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The Sims 2 (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)

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Title Screen

The Sims 2

Developer: Maxis
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platforms: GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in US: October 24, 2005
Released in EU: November 4, 2005

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

To do:
stuff to do:
  • Cover the rest of the Urbz leftovers.
  • Obscured Personality animations in CAS.
  • Golf cart texture oddity.

The Sims 2, now with the ability to control your sim with a joystick, make food recipes, and play in a story mode...in exchange for not having any multi-level houses, using more than four houses in free play, or seeing new generations be born and raised. This is the first Sims console game to not be released in Japan, but the PSP port of the sequel, using the same engine would be localized instead.


Sims2PS2-FIN floor editoggler.png
Developer Options
From options that give unused objects to various normally inaccessible cheats and debug options.
Sims2-Npc bigthumb darius.png
The Urbz Leftovers
City life that was too advanced for Sims.
Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Build Tags

All of these are found in the executable.

Platform Build Version Sandbox Version
GameCube (USA) F.09.12.0 1.mainline_SKU1.0.63
GameCube (EUR) F.09.17.0 1.mainline_SKU2.0.100
PlayStation 2 (USA) F.09.20.0 -
PlayStation 2 (EUR) F.09.20.0 -
Xbox (USA) F.09.12.0 1.mainline_SKU1.0.63
Xbox (EUR) F.09.17.0 1.mainline_SKU2.0.100

Unused Graphics

This logo patched into The Urbz

An early logo, which seems to be the same shape as The Urbz: Sims in The City logo with the working title The Sims 2 Console. When hacked into The Urbz, it aligns perfectly with the logo, including the alpha channel to hide the gradient background.

E3 World Map


A world map, which judging by the filename seems to have been used at E3 2005, only one month before The Urbz 2 was completely reworked. The map contains some interesting differences:

  • Pleasantview, Strangetown and Melbourne aren't mentioned or seen at all.
  • The map design originally had a big city center.
  • The HMS Amore's dock was placed more towards the sea.
  • The Biodome wasn't underwater, and instead was placed on a sort of hill.
  • The Alien Crash Site was on top of a mountain, near the sea rather than in a desert area.
  • The Cliffside Retreat seemed to have overlooked a big city.
  • It seemed the city also had a suburban neighborhood, which is where Rockwell Acres is placed.

Eyetoy Icons

These icons were used during the development as the default Eyetoy icons. In the final game, it generates 5 different icons based on your own Sim. These later would end up returning in The Sims 2: Pets as paintings your Sim can draw in the GameCube version. They have a significantly earlier head style reminiscent of The Urbz.


Since this game was never officially translated and released anywhere in East Asia, it makes all of these font textures go unused.

Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p0.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p1.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p2.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p3.png
font_china_s24_p0 font_china_s24_p1 font_china_s24_p2 font_china_s24_p3
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p4.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p5.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p6.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p7.png
font_china_s24_p4 font_china_s24_p5 font_china_s24_p6 font_china_s24_p7
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p8.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p9.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p10.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p11.png
font_china_s24_p8 font_china_s24_p9 font_china_s24_p10 font_china_s24_p11
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p12.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p13.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p14.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font china s24 p15.png
font_china_s24_p12 font_china_s24_p13 font_china_s24_p14 font_china_s24_p15
Sims2PS2-FIN font japan s24 p0.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font japan s24 p1.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font japan s24 p2.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font japan s24 p3.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font japan s24 p4.png
font_japan_s24_p0 font_japan_s24_p1 font_japan_s24_p2 font_japan_s24_p3 font_japan_s24_p4
Sims2PS2-FIN font japan s24 p5.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font japan s24 p6.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font japan s24 p7.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font japan s24 p8.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font japan s24 p9.png
font_japan_s24_p5 font_japan_s24_p6 font_japan_s24_p7 font_japan_s24_p8 font_japan_s24_p9
Sims2PS2-FIN font korea s24 p0.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font korea s24 p1.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font korea s24 p2.png
font_korea_s24_p0 font_korea_s24_p1 font_korea_s24_p2
Sims2PS2-FIN font korea s24 p3.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font korea s24 p4.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font korea s24 p5.png
font_korea_s24_p3 font_korea_s24_p4 font_korea_s24_p5
Sims2PS2-FIN font korea s24 p6.png


To do:
font_onestroke_script_s24_p0 is also present in Bustin' Out, as a leftover from TS1 Console.

