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Cartoon Cartoon Summer Resort (Episode 3: Vivian vs. The Volcano)

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Title Screen

Cartoon Cartoon Summer Resort (Episode 3: Vivian vs. The Volcano)

Publisher: Cartoon Network
Platform: Adobe Shockwave
Released internationally: 2000[1]

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

Vivian vs. The Volcano is the third episode of the Cartoon Cartoon Summer Resort series. You play as Vivian from Foe Paws, a failed pilot that aired during from Cartoon Network's The Big Pick event in the summer of 2000.

In this episode, Vivian nobly takes it upon himself to prevent an ecological disaster by rescuing all the animals from volcano island before it erupts. Well, you can sequence-break and skip straight to end cutscene, but only a monster would do that.


Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Unused Graphics

CCSR Ep3 block.100 old.png

This sprite is called block.100 old in the game's data. The sprites that are actually used are block.100 a and block.100 b, which make up a two-frame animation of the smoke coming out of the volcano.

CCSR Ep3 wrong.png

This icon, called wrong in the game's data, is leftover from the first two episodes. In those episodes, you had to solve a puzzle before you could complete the game, and the icon would appear when you guessed incorrectly.

Unused Maps

There are two unused maps in the game's data. The same map data is also present in the other episodes. Since there is no known way to manually load maps in the game, the screenshots of the unused maps below are from an external map viewer program.

Download.png Download Unused Map Data (.txt format)
File: CCSR Ep1 Unused Maps.zip (1.16kb compressed) (info)

Unused (0106b) Used (0106)
CCSR Ep1 Map 0106b.png CCSR Ep3 Map 0106.png

This unused map is called 0106b. It is the same as the final parking lot, except the cars are missing.

Unused (0506b) Used (0506)
CCSR Ep1 Map 0506b.png CCSR Ep3 Map 0506.png

This unused map is called 0506b. It is the east side of the duck pond, except the sign, some bushes, and Edd are missing.

Unused Tile Data

To do:
  • Comb through the rest of the map files for unused tile data/dialogue.
  • Re-export and correctly format the tiles already here since the formatter tool used seems to have added extra characters to the data

In the map data, there are lots of tiles with unused data and dialogue leftover from the first and second episodes. The map files in the game's data are minified, so the data below has been reformatted with spaces and linebreaks for readability.

            "#text":"REMOVE ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",
            "#text":"Where IS that easily-frightened canine animal that is known also as Courage....",

It looks like a developer put in a note to remove this tile data, but it was left in by mistake. The second line of dialogue is leftover from Mojo Jojo in Episode 2.

]s! You may have this ketchup packet in return for your service.", #plrObj: "", #plrAct: ""], [#text: "Where IS that easily-frightened canine animal that is known also as Courage....", #plrObj: "", #plrAct: "gotketchup"]]]]]hat is known also as Courage....", #plrObj: "", #plrAct: "gotketchup"

Another instance of Mojo Jojo's dialogue leftover from episode 2. The tile data is broken and incomplete, so some strings are cut off.

            "#text":"D-d-do you think this wig makes me look different? I am t-t-tryinng to disguise myself so that c-c-creepy Mojo Jojo won't find me. M-m-maybe a moustache would be b-b-better. If you bring me one I'll give you this wig.",
            "#text":"G-g-great, a fake moustache! Now Mojo Jojo will never recognize me! Here, take my wig: it just wasn't w-w-w-working for me!",

Some tile data and dialogue of Courage wearing the wig leftover from Episode 2.

            "#text":"I think I s-s-saw Mojo Jojo s-s-sneaking around, I hope the moustache w-w-works.",

Unused tile data for Courage wearing the mustache in Episode 2. This tile is meant to replace Courage wearing the wig after you give him the mustache.

            "#text":"Sunglasses cost $10",
            "#text":"You bought a pair of sun-glasses!",
            "#text":"Sorry, we are out of sunglasses.",

This tile is actually only partially unused. The "Sunglasses cost $10" can be seen in-game, but the $10 bill is not present in this episode so you cannot buy them.

            "#text":"This bus is blocking the entrance to the resort!",

This data for the bus tile is leftover from Episode 1.

