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Dr. Mario: Vitamin Toss

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Title Screen

Dr. Mario: Vitamin Toss

Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released in US: 2005

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Dr. Mario: Vitamin Toss is a simple mini-game produced by Nintendo in which you throw vitamins into colored bottles in a surprisingly successful attempt at destroying the man sized viruses that are in your hospital.

Unused Graphics

Bizarrely, this game includes two placeholder images containing the words "jet lag" and "jet lag 2". These images appear on top of the screen outside the intended viewpoint during actual gameplay. Exactly why they are in this game is a mystery for the ages. Both of these images are technically animations, but do nothing, only "jet lag" flashes for a short time on frame 1.



They both seem to be placeholder images, and they both do something on some frames.

Jet lag

This runs `resetPill();` on frame 59.

Jet lag 2

This runs `finishGame();` on frame 59.