtain them.

  • In the initial Japanese release, Ice Climber could be obtained as a gift when transferring save data from Doubutsu no Mori via Nintendo's now-discontinued Data Moving Service (which required mailing Nintendo of Japan ¥630, an N64 Controller Pak with Doubutsu no Mori save data, and a 59-block GameCube memory card with Doubutsu no Mori + save data), while Super Mario Bros. was given away as a limited-run Famitsu prize. Both games could also be obtained by mailing villagers passwords written on the back of associated e-Reader character cards; this process is also the sole method of legitimately obtaining both Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda.
  • In North America, Mario Bros. and Ice Climber were obtainable via e-Reader cards included in Series 4 of the Animal Crossing-e line of e-Reader card packs. Because the Series 4 pack was released late into the e-Reader's North American life cycle, they were produced in much smaller quantities and consequently are much rarer than cards from the first three series. Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda, meanwhile, are not legitimately obtainable in any capacity.
  • In the European release, due to the removal of e-Reader functionality (owing to the fact that the e-Reader was never released in European territories due to its commercial failure in North America) and the lack of a replacement system, it is impossible to legitimately obtain any of these four games.

These games can only be obtained by hacking them into the player's inventory (particularly for European versions, where none of these were ever made available legitimately), as trying to unlock them with a trade code generator will not work. Interestingly, all except The Legend of Zelda have Advance Play options, and in Doubutsu no Mori e+ the Advance Play data still remains via hacking, even though the games were otherwise erased as console items.

Games No Longer Obtainable Without Universal Item Codes

ACGC Soccer.pngACGC DonkeyKongJr.pngACGC DonkeyKong3.pngACGC CluCluLandD.pngACGC PunchOut.png

While all nineteen NES games outside of the Forbidden Four are accessible without hacks, five of them cannot be obtained without the use of universal item codes or third-party code generators due to the method by which they were meant to be accessed by players. Soccer, Donkey Kong Jr., Donkey Kong 3, Clu Clu Land D, and Punch-Out!! were all only available through secret codes generated for the player's specific name and town through Nintendo of America's official website for the game. Because the site is now offline, this means that the official code generation service for these items is no longer functional.

Removed Games

On top of the nineteen games that can be played, several more are referenced by the game but do not have ROMs or models in the game's data: NES Open Tournament Golf, Gomoku Narabe Renju, Mahjong, Nazo no Murasamejou, and the Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2 are only included in the Japanese version (Doubutsu no Mori+), with Gomoku Narabe Renju and Mahjong taking the place of Excitebike and Soccer. Nazo no Murasamejou can be played by setting item 03 of the H(HREG) editor to 21 and starting the Famicom, and Super Mario Bros. 2 can be played by setting item 03 of the H(HREG) editor to 22 and starting the Famicom.

The only mentions for most of these games are in static.map, though Gomoku Narabe Renju can also be seen referenced at F4C2C.

External NES Games

Each of the playable NES games that can be obtained in-game come as an individual furniture item featuring an NES console with a game box on top of it (a Famicom with a unique cartridge design in the Japanese version). There is also a generic NES console item (a Famicom Disk System in the Japanese version) that can be purchased from Redd that was originally thought to be unplayable, because it would only display the message "I want to play my NES, but I don't have any software." This item actually scans Memory Cards for special files that contain NES ROMs.

ROMs loaded from the Memory Card are loaded into the same NES emulator used for the built-in NES games. The code for loading these ROMs is fully working and features an entire system for loading ROMs and ROM metadata, as well as creating save files for each external ROM. It seems that Nintendo originally intended to be able to release more NES games for Animal Crossing on Memory Cards, but never followed through with it. This functionality is present in all versions of the game.

One of the metadata tags in the ROM loader supports patching ROMs after they are loaded. This tag can also be used to patch Animal Crossing itself, allowing mods to be loaded via Memory Card.

Default message displayed by NES Console when no ROM files are on the Memory Card. Menu that appears when ROM files are present on the Memory Card. Running Mega Man from the NES console.

