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The Sims 4

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Title Screen

The Sims 4

Also known as: Les Sims 4 (FR), Die Sims 4 (DE), Los Sims 4 (ES), De Sims 4 (NL)
Developers: Maxis, The Sims Studio
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Released in JP: September 4, 2014
Released in US: September 2, 2014
Released in EU: September 4, 2014
Released in UK: September 5, 2014
Released in AU: September 4, 2014

ObjectIcon.png This game has unused objects.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Spend $40, get newer experience!
This game is receiving new content, by way of Expansion Packs and/or Downloadable Content.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used in the future. If this does happen, please specify as such!
So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
  • Unreleased/Leaked DLC,if possible.
  • Lots and lots of revisional changes.
  • Legacy Edition differences.

The Sims 4 is the fourth mainline entry in the iconic The Sims series, releasing with with simplified gameplay and missing features compared to previous games. It suffered from developmental beginnings as an always-online multiplayer game (like The Sims Online...but not a certain other game in the franchise). It has become infamous since then for its rapidly growing tower of paid DLC that blots out the sun, and may well reach it in the nigh future.

The console version, which is nearly identical to the PC version, came out four years after the initial PC release. The base game was made free-to-play on all platforms on October 18, 2022, with anyone who purchased the game being given a limited window to snatch up an extremely beige DLC for free.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info


Ts4 antipiracy.png

If the game detects that it is pirated (in versions of the game before it was made free-to-play), then after a Sim performs an action that induces the "mosaic censor" effect (showering, using the toilet, etc.), the mosaic will permanently expand to the entire screen, eventually turning the game into a nearly-unplayable pixelated mess.

(Source: Forbes)

Inaccessible Lot Traits

The following traits exist within the game's code with proper descriptions but are inaccessible:

  • Cheap: Rent is cheaper than average for this Apartment.
  • Low Deposit: The deposit for this apartment is suspiciously low...
  • Pricey: Rent is higher than average for this Apartment.

If hacked in, only the Pricey trait has any effect, indefinitely granting a Happy moodlet bonus to Sims called "Only the Finest."

Debug Cheats

Use the cheat console (Press CTRL+SHIFT+C on PC, or hit all four shoulder triggers simultaneously on console) to enter these cheats...

To do:
More documentation
To do:
Check which of these cheats works on console

Smoke Test Cheats

These cheats were used to help the game run by itself without any human intervention, so developers could just leave their machines on overnight and still find bugs while sleeping.

  • households.autopay_bills - Automatically pay bills.
  • ui.dialog.auto_respond - Automatically responds to any dialog boxes with "Cancel". If Cancel is unavailable, it picks something at random.

Soak Cheats

These were used to stress-test the engine during development. Simply put, they summon in random Sims that perform the role of services.

  • soak.enable_soak_handyman_situation - Enable a Handyman
  • soak.create_soak_handyman_situation - Call a Handyman
  • soak.enable_soak_maid_situation - Enable a Maid
  • soak.create_soak_maid_situation - Call a Maid
  • soak.enable_soak_party_situation - Enable a Party
  • soak.create_soak_party_situation - Call a Party

Buy Debug

Enter in bb.showhiddenobjects into the cheat console. Now, enter the word "debug" into the search filter in Build or Buy mode to view and buy all unbuyable objects, ranging from forks to fishing ponds.

Testing Cheats

As with every Sims game since the second, there is a Testing Cheat that enables more advanced debug features. Press CTRL+SHIFT+C and enter testingcheats on to enable these features...

Shift+Click Commands

These commands will appear if you hold SHIFT and click one of the following...

The Ground
  • Teleport Here: Warps your currently-selected Sim direct to that tile. Only works on tiles Sims can move around on, naturally.
A Sim
  • Add to Family: Self-explanatory.
  • Cheat Motive > Disable Need Decay: Stops motives from decaying. Never poop again!
  • Cheat Motive > Enable Need Decay: Resumes motive decay.
  • Cheat Motive > Make Happy: Sets all motives to full and puts the Sim in a happy mood.
  • Modify in CAS: Pulls the Sim into the editor.
An Object
  • Reset Object: Revert the object to its default state.
  • Make Dirty: Self-explanatory.
  • Make Clean: Self-explanatory.

Additional Cheats

These cheats are unlocked by enabling testing cheats:

  • cas.fulleditmode - Enable editing existing Sims using the full, unlocked Create A Sim editor.
To do:
Do the rest!

Revisional Differences

Patch 0-81 Patch 82-present
The Sims 4-title.png The Sims 4-title-2019.png

In 2019, the game (and the Sims franchise as a whole) received a brand refresh, which included a new logo and Plumbob design, among other things. The splash screen and some menus were changed to accommodate this.

To do:
But wait, there's more! This deserves its own page due to the sheer number of changes this game got between 2014 and now. This video will help you edit [1]