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Track & Field (NES)

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Title Screen

Track & Field

Also known as: Track & Field in Barcelona (EU)
Based on: Hyper Olympic, Hyper Sports
Developer: Konami
Publishers: Konami, Kemco (EU)
Platforms: NES, Arcade (PlayChoice-10)
Released in US: April 1987
Released in EU: February 20, 1992

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Track & Field for the NES combines the two previously released Hyper Olympic and Hyper Sports Famicom games into one package for a release outside of Japan. The NES game was also reprogrammed to use standard controllers instead of the HyperShot controllers.

(Chariots of Fire theme plays)

Build Dates

At the beginning of the PRG ROM is an ID string that lists the game version and date. In the European version, a different string is found at the end of the PRG ROM.

USA Europe
RC800 X,0 850919

Regional Differences

Title Screen

As Konami didn't publish the original Track & Field in Europe, Kemco thought they'd release it even though Track & Field II had already been released several years earlier. So what they did was simply make a title screen change and release it in time with the 1992 Barcelona Games. So thoughtful.

USA Europe
Track & Field-title.png Track & Field in Barcelona (E) -!--0.png

Unused Code

The dash, hurdles, long jump, and javelin events are programmed with cycle-timed code to split the screen into 5 independently horizontally scrolling areas. Two of those areas however, the audience and back wall, are always written with the same scroll value. The original arcade version of the game does scroll the audience and back wall at different rates.