(Source: jamchamb)

Shakitto (Unused NPC)

ACGC Crisp.png

An odd unused NPC can be found within the game's code. Recent digging within the files of Doubutsu no Mori+ has revealed her Japanese name to be 'Shakitto' (シャキッと), meaning crisp/crunchy; immediately following this name is the text "りゃ〜" (Rya〜), which may have been a catchphrase (or also part of her name?). These two text files are the last ones in the game's code associated with her, indicating that she may have been removed late into development. Internally, her texture and model files refer to her as "xsq", which likely means "extra squirrel".

However, despite initial speculation that Shakitto may have been a cut villager, there is prominent evidence suggesting that she was actually meant to be a special character. In the game's code, she's referred to under the filename "ac_ev_dokutu", which can be broken down into "Actor Event Dokutu". Characters with "ev" in their filename are traveling characters like Redd or Saharah, while "dokutu" is most likely a Kunrei-shiki romanization of "dokutsu", meaning "cavern" (洞窟/どうくつ) or "hole in the ground" (土窟/どくつ); most other actor characters also had their names shortened in code. Given that the player can use a shovel to dig holes and thus uncover buried items, and that real squirrels are known for burying their spare food, it's possible that her intended role in the game would've had something to do with burying special items that the player would then dig up to collect, similar to a certain island tour in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Shakitto can be spawned into a player's town using the below Action Replay code, using xxxx as a regular villager, with yyyy being set to either D06C or E15A.

040051A0 3C600001
040051A4 3863xxxx
040051A8 7C032040
040051AC 7C832378
040051B0 4082000C
040051B4 3C600001
040051B8 3863yyyy
040051BC 4E800020
0453A198 4BACB009
04544FFC 4BAC01A5

Because her text data was overwritten, Shakitto will use one of Kapp'n's dialogues when D06C is used. When E15A is used, she'll use whatever text corresponds to the gender of the villager she overwrote. If she is spawned into a player's town with the above code and yyyy set to D06C, her name will be displayed as "🔑ù«–•B¡¡". This is the default name for special NPCs, which was untranslated from Doubutsu no Mori+ (ジョニー・B) and translates to Johnny B; the garbled appearance of the name is the end result of the game attempting to display text characters that no longer exist in its code, instead displaying characters that occupy the same hexidecimal positions as their kana counterparts. When using E15A, she will take Jambette's name; this is because Jambette's villager index is cataloged first at E05A. Because villager text data data wraps around after E0FF, long before E15A, Shakitto will use Jambette's data by default.

Shakitto spawned into a player's town with yyyy set to D06C. Shakitto's name as it appears on the in-game map, when yyyy is set to D06C. Shakitto spawned in with yyyy set to E15A, overwriting a male villager.

(Source: bowsersenemy, Ralf, garrick)


Title Theme

In the normal course of play, the game's title theme fades out after a minute and 3 seconds, corresponding with the length of time of the demos played on the title screen. However, the full track runs for an additional 21 seconds, with this extended outro only normally being accessible by ejecting the game disc during the first demo that plays when booting the game up. Technically speaking, this means that the full title theme isn't completely unused, but it is inaccessible under typical circumstances.

In-game Full

Dummy and Duplicate Tracks

The first track defined for the BGM sequences is a dummy track composed of silence, defined as "BGM_DUMMY". There are also duplicates of certain tracks that play in different scenarios;

  • A duplicate of the song from when you choose your house that plays when you "agree" to work for Tom Nook.
  • A duplicate of K.K.'s third invalid song, titled in later games as "To the Edge". Possibly used as a "default" failsafe.
  • A duplicate of "Pulling into Town"; probably plays when you're arriving in another town as opposed to your own.
  • A duplicate of Resetti's theme for when he pretends to reset your game for you.
  • Duplicates of the theme that plays for when Tom Nook's shop closes for each expansion of his shop, despite them sounding identical. It is possible the closing theme may have originally varied.
  • An empty track with channel data, but no music or note data.
  • A duplicate of Don Resetti's theme.
  • Several entries of silence so that K.K.'s songs would start at a hex value ending in 0. One of these was actually filled in Doubutsu no Mori e+ with the music for Tom Nook's shop when he is awoken at night.

Leftover Items

Several furniture items are leftover in the files from Doubutsu no Mori +, the Japanese exclusive GameCube version of the game released before. When spawned, they appear as a "DUMMY" model that is a white triangle with red Japanese text on it reading "ダミー" or "DUMMY". Below is a list of the item's names along with their internal hexadecimal IDs and their models from Doubutsu no Mori +.