            "#text":"I wish I had a cute little pet rock that I could hold and hug and love all day long! If you find one I will trade you this very pretty flower! ",
            "#text":"Ooooo! Pet rocky! I love him! Here! You can have this very pretty flower!",
            "#text":"I think I will name my pet-rock Mimsyford! YAAAAY!",

Associated with block.14; leftover from Susie in Episode 2.

            "#text":"This star-fish is sleeping, so you grab him and put him in your back-pack! ",
            "#text":"My REAL passion is gardening.",
            "#text":"I'm watchin' you, buddy! Don't even think about it!",

These three tiles are leftover from the starfish in Episode 2.

            "#text":"DELETE ME!",
            "#text":"DELETE ME!!!",

This tile data was found near the ones for the cars in the parking lot. It is associated with block.110, which is the tan car, but none of the cars in the parking lot show this dialogue since it is impossible to have the object "xxx". The data was clearly meant to be removed before release.

            "#text":"You found the fake moustache in Johnny Bravo's cabin!",
            "#text":"This is Johnny Bravo's cabin.",

Leftover from Courage's quest in Episode 2.


This mysterious tile has dialogue that simply says "w".

y! My wallet is found! Thank you so much, young person. Your reward is a crisp ten-dollar bill. Spend it wisely!", #plrObj: "wallet", #plrAct: ""], [#text: "I'm so relieved to have my wallet back.", #plrObj: "", #plrAct: "gotten"]]]]]

This incomplete tile data is leftover from the Mayor in Episode 2.

            "#text":"TRASH ME!",

This unknown block has dialogue that just says "TRASH ME!". It is associated with block.14, which in this game is a tree. This tile is in the same room as the sign that reads "Cartoon CARTOON Resort Gardens".

      "#text":"At the beginning of each week, go straight to the information booth. There you will find out what is going on at the resort!",
      "#text":"Hey! You want my bubble gum? Here you go!",
      "#text":"I'm bored. I wish I could go swimming!",

This incomplete tile data contains Susie's tutorial dialogue and bubblegum quest from Episode 1.

            "#text":"Where is that stupid Cow?!? Will you help me find her?! Mom and Dad told me not to let her go too far away! Ooooo, She is in big trouble!",

This tile contains Chicken's dialogue from Episode 1.

            "#text":"You bought a bottle of sun-screen!",
            "#text":"Sorry! No more sun-screen today!",

This tile is related to Cow's sunscreen quest from Episode 1.

            "#text":"You found a beach umbrella!",
            "#text":"Sorry! No more umbrellas today!",

This tile of the umbrella shop is from an unused variant of Cow's quest in Episode 1.

            "#text":"You found the bananas!",

This tile is, you guessed it, leftover from an earlier episode. Though the bananas would be helpful in this episode, you instead make use of a banana split.

            "#text":"I found this silly musical instrument in the disco last night! You can have it if you find me a really pretty flower, none of these will do.....",
            "#text":"Oh boy!, Thank you very much for finding me a very pretty flower! Take this silly tambourine away!",
            "#text":"Pretty flower....",
            "#text":"Ewww! That flower is just not pretty at all, get it away from me!",

This variant of Susie who gives you the tambourine is leftover from Episode 2. It is one of the few dialogue trees in the whole series with four unique lines (most have two or three).

            "#text":"Beware of the crabs who live on Crabb Island, they have the mysterious ability instantly knock you back to another part of the resort!",

This is the warning sign for Crabb Island in Episode 2.

            "#text":"AAUGH! Take this octopus out of our house!!!",
            "#text":"Thanks for taking that octopus off our hands! We just won't stand for pets who aren't house-broken! ",

This line is leftover from Episode 2.

            "#text":"YAY! DUCKIES!! Thanks! Hey! What's that shiny, wrenchy-looking thing over there? Oooo, shiny!",

This version of Dee-Dee who you bring to the duck pond is leftover from Episode 1.

            "#text":"I ordered a Big Value Meal at the restaurant, but all I want is the french fries. If you can find me some ketchup, I'll let you have this cheeseburger.",
            "#text":"Thanks for the kethcup! Here, take my cheeseburger, I don't want it.",
            "#text":"Yum! French fries are awesome! Whoopee!",

This variant of Edd that gives you the ketchup is leftover from Episode 2.