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Mega Man 4

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Title Screen

Mega Man 4

Also known as: Rockman 4: Aratanaru Yabou!! (JP, translated as "Rockman 4: A New Ambition!!"), Mega Man IV (US/EU), Rockman 4 (CN)
Developer: Capcom
Publishers: Capcom (JP/US), Nintendo (EU), Ubisoft (CN)
Platforms: NES, Windows
Released in JP: December 6, 1991
Released in US: January 15, 1992
Released in EU: August 10, 1993
Released in CN: 2001 (Rockman 1-6 Collection)

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

Mega Man 4 is the first entry in the series to feature someone other than Dr. Wily as the final boss.

...Oh wait, no, never mind.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Palette Editor

Megaman IV-paletteeditor.png

In all versions, Game Genie code PAEAPEGE activates a palette editor, similar to the one seen in Mega Man 5. Unfortunately, it's currently unknown where this code is actually supposed to be called from.

Unused Corridor

No, we didn't badly crop the image... this time.

In Toad Man's stage, if you use a walk-through-walls code or edit the stage and move to the right side of the room just before the first Escaroo (room $0F, in the stage data), there is a completely empty corridor that's two screens wide (rooms $18 and $19) and has no exits. While a number of games (including this one) house empty screens or screens filled with junk data, they're generally left unlinked in their stage. Given this game's nature of having side-areas and detours, it seems likely that the black corridor was going to be one such side area, but was discarded before release.

(Source: Boundary Break (original find), TCRF (further research))

Unused Object/Sprite Graphics

Drill Man

I am the game's director, and I did, indeed, demand five of this graphic.
This sprite block is a duplicate of a background block, located in the same sprite bank as the switch from Drill Man stage. While the background version of this block is used all over the stage, the sprite version isn't used. Furthermore, there is a variant of the switch which is also unused: the switch that is found in the stage changes a background palette to make some background areas "appear", what the unused variant does is change a sprite palette to the same values as those used by the background version of this block.

In other words, these two things go together: they had meant for a variant of the switch to make this sprite block appear.

Pharaoh Man

"Ducktales" called, it wants its boulder back.

While the sphinx miniboss seen in early pre-release material is nowhere to be found in the final game, remnants of a revised version of the enemy remains within the game's graphic banks. There's a smaller version of the boulder that the miniboss would release, a slightly different sprite for the snake that would adorn its crown, what appears to be a newer version of the projectile the snake would've shot (in prerelease footage, the snake would shoot standard enemy bullets), and a lower jaw piece for the sphinx.

Solve my riddle: What walks on two legs and is about to get his ass kicked?

Ring Man

MegaMan4 UnusedRingEnemySprites.png Found near the graphics for the minibosses are this odd ring. It bears a resemblance to the Ringring enemies that populate the rest of the stage, suggesting that this may be an early version of those enemies.

Dive Man

MegaMan4 UnusedDiveManSprite.png
A sprite exists within Dive Man's graphics for his shoulders. In the final game, Mega Man's bubble graphic is erroneously used in place of this.

MegaMan4 UnusedSeaLionEnemySprites.png
A robot based on a sea lion. Intended for use in Dive Man's stage, it would've tossed the bomb it carried at Mega Man and swim off.

Located near the graphics for the Moby miniboss is this odd canister sprite. Its purpose is unknown.

Skull Man

MegaMan4 UnusedSkullManSprite.png
An alternate, slightly thinner version of Skull Man's buster exists within his graphics.

Cossack Citadel & Wily Castle

MegaMan4 UnusedMothrayaSprites.png
Unused sprites of fire exhaust for the Mothraya boss. It would've been placed under its giant jetpac tanks, explaining why it was able to stay afloat.

She's condemned to artificial tears, in the final.
A sprite exists for Kalinka blinking.

Please be quiet; the Doctor is speaking!
It appears that Dr. Cossack was supposed to have a proper talking animation.

You can talk over this guy, though.
An alternate version of Dr. Wily's trademark eyebrow wiggling taunt, as well as a pointing and talking animation much like with Dr. Cossack. The former sprite ended up being used in Mega Man 5.

Unused Enemies

A bizarre unused telescope or plunger enemy with a flashing light in the middle. Assumedly, it would extend whenever Mega Man got close and its flashing light is its weak spot.

(Source: BMF54123)

A wheeled turret on extended legs. It has a slight resemblance to Tank CSII, a Wily Castle boss from Mega Man 6.

(Source: BMF54123)



The Q, W, X and Z characters in the unique computerized font used during the game's weapon acquisition sequence go unused.


Assorted background tiles that are never loaded. They seem to be labeled "B1".

Regional Differences

Copyright Notice

US EU Legacy Collection
Mega Man 4 (USA) Title.png Mega Man 4 (Europe) Title.png They really should have centered the text when they had the chance.

The original Japanese version begins with the Capcom Presents screen. The US and European versions on the other hand, have the copyright notice show up instead before the Capcom Presents screen. Specifically, it states "Licensed by Nintendo of America Inc." in the US versions, while it's simply "Licensed to Nintendo" in the European version. The version found in Mega Man Legacy Collection uses the same copyright notice as the US version, except the Nintendo licensing text has been removed. The remaining text however, wasn't adjusted to acommodate the change, thus leaving a large blank space.

Title Screen

Japan International
Rockman 4 - Aratanaru Yabou!! (Japan) 001.png Mega Man 4-title.png

As mentioned previously, the copyright was (once again) moved to the beginning of the game's bootup like in the previous two games. Rockman 4's title screen also uses "Game Start" instead of "Press Start".

Cossack Catcher

In the Japanese version, the Cossack Catcher starts moving earlier.

PC Rockman 1-6 Collection

In 2001, an officially-licensed collection of the NES Mega Man games was released in China. The version of Rockman 4 in that collection is in fact based on the North American release, just with some changes.

International China
MM4-Intro1.png RM4CH-Intro1.png

All instances of "MEGAMAN" in the intro were changed to "ROCKMAN". However, the names of both Dr. Light and the New Mega Buster remain unchanged from the North American version. This change also carries over to the cutscene after defeating Dr. Cossack.

International China
Mega Man 4-title.png RM4CH-Title.png

Like with the prior game, the "MEGA" part of the "MEGA MAN" logo was re-drawn to say "ROCK".

Revisional Differences

To do:
This could use a picture.

In the version found in Mega Man Anniversary Collection, which is based on the Japanese Rockman Complete Works version, the way the dialogue is shown has been noticeably changed. It now instantly shows all characters in the text, and there are some minor alterations to the in-game text for the cutscenes. In addition, more text is shown at once.


NES Anniversary Collection
AD 200X 200X AD

Since the NES version of its sequel, Mega Man 5, has 20XX AD instead of AD 20XX as the year shown in the intro, a similar change was made.

NES Anniversary Collection
Rock, having a strong sense of justice, volunteered to be converted into a fighting robot. Thus the super robot MegaMan was born. Rock, having a strong sense of justice volunteered to be converted into a fighting robot. Thus the super robot known as Mega Man was born

A slight text edit. There isn't a period/full stop at the end of the sentence, which the original had, but Mega Man's name is rendered as such with a space between the two words.

Kalinka Rescued

NES Anniversary Collection
My father is not really evil. My father is not really evil

Another lack of a period.