Technically font_systemfont_s12_p0 is used but only visible when certain debugging options are enabled.

Sims2PS2-FIN font onestroke script s24 p0.png
Sims2PS2-FIN font systemfont s12 p0.png
font_onestroke_script_s24_p0 font_systemfont_s12_p0

Unused Files

The BINARIES.ARC container has a few interesting files, such as a placeholder icon.sys file that's linked to saveicon.ico, copyicon.ico and deleteicon.ico, and unused slime#.ico save icons, where # is replaced with numbers 1 - 3. The three icons that the placeholder icon.sys is linked to are the same as the regular save icons you see after making a save.

The icon.sys has a blue gradient that's used by most Sims games on the PlayStation 2, with a placeholder filename that says 〈Game Title Here〉

Icon texture


The unknown/unused slime#.ico files are animated, and were clearly meant to be used as a regular save icon, a copy save icon and a delete save icon. The icon's texture might seem like it's corrupt, but the actual texture has a somewhat vague pattern to it.

slime1.ico slime2.ico slime3.ico
Sims2PS2-slime1ico.gif Sims2PS2-slime2ico.gif Sims2PS2-slime3ico.gif

And lastly, for whatever reason copying the save file is prohibited on all PS2 Sims 2 games, meaning this copy save icon is never seen under normal circumstances.


Team Photo

Everyone is here!

A panoramic photo of the developers that worked on the video game can be viewed by pressing Right, Down, Right, Down and Right on the PlayStation 2 version during the credits on the main menu. They are stored in four different 256x256 graphics, and the displayed image is a recreation of the photo with all of them combined together.

Development Text & Code

All of these are found on the retail GameCube discs.

Download.png Download Logs
File: TheSims2_GameCube-logs.zip (695 KB) (info)


The only thing that differs between the NTSC-U and PAL versions is the timestamp.


//	The Sims
//	Copyright 2005 Electronic Arts Inc. 
//	\file	version.h
//	\brief	??

// This file defines the current build version. Used by the PS2 platform.
// Version string format: majorver, milestone, month, day, build (resets to 1 every day)
// This file is generated by code.

#ifndef VERSION_H
#define VERSION_H

// CM Versioning scheme.  Values do not change in checked in version.
#define BUILD_TIMESTAMP "2005-09-12-0502"
#define BUILD_USER "codebuilder"
#define BUILD_FILEVERSION 1,mainline_SKU1,0,63
#define BUILD_VERSION "1.mainline_SKU1.0.63"

// Sandbox versioning

// Build Versioning
//	first  Milestone letter(D=Development,P=PreAlpha,A=Alpha,B=Beta,F=Final), month, day, version that day
#define	VERS_LIST	'F',9,12,0
#define	VERS_STRING	"F.09.12.0"

	#define	V_LIST			VERS_LIST
	#define	V_LIST			VERS_LIST
	#define	V_LIST			VERS_LIST
		#define	V_LIST			VERS_LIST
		#define	V_LIST			VERS_LIST


#endif	// VERSION_H


//	The Sims
//	Copyright 2005 Electronic Arts Inc. 
//	\file	version.h
//	\brief	??

// This file defines the current build version. Used by the PS2 platform.
// Version string format: majorver, milestone, month, day, build (resets to 1 every day)
// This file is generated by code.