Name ID Doubutsu no Mori + model Name ID Doubutsu no Mori + model Name ID Doubutsu no Mori + model
dresser 10 7C
DnMPlus Dresser.png
tansu 10 80
DnMPlus Tansu.png
sewing box 10 84
DnMPlus SewingBox.png
paper lantern 10 8C
DnMPlus PaperLantern.png
tea table 10 90
DnMPlus TeaTable.png
shogi board 10 94
DnMPlus ShogiBoard.png
screen 10 98
DnMPlus Screen.png
bus stop 10 A0
DnMPlus BusStop.png
hibachi 10 C0
DnMPlus Hibachi.png
tea tansu 10 CC
DnMPlus TeaTansu.png
pink kotatsu 10 D0
DnMPlus PinkKotatsu.png
blue kotatsu 10 D4
DnMPlus BlueKotatsu.png
nice speaker 11 F8 school desk 12 00
DnMPlus SchoolDesk.png
graffiti desk 12 04
DnMPlus GraffitiDesk.png
towel desk 12 08
DnMPlus RagDesk.png
kadomatsu 12 20
DnMPlus Kadomatsu.png
kagamimochi 12 24
DnMPlus Kagamimochi.png
heavy chair 12 40 school chair 12 44
DnMPlus SchoolChair.png
towel chair 12 48
DnMPlus RagChair.png
stepstool 12 50 giant dharma 13 F8
DnMPlus GiantDharma.png
dharma 13 FC
DnMPlus Dharma.png
mini-dharma 14 00
DnMPlus MiniDharma.png
striped cone 14 18
DnMPlus StripedCone.png
cola machine 14 20
DnMPlus DrinkVendingMachine.png
barricade 14 30 fence 14 34
DnMPlus Fence.png
plastic fence 14 38
DnMPlus VinylFence.png
fence and sign 14 3C
DnMPlus FenceAndSign.png
brown drum 14 4C
DnMPlus LightBrownTinDrum.png
red drum 14 54
DnMPlus RedTinDrum.png
juice machine 14 58 trash can 14 60
DnMPlus TrashCan.png
garbage pail 14 64
DnMPlus GarbageCan.png
robotic flagman 14 74
DnMPlus TrafficGuidanceRobot.png
zen basin 14 90
DnMPlus ZenBasin.png
wash basin 14 98
DnMPlus WashBasin.png
warning sign 14 A0 route sign 14 B0 men working sign 14 B4
DnMPlus WorkAheadSign.png
caution sign 14 B8
DnMPlus RequestSign.png
temple basin 14 BC
DnMPlus LongWashbasin.png
bucket 15 20
DnMPlus Bucket.png
faucet 15 28
DnMPlus Faucet.png
spa chair 15 2C
DnMPlus SpaChair.png
massage chair 15 48
DnMPlus MassageChair.png
bath mat 15 4C
DnMPlus BathMat.png
spa tub 15 50
DnMPlus SpaTub.png
clerk's booth 15 64
DnMPlus ClerksBooth.png
spa screen 15 74
DnMPlus SpaScreen.png
bath locker 15 94
DnMPlus BathLocker.png
milk fridge 15 98
DnMPlus MilkFridge.png
lucky cat 1E 74
DnMPlus LuckyCat.png
lucky black cat 1E 78
DnMPlus LuckyBlackCat.png
racoon obje 1E 80
DnMPlus TanukiFigurine.png
lucky frog 1E 84
DnMPlus LuckyFrog.png
alcove 1E DC
DnMPlus Alcove.png
hearth 1E E0
DnMPlus Hearth.png
post box 1F A8
DnMPlus Mailbox.png
moon dumpling 30 38
DnMPlus TsukimiDango.png
bean set 30 3C
DnMPlus BeanThrowingSet.png
osechi 30 40
DnMPlus NewYear'sEveFood.png
spring medal 30 58
DnMPlus SpringPennant.png
fall medal 30 5C
DnMPlus AutumnPennant.png
long-life noodle 30 68
DnMPlus NewYear'sEveNoodles.png
bass boat 30 6C
DnMPlus BassBoatWrapSushi.png
mortar ball 30 8C
DnMPlus ThreeFootBall.png
big catch flag 30 98
DnMPlus BigHaulFlag.png
hibachi grill 31 BC
DnMPlus Hibachi.png
dreadful painting 31 D8
DnM64 DreadfulPainting.png
novel painting 31 DC
DnM64 NovelPainting.png

Unused Items

Several items in the game's files are unused and unobtainable through gameplay. Below is a list of the item's names along with their internal hexadecimal IDs.

