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Photos with Mario

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Title Screen

Photos with Mario

Also known as: Issho ni Photo Super Mario (JP)
Developer: Nintendo EAD
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: April 23, 2013
Released in US: May 18, 2014
Released in EU: November 4, 2015

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Photos with Mario is a free augmented reality camera app for pretending that you're friends with Mario.

Unused Text

The Japanese version contains an incomplete and crude English translation.

© 2013 Nintendo
(Source: Hiccup)

Developer Text

Located in /DebugData are the files BuildInfo.txt and DebugFont.szs.

As you might expect, BuildInfo.txt contains the build dates for each version.

Version Text Notes
date "2013/02/25 Mon 14:39:31"
revision    "1888"
target  "Pilot"
region  "Jp"
host    "EADTKYBLD2"
EADTKYBLD2 highly likely refers to EAD Tokyo, Building 2. Group 2 at Tokyo was known mostly for its work on several mainline Mario games.
date "2014/04/21 Mon 11:22:25"
revision    "2034"
target  "Pilot"
region  "Us"
DEVOOTATATU seems to refer to Tatsuro Ota, a programmer at EAD Tokyo, Group 2.
date	"2015/06/19 金 11:26:10"
revision	"2061"
target	"Develop"
region	"Jp"
EADMIYAMAS seems to refer to Satoshi Miyama, a programmer at EAD Tokyo, Group 2.

DebugFont.szs is a NARC compressed with Yaz0 containing the file DebugMessageFont18.bcfnt.


Internal Project Name

The project's internal name is "Kids", according to the exheader title.

(Source: Original TCRF research)