#ifndef VERSION_H
#define VERSION_H

// CM Versioning scheme.  Values do not change in checked in version.
#define BUILD_TIMESTAMP "2005-09-16-1725"
#define BUILD_USER "codebuilder"
#define BUILD_FILEVERSION 1,mainline_SKU2,0,100
#define BUILD_VERSION "1.mainline_SKU2.0.100"

// Sandbox versioning

// Build Versioning
//	first  Milestone letter(D=Development,P=PreAlpha,A=Alpha,B=Beta,F=Final), month, day, version that day
#define	VERS_LIST	'F',9,17,0
#define	VERS_STRING	"F.09.17.0"

	#define	V_LIST			VERS_LIST
	#define	V_LIST			VERS_LIST
	#define	V_LIST			VERS_LIST
		#define	V_LIST			VERS_LIST
		#define	V_LIST			VERS_LIST


#endif	// VERSION_H

Build Dates

[9/12/2005 0:05:53] Building Sims - GameCube...
[9/12/2005 0:05:53] Making QuickDatas...

Initial build date.

[9/12/2005 5:25:18] Building Datasets...
[9/12/2005 5:25:18] Making Datasets...

Finished intital Build Date.

Unused Text






Flooring Error

One of the flooring, Fake Grass Mat, has an incorrect preview texture on PlayStation 2 and doesn't always appear in the Build/Floors section. Whenever it does appear, it reuses the texture from "Pave the Earth", but Xbox and GameCube displays it properly.

PlayStation 2 GameCube & Xbox
Sims2PS2-FIN FakeGrassMat.png Sims2XBOX-FIN FakeGrassMat.png

Plaank Bookcase Variants

For some reason there are two versions of the Plaank Bookcase. The one seen on the left is found pre-placed in Cliffside Retreat, Bio Dome and Andromeda Arms but cannot be bought, and the one on the right is the regular Plaank Bookcase that is purchasable by the player. The glass shelves for both objects are from the bookshelf_expensive model file, the books themselves for the purchasable bookcase are also from bookshelf_expensive, but the books for the "unused" bookcase are from a separate model named bookshelf_glass.

The Official Prima Guide for this game also shows that the early bookcase is supposed to be the same Plaank Bookcase.

Sims2PS2-FIN PlaankBookcase.png

Regional Differences

Loading Text

The loading screen text is slightly more verbose in the PAL release.

Now loading the game, please be patient. NOW LOADING

Platform Differences

To do:
More. Bird of Paradise object having different coloration.

Start Screen

The level of politeness for telling you to press Start is different for each platform. What's also notable is the background gradient being more detailed on Xbox.

GameCube PlayStation 2 Xbox
Press START. No, just press it. Press "the" Start button. It's right in the middle of your controller. Please press the start button if you want to begin.

Language Select

While GameCube relies on the system settings to set the language, PlayStation 2 and Xbox has a language select menu for the PAL release. Xbox happens to have fewer languages, those missing languages being Danish, Finnish and Norwegian.

PlayStation 2 Xbox
Sims2PS2-FIN LangSelect.png Sims2XBOX-FIN LangSelect.png

Xbox Loading Screens

The Xbox version has unique loading screen backgrounds that can be seen. These textures also exist in the PS2 and GameCube versions, however they are 8×8 in size, and even if it's shown in-game there, there's no way it can be seen at that small of a size.

PlayStation 2 & GameCube Xbox PlayStation 2 & GameCube Xbox
Sims2PS2-FIN house load0.png Sims2XBOX-FIN house load0.png Sims2PS2-FIN house load1.png Sims2XBOX-FIN house load1.png
house_load0 house_load1
Sims2PS2-FIN house load2.png Sims2XBOX-FIN house load2.png Sims2PS2-FIN house load3.png Sims2XBOX-FIN house load3.png
house_load2 house_load3
Sims2PS2-FIN house load4.png Sims2XBOX-FIN house load4.png Sims2PS2-FIN house load5.png Sims2XBOX-FIN house load5.png
house_load4 house_load5
Sims2PS2-FIN house load6.png Sims2XBOX-FIN house load6.png Sims2PS2-FIN house load7.png Sims2XBOX-FIN house load7.png
house_load6 house_load7