Name ID Image Notes
golf trophy 32 1C Animalcrossing dummy.png -
tennis trophy 32 28 Animalcrossing dummy.png -
kart trophy 32 30 Animalcrossing dummy.png -
Legend of Zelda 1D F0 ACGCN Legend of Zelda Unused.png Fully functional unobtainable NES game furniture and fully playable copy of the NES game "The Legend of Zelda". Has its own unique model. In Doubutsu no Mori+, it appears as a Famicom Disk System and plays the FDS version of the game. It is technically obtainable with a secret code in this game only, but such a code was never officially generated.
Legend of Zelda 1F BC Animalcrossing zeldanes.png Broken NES game. Crashes and resets Animal Crossing when pressed and attempts to load. Model is reused from the plain game-less "NES" item. In Doubutsu no Mori+, it appears as a Famicom with the LoZ cartridge, and plays the Japanese cartridge version of the game. It is also technically obtainable with an unofficial secret code in this game.
sickle 22 2C AC Toolbox Sprite.png Handheld item, no model visible when placed in house or equipped but uses a toolbox sprite from previous versions of the game when dropped outside. Of note is that an inventory icon for the sickle is present in the 2020 source code leak for Doubutsu no Mori.
- Various ACGCN Fish Sprite Unused.png Can be spawned as an object on the ground, but is an unused object and sprite in normal gameplay. Cannot be picked up. Of note is that the 2020 Doubutsu no Mori source code leak includes three generic fish icons, one of which resembles this sprite, rather than distinct ones for each species; this appears to be a remnant of that idea. This sprite can also be seen if a catchable version of a fish, rather than its furniture item, is forced into a house.
unknown Various AC unknown.png Broken item that has no model visible when placed. When picked up, it cannot be interacted with in the inventory or sold at Tom Nook's Shop, only prompting an error noise when A is pressed on it. Has its own unique inventory icon.
DUMMY 33 C4 Animalcrossing dummy.png The model for most leftover and unused items. Unlike other items, this one can be accessed through a glitch. Winter Igloo Campers have the DUMMY in the pool of items that they can give the player.
§ÿ³„Ñ à 25 00 AC Letter Icon.png The Japanese name for this item is クエストてがみ, meaning "quest mail". This can be seen when modified into in the Japanese versions, but in Animal Crossing it just displays as mojibake.
§ÿ³„ÕØ 25 01 AC Clothing Icon.png The Japanese name is クエストぬの ("quest cloth"). Another similar item was added as a lost item in Doubutsu no Mori e+.
§ÿ³„ÁÂÖ 25 02 AC 1000 Bells Icon.png The Japanese name is クエストおかね, meaning "quest money".
money1000Bell 25 0D AC 1000 Bells Icon.png The Japanese name is おかね1000ベル, meaning the same thing. This is likely the 1000 Bell down payment the player automatically gives Tom Nook at the beginning of the game; it is even present in their inventory on the train before. When dropped outside, it uses the usual Bell bag sprite.
ÁàÅ 25 13 AC Pitfall Icon.png The Japanese name is おみくじ or o-mikuji, often translated as "fortune slip". Katrina gives the player this item on New Year's Day, but instead of going to their item inventory, a letter appears in their mail inventory. It does not have a sprite when dropped, but when Katrina hands it to the player, it actually has a different sprite depending on the game: In Doubutsu no Mori, it uses the normal letter sprite from the post office; in Doubutsu no Mori+ and e+, it uses a sprite of an actual o-mikuji; and in Animal Crossing it appears as a slip with no writing.
🗙♀☂Þ🐷 25 1D AC Present Icon.png The Japanese name is ムラノまっぷ, meaning "town map". This is the map sprite Tom Nook gives the player when doing chores, and Copper gives it to town visitors. However, merely picking up the item will not allow map access, as this is set by dialogue flags.
To do:
Get images of the cube and airplane

Additional unused items include:

  • MBG, which is a glowing yellow cube that moves back and forth, can be placed outside, and can push the player around (sometimes making them float). Initially, is it invisible, but once the player enters a building and returns, the item becomes a yellow cube moving left to right while rotating counter-clockwise. The block has collision and pushes the player if they are in its way, meaning it was likely a debug item used to test collision. In Animal Crossing, the mbg has a corrupted icon and in Doubutsu no Mori e+, it uses the same icon as the mosquito.
  • Airplane, which is a paper airplane that can be placed outside. Upon reloading the area a paper airplane resides in, it will duplicate, effectively doubling the amount of paper airplanes each time. This repeats indefinitely until the game crashes. Pressing A while on top of a paper airplane will make it disappear visibly, indicating that the player has picked it up. After doing so, if Z is held and the control stick is flicked, the airplane will fly from the player as if being thrown; the trajectory and distance it is thrown depends on how the control stick was flicked. Once the paper airplane lands, the player is unable to move, softlocking the game. The airplane has a corrupted icon in Animal Crossing and uses the mosquito icon in Doubutsu no Mori e+.

Unobtainable Clothing

Eight unobtainable clothing items exist in the game. They can be spawned as items from memory and can be obtained through universal item codes, but only exist for villagers during certain events in normal gameplay.

Name ID Image Texture Notes
Plum Kimono 24 12 AC Plum Kimono.png AC Plum Kimono Texture.png Worn by villagers on New Year's Day in Doubutsu no Mori +.
It actually appears inside Monique and Chrissy's houses as decoration.
Somber Robe 24 13 AC Somber Robe.png AC Somber Robe Texture.png Worn by villagers on New Year's Day in Doubutsu no Mori +.
Red Sweatsuit 24 14 AC Red Sweatsuit.png AC Red Sweatsuit Texture.png Worn by the red team during the Sports Fairs
Blue Sweatsuit 24 15 AC Blue Sweatsuit.png AC Blue Sweatsuit Texture.png Worn by the blue team during the Sports Fairs
Red Puffy Vest 24 16 AC Red Puffy Vest.png AC Red Puffy Vest Texture.png Worn by female villagers during the Fishing Tourneys
Blue Puffy Vest 24 17 AC Blue Puffy Vest.png AC Blue Puffy Vest Texture.png Worn by male villagers during the Fishing Tourneys
Summer Robe 24 18 AC Summer Robe.png AC Summer Robe Texture.png Worn by villagers during the Fireworks Festival in Doubutsu no Mori +.
Bamboo Robe 24 19 AC Bamboo Robe.png AC Bamboo Robe Texture.png Worn by villagers during the Fireworks Festival in Doubutsu no Mori +.

Doubutsu no Mori Leftovers

In addition to the items shown above, eight unused furniture items from the original Doubutsu no Mori remain in the code of Doubutsu no Mori +, Animal Crossing, and Doubutsu no Mori e+. In most cases, their models are removed; their IDs instead point to duplicates of the Spooky Wardrobe furniture item in + and the DUMMY furniture item in Animal Crossing and e+. The sole exception is the unused chair, the model for which is still present in + (though not Animal Crossing or e+, where it again just appears as a DUMMY item).

Name ID Image Notes Name ID Image Notes
zabuton 10 9C DnM64 Zabuton.png - chest 10 B0 DnM64 Chest.png -
rack 10 B4 DnM64 Rack.png - nice speaker 11 F8 DnM64 NiceSpeaker.png -
unused dresser 12 F0 DnM64 UnusedDresser.png - unused monkey 13 14 DnM64 UnusedMonkey.png Animated; perpetually claps.
modern den chair 13 44 DnM64 ModernDenChair.png Interactive; can be sat on. unused chair 14 CC DnM+ unused chair.png DnM+ unused chair 2.png Interactive; can be sat on.

Unused Seasonal Palettes

In Doubutsu no Mori e+, two unused seasonal environment palettes were added for grass. These palettes go unused in the final game. The first palette appears to be for a transition between Fall and Winter, as the grass underneath the bush is green. The second palette is likely for mid- or late Winter.

Unused seasonal palette #1 Unused seasonal palette #2

Unused Text

At the beginning of string_data.bin is a test line of text.

Test Line of text

Among the catchphrases are some temporary strings of text that indicate catchphrases that haven't been translated.


At the beginning of mail_data.bin is some testing related text for letters.

This is mail 0
This is mail 1.

message_data.bin contains two messages that mention E3. It appears they would be used if the player tried to send mail at the post office, possibly while playing an E3 demo.

{{DEMO_NPC0:PLAYER:WORRY}}I'm terribly sorry,{{PAUSE:0x06}} but since
{{COLOR_CHAR:e11ed7:0x02}}E3 is being held today,{{BUTTON}}
{{CLEAR}}We're not accepting any
letters.{{PAUSE:0x0c}} I apologize for
the inconvenience.{{DEMO_NPC0:PLAYER:DEFAULT}}
Listen,{{PAUSE:0x06}} {{COLOR_CHAR:e11ed7:0x02}}E3 is being held
{{CLEAR}}We don't save letters during
{{SOUND_CUT:0x00}}{{COLOR_LINE:969696}}(We're just too busy!){{SOUND_CUT:0x01}}{{DEMO_NPC0:PLAYER:DEFAULT}}

Build Dates

COPYDATE contains the following final build dates:

JP + JP + Rev 1 US JP e+ JP e+ Rev 1 AU
2001/11/25 22:05:18
2001/12/04 20:33:21
02/08/01 00:16:48
03/06/12 22:19:41
03/12/19 16:56:57
03/09/11 11:32:38
EU English EU French EU German EU Spanish EU Italian
04/06/22 18:48:30
04/06/22 19:18:47
04/06/22 19:17:53
04/06/22 18:37:16
04/06/22 19:20:21

Build Directories

static.str contains the directories from which various relocatable module files were compiled:

Doubutsu no Mori+/Animal Crossing


Doubutsu no Mori e+


boot.dol Strings

boot.dol, the game's executable, has a few interesting strings.

Error Messages

Jam/seq :: Sequence Error occerd... I try to continue
:::there is some error in this heap!
Sorry, not prepared for SZP archive.

Other Strings

The DISP SW is JAPAN MODE now but this GAME is NES version
QFC ver.011012   (C)2001 Nintendo

Developer Credit

// Coded by Kawasedo

At D79E1 is comment that matches a string found in the Game Boy Advance Bootstrap ROM, so it is safe to assume that the .dol contains a copy of the GBA Bootstrap and it is not otherwise part of the game.

Resetti Easter Egg

To do:
What about in other languages?

The sixth time you meet Resetti, he will force you to copy what he says by typing it in. However, typing in the following phrases (or anything containing them) will trigger an Easter egg, triggering an alternate line of dialogue. Some of these things are somewhat vulgar.

heck no
no way
No way!
shut up
go away
Shut up!
Go away!
Bite me!
U R ugly
You stink
I + reset
You suck!
I hate you
Moles suck
Who cares?

Animalcrossing angryresetti1.png Animalcrossing angryresetti2.png Animalcrossing angryresetti3.png Animalcrossing angryresetti4.png

Doubutsu no Mori e+ Rev 1 NES Tags

Rev 1 of Doubutsu no Mori e+ added the following new NES Info Tags:

[.data]: Famicom.a/tags_table_external_bbram_default
[.data]: Famicom.a/tags_table_external_disksystem_default
[.data]: Famicom.a/tags_table_external_famicom_grand_prix
[.data]: Famicom.a/tags_table_wrecking_crew
[.data]: Famicom.a/tags_table_vs_excitebike
[.data]: Famicom.a/tags_table_kaettekita_mario_bros
[.data]: Famicom.a/tags_table_doctor_mario
[.data]: Famicom.a/tags_table_adventure_of_link
[.data]: Famicom.a/tags_table_adventure_of_link_rom

None of the games mentioned here are playable in Doubutsu no Mori e+, or in any version of Animal Crossing for that matter, indicating that these games were either planned for inclusion but ultimately cut, or were intended to be patched into the game through a promotional event. Notably, one of the games is Kaettekita Mario Bros., which has never been rereleased